I'm interested too!!
Group roleplay (discord is a must)
I'm looking to create a discord group to have some kinky inflation fun with both male and females, im only expecting people who are bisexual so we can all have a inflation party/kinky fun~ let me know if your interested and let me know so I can add you to the group, also we can discuss everything about inflation, limits, etc, ps must be 18+ to join
Hey, I might be interested in this.
Sounds like it could be fun, I'm interested!
Sounds fun! I'm interested.
Hey I'm interested if I get to be popped in it
my discord is lostsoul2k2013#2662 if you or anyone else would like to add me
My discord is Puffkiss_king#9534, let me know you added me from here!
I'm interested, I added you, I cannot promise I will have time, but it'll be nice to get some new friends.
Define "group roleplay"?
I'm intrigued, though in my experience that sort of thing can quickly devolve into chaos if one isn't careful. XD
I'm in
Hi I am, just message me so we can plan this out further