"Bubble, bubble."

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"Bubble, bubble."

A wonderful surprise in an amazing show.  This might be one of my favorite expansion scenes ever which is all the more impressive as there's no actual expansion, just great acting.  The moment begins at 1:40:



Adorable acting and look at the comments! People rhyme it, and play it in their mind. For me it's how inflation is received in general


Someone should do a drawing of her inflating as her mom says it 


I tired making something out of the footage to create a sort of short film:


Let me know what you think.


I must say, it's surprising how well the charm of Charlie Chaplin's cinema marries with the era of one-two hundred years before that. Certainly something to dig in

Walz of flowers and inflation is a perfect combination ^_^

wynonna's picture

Is it my imagination, or is her belly getting bigger in each scene?


She's leaning back as it goes and therefore pushing it further into prominence.  But the acting sells the expansion.