Hi guys,
It's been a while since I roam this forums just watching what happened and following some discussions, but never really got into the community.
Now I'm ready to present to you my contribution to this community in form of animations. Recently a user by the name of Imbapovi started making MMD animations that involved inflation, and he just kept getting better at it.
I wanted to do the same but let's just say that my creation doesn't reach his level of overall quality at all, but hey, it's the first attempt :)
This is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLTMAhwpsHM
I'm open for suggestion and critiques on the overall product. And if you never did, go watch his videos: https://twitter.com/mmd_imbapovi if you are into this kind of animations, you will find the best on the market! ;)
Thank you for your attention,