Playing around

Hey, just shooting it out there. I'm into the whole full body parade balloon style look or full on spherical inflation, as well as usually being the one getting inflated. I like light fillings most of all, but also enjoy some of the 'light-ish' stuff like jell-o/marshmallow fluff. Not full weight gaining but...soft and weighty. Blueberry is also pretty fun. I'm pretty big on sizes, the bigger the better as they say! Clean pops are enjoyed, rather not go for gore stuff...have a few other kinks as well, bondage (though being inflated kinda covers that...) name calling...nothing too spectacular, just odd things here and there. Girls and guys welcome, though it may be a bit rare to see other female players. I usual play over on discord with the id of GamerJamie#2558 It's...yeah, I kind of switched gears on things I do with it.


Left a message! Username is Jackdaw, for reference.

BloompBlimp's picture

Le bump!~


Le interested if you still are with le bump!


Just added you! jacksirwhite:)

Unagi Roll

Just added you! Toast!

Bapneuma's picture

Sure, I'll add you; seems your tastes may be right up my alley. Fideliture#5001

I'll happily interview you there.

Alpha N1 GT-R
Alpha N1 GT-R's picture

Hey, seems like we might have similar tastes! I'm Bassline#3187 over on discord if you'd like to work something out!

I-Am-Betrayal's picture

I'll definitely shoot a friend request if you're still open.

Inflation maniac9625

I shot you a friend request on discord AAron9625


TheDude (not verified)

I am freetomessage if you are

TheDude (not verified)

Sorry typo

The Looney Toon24
The Looney Toon24's picture

I sent a friend request. The Looney Toon#4225