Does this fetish come and go for anyone else?

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That-oneweirdguy24's picture
Does this fetish come and go for anyone else?

Like the title says, I'm curious if anyone else's interest in this fetish goes through high and low phases, where they may lose interest in it for a while before coming back to it. Personally, I spent a lot of time with this fetish in my late high school/early college years (especially blueberries), but after a while, I realized that it wasn't doing much for me (especially compared to my fat fetish). It's only now, two years after graduating college, that I'm starting to get reacquainted with this fetish.

Buttocks and Bellies and Breasts, oh my!


For sure.  Though I'd say "growth" for me seems eternal.  But I go through phases with the sub-genres.  These things lay about in the subconcious I think.  A very simple trigger, can awaken or reawaken an interest in the most unexpected ways.  Just a sound, a work spoken a certain way, an flash of an image, an old memory, etc.  Enjoy it as it happens.


It comes and goes.

I haven't been very active on this site for years, in fact sometimes I forget that it even exists, but every so often I'll come back out of curiosity, and it's usually when I feel like my fetish is at that "peak" again.

Most of the time though, outside of this site, I'll be thinking of inflation one way or another, it's still my number 1 fetish and (I know this is considered taboo on this site now) occasionally inflate myself, but sometimes I'm just not interested.

I wouldn't say that I lose interest for years or anything, it's more of a daily thing that can change very quickly.


Oh heck, no. It's been with me, in my head, since before the Internet existed. Not going away, and I don't want it too! 

PumpyMcPump's picture

i guess its more than a fetish, it take a huge place in my life. I cant wait to get home to inflate after a work day.


I go through phases of what types of inflation I want to enjoy. I wouldn't say I've ever lost complete interest however.