
Date Written: 


I woke up surrounded by a group of incredibly huge-breasted women. Immediately I thought, "Uh-oh.... not again."

"He's awake!" said one in the front, a dark-haired beauty. The light dress she wore was tattered and torn, and she had obviously made some attempt to piece it back together. I sat up, and they all took a step back. The other women were similarly attired, in a variety of fashions. Some were in rugged camping clothes, others in city wear. There seemed to be fashions from all over the world.

"Where am I?" I asked.

A redhead beside the brunette spoke. "We think this is the mothership. At least, that's what we've been able to tell so far." She was dressed in a t-shirt and jeans, both torn and carefully re-assembled.

"How long have I...."

The brunette answered. "About an hour, we think. It's hard to tell time because they took our watches."

"Wait a minute... did you say, 'mothership'?!?!" I jumped up and looked around. "Mothership" seemed to fit. It was a large, silvery room with illumination that seemed to come from nowhere. Around three walls of the room a low ledge jutted out that served as a sort of bench. Twenty or thirty women were seated on the bench in small groups, talking quietly to one another.

I found myself short of breath. "Is this... this... a....?"

The redhead looked at me and nodded solemnly.

"Aw, jeeze," I said. "But how...?"

The brunette spoke. "Don't worry. You have temporary amnesia. We all had it. But it will come back to you."

And suddenly it did. Driving on the country road... the bright lights overhead... my watch stopping... jumping out of the car because I am an idiot... then the bright shaft of light. And here I was.

It occurred to me that I was the only male in the room. "Um..." I asked, "Is there some sort of weird trans- gender thing going on here?"

The two women just gave me a puzzled look.

Suddenly a door appeared on the one wall that didn't have the bench. One moment there was no door, and the next an outline appeared, and the door opened. A shaft of blinding light poured in. All the women scrambled away from the door to the other side of the room.

A small figure appeared in the doorway. Indistinct at first, it came sharply into focus as it came into the room. Gray skin, a huge head, a tiny little atrophied body. It's black eyes were strangely almond shaped. In its hand was a strange blue rod.

I faced the figure. Then, unsure what to do, I raised my hand in the traditional Native American "How" gesture. I think I mentioned earlier that I am an idiot. I said, "Um...."

The figure pointed its empty hand at me. "You are the happy guy!"

I said, "Well..."

Just then the brunette stepped forward. "You leave him alone! You let us go, you fiend!"

It turned to her, and pointed the blue rod at her. Instantly, her hands shot to her breasts. She gasped loudly. Many of the women in the room buried their faces in their hands. Many strained even farther into the back corners of the room.

Clearly something was happening with the brunette's front. Her breasts, which were a handful each before, had become more than a handful. There was a pop as the makeshift stitching of her dress broke open.

It turned to me and spoke again, with a squeaky but oddly menacing voice. "You will come with me." I must have jutted my chin out defiantly, because it quickly added, "...or there will be consequences!" Then it turned and walked out into the blinding light.

I followed it, and turned to the rapidly swelling figure still in the room. "Don't worry," I said. "I'll see what I can do." Then I, too, stepped out into the brilliant light.

The alien was outside, waiting for me. There was what looked like a large spotlight pointed at the door. The alien gestured, and the door quickly receded and vanished. The rest of the room was fairly drab. It was a light cream color, with some scuffs here and there around the walls. The alien made a gesture and the light went off. Then he slid open a panel, and stepped out of the room.

"Hey," I said. "Where do you go to the bathroom around here?"

The alien turned and shot me a frown. "There will be time for questions later. Now you must come with me."

I stepped out of the room and gasped. We were standing at what seemed the core of a huge space city. There was a broad ledge, then just empty air. The core must have been a quarter of a mile across. Around this core were hundreds of doors and windows, piled on top of each other. How high it went, I don't know. Nor could I see the bottom.

My guide said, "Come on." He grabbed my arm and pushed me toward the edge. I screamed in panic.

"Careful!" I said. "I almost fell!"

It grimaced, then stepped out over the edge. At once, a machine on the other side of the core shot a blue light which grabbed the alien and held it suspended in the air. "Let's go. Hurry. Or there will be consequences."

I summoned my courage, and stepped over the edge. Again a machine shot a blue beam, and I found myself floating in the air. But not for long. The alien said, "Command center," and we were both shot up toward the top of the core at about a hundred miles an hour.



The beam shot us through a hole in the very top of the core, and I landed rather ungently on the floor. I quickly crawled away from the hole we came through, and lay face-down on the metal floor, trying to clutch the ground with all my might.

I heard the soft pat of my guide's feet as he left the room. Moments later, I heard the pat of many more feet.

"Happy guy," came a new, squeaky, menacing voice. I looked up.

Towering over me was a new gray figure of an alien. I gasped, and leaped to my feet. Where I found out that he had only been towering because I was cowering on the floor; he was, in fact, about four feet tall. There were five other aliens crowed around him. The only way I could distinguish him was because he was wearing a very strange hat. I could not tell if one of the others was my earlier guide, or if he was even here at all.

I said cautiously, "Yeah, I'm the happyguy."

The leader nodded, and walked around me. The room I was in now was amazing. One side of the room was raised on a sort of pedestal, and the walls behind it glowed a brilliant blue. The ceiling towered over us, perhaps twenty feet above, but it was hard to tell because it seemed to vanish in a sort of vague brightness. Briefly I wondered why such short aliens needed such high ceilings. In the center of the huge room was a large glass observation bubble, through which I could see all the way down the core of the city, with little aliens below being zapped around on beams of blue light. Off to one side there was what looked like a low stage, and it was illuminated with a strange variety of colored lights. Next to that was a large stand that looked remarkably like a large, well-stocked bar.

The leader walked to the pedestal, and stood in the back, near the center. In a moment, a chair rose from the ground and he sat in it. The aliens with him took places to either side, and chairs also rose from the ground for them to sit in.

I faced them boldly. "Look," I said. "I'm not into that trans-gender stuff." The aliens just looked at me blankly. "Not that I have anything against those who are," I added. "It's just sort of a cup of tea thing, if you know what I mean." Again I just got a blank look.

A small tittering laugh came from one of the aliens on the side, and the leader turned sharply and shushed him. Then he spoke.

"Happyguy, we have brought you here because you are a writer of fine stories. Your talent is legendary throughout the galaxy. Billions upon billions of beings of all shapes await your next words with unbearable anticipation. Many worlds regard your work as religious texts. Entire planets have gone to war based on the principles contained in your stories. This is why we have brought you here. Now you will tell us a story." He raised his head authoritatively, clearly waiting for me to begin.

I blinked. "Well, sometimes I write about the things I've experienced, and I appreciate the compliment, but...." I folded my arms defiantly. "But I am not going to tell you anything until you free those women you have captive!"

All six aliens wiggled their fingers in a strange gesture. Again, the alien on one side tittered a laugh, and the leader raised a hand to silence him.

"Very well! You have spoken. Now you will face the consequences of the stand you have taken!" He barked a command, and all the aliens turned to the low stage on the side of the room.

One of the captives from below appeared there in a beam of blue light. She was blond, and raised her head and looked around groggily.

"Make her naked!" commanded the leader.

Again the blue light flashed, and the woman's already tattered clothing burst away from her. She stood, naked, and looked around the room fearfully. Yow, I thought. She is a real looker. In particular, she had those hips shaped the way I really like.

The leader turned back to me. "Now you will tell us a story!"

I kept my arms folded, but was a little less certain now. "You're not going to torture her are you?"

"What happens is your responsibility. Tell us a story now."

I folded my arms and raised my chin defiantly.

"Very well!" the leader barked. "We will start with the breasts!"

The woman gasped, and looked down at her breasts. They were swelling rapidly. With some guilt, I noticed they were particularly well-shaped breasts, and the growing was only helping their shape. Then I thought, I shouldn't be thinking that way about this poor woman. Maybe I should just give in... it's just a stupid story they want after all. But then I thought, no, I'd better not throw away my one bargaining chip. Just about that time, the woman's breasts swelled out to where they were larger than her head, the light aerolae spreading gently. With two pops, the nipples popped out and stood erect.

"Look," I said. "I am not giving in."

The leader wiggled his fingers. "You have spoken!" He turned to the stage. "Bigger!"

The woman moaned with pleasure as both of the growing orbs of her breasts swelled even faster. She reached around and pinched the nipples. Quickly they filled the space left inside her arms. She began to have trouble holding them up from their weight, and gently lowered them to the floor. When they touched the warm metal of the stage floor, she moaned loudly. She put her weight forward, and leaned on them, like two large bean-bag chairs.

"I will never cooperate with you!" I cried, watching the woman carefully. To make sure she was all right, of course.

The leader laughed harshly. "Very well! It has come to this then..." He reared back. "Orgasm!"

The woman on the stage moaned loudly, and her legs began twitching. She began rubbing her nipples with her palms furiously, though she could barely reach them now. After a few moments, the leader cried out, "Again!" and she screamed with ecstasy. One hand reached up and she clutched her hair with it as her body shook with the pleasure that was coursing through her.

The leader turned back to me. "We could do this all day! Give up!"

"All right! I'll do it!" I cried. Watching the poor woman on the stage twitch and jump with sexual pleasure was too much for me. I would cave in to the outrageous demands of these aliens... for now. "Um... give me a minute."

All the aliens leaned forward, their fingers wiggling frantically.

"Well..." I said. But nothing came. I suddenly wished the leader hadn't played me up so much. Religious texts? Jeeze, how was I going to live up to that. "Say, I'm kind of drawing a blank right now. Maybe I could think about it and get back to you in a day or two?"

The leader barked, "Stop stalling!" Then he turned to the woman who was still moaning quietly on the stage. "Butt!" Instantly her two round butt cheeks became even more round. She pulled her legs up under her as her butt swelled behind her.

"OK OK OK!" I cried. "Something is coming to me!"



OK so there were these, well, two women and they were friends. What? Oh, their names were Debbie and Cindy. Debbie had soft, brown hair, and Cindy was a strawberry blond. They had just graduated from high school, and it was their first summer as "adults."

So they decided they were going to make a vow to lose their virginity that summer. What? Sure, there are still a few virgins left in high school. Really. Well, these two were shy. And, as it turned out, they both had really flat chests. They were incredibly good-looking, mind you, it's just that they didn't have much going on up top.

After talking about it some, they decided that what they really needed to fulfill their vow was to get bigger bustlines.

So they went to the library to do some research. What? Well, some people still go to the library. Anyway, this is my story, so you'll just have to ride it out. Anyway, they went to the library, but didn't know where to start. I mean, what do you do, look up, "Bigger boobs" in the card catalog? What? You've done that? It doesn't work real well, does it. No, I didn't think so.

So then they noticed a strange librarian they'd never seen before. She was dressed fairly typically for a librarian, except there was something about her. Behind the horn-rim glasses, there was a hint of mischief about her eyes. Plus she was outrageously stacked. The conservative white blouse she wore barely held her in. So nudging each other along, they walked up to the strange librarian.

"Uh, miss?" said Debbie. "We're looking for a special book."

The librarian regarded them with what may have been amusement. "Oh. I see. What kind of book?"

Cindy spoke, "Well, you see, we're doing research on how to... you know... get bigger."

"Ah," said the librarian. "Bigger in general, or in some particular way?"

"In the boobs," blurted Debbie. "I mean, we want larger breasts."

The librarian smiled mysteriously. "I see. Well, I think I have just the thing you want. Come with me."

The three walked back into the stacks. Rows upon rows of books surrounded them. Shelved upon shelves of books waiting in the still, dusty air. What? Yes I know you know what a library's stacks look like... I was just adding a little description. Please be patient. Jeeze. So they walked deep into the stacks. Finally they came to a section that was fenced off with a wire mesh, and secured with what must have been an ancient padlock. It was one of those strange padlocks that look like they came from mideval times.

The librarian said, "I don't know why they keep this here, it hasn't worked in ages." She popped open the padlock easily, and opened the door to the fenced off section. The three went inside.

"These books are about magic!" exclaimed Debbie.

"And witchcraft!"

What? Yes there will be some inflation pretty soon. You don't want a rapid pregnancy thrown it? Oh... you DO want a rapid pregnancy thrown in. Well, some people don't like that sort of thing. OK, well, you're right, they can just skip over that part. Now please stop interrupting me if you want to get to the good part.

"Wow!" said Debbie, pulling out a book. "This one must be a hundred years old!"

"How do you pronounce this?" asked Cindy, holding up another book. "Necr... Necrocom.... Necronomi...."

"Over here, girls," said the librarian. "This is the one you want. I don't know why they keep this one here, with all this nonsense and superstition. This is a book about unexplained phenomena that actually work. Practices that are in the unexplained realm of nature."

Debbie thumbed through the book. "There's a whole chapter here about bigger breasts!"

Cindy looked over her shoulder. "Let's skip that one," she said. "Those are way TOO big."

The librarian took the book and opened to a particular page. "This is the one you're looking for. I think it will do quite nicely. And it's all-natural."

Debbie said, "It says here this has to be done under the light of the full moon. And we have to be naked." She looked at Cindy and they both giggled.

The librarian beamed. "Full moon? Why what a coincidence! Tonight is the night of the full moon!"

The three met about an hour before midnight outside the city, in a park that people rarely visited. During the day there would be some picnics, but after dark it was too far from the city for anyone to visit. So the three went and climbed to the top of a small grassy hill in the back of the park. Between them, they hauled a large ice chest that contained all the ingredients they had assembled that afternoon.

"Why do we have to chant?" asked Cindy. "I thought this is all natural."

"It is," said the librarian. "The chanting is there because of what it does to you, not because it summons a demon or something. You have to get into the right state of mind."

The full moon blasted light down one them, and they could see easlity. The three stripped of all their clothes, and put them off to one side in neat piles.

Debbie giggled. "I can see why we need this, but I don't see why you do."

The librarian glanced down at her ample bosom, almost shining in the moonlight, and smiled. "Oh. I am just going to help. But I don't want you to feel self-concious. If you are going to be naked, then so am I. OK. Here we go. First, rub this ointment on your breasts, and begin chanting."

The girls started the chant. They had rehearsed it earlier in the day, but here, naked and under the moonlight, it seemed to have a special power.

"Now have a seat and I will help you with the next part. Cindy, you first." The librarian extracted some small cakes made from exotic herbs from the ice chest. Cindy sat on the grass and closed her eyes. Debbie contiuned chanting while Cindy opened her mouth, and took one of the small cakes that the librarian fed to her. When she was done, the librarian fed one to Debbie while Cindy chanted.

The librarian then said a little prayer to nature, then fed each of the girls another cake. She then fed them a third and Cindy wispered, "Three? Isn't that too much?"

"No," said the librarian, "I like lots to eat when I wake up." This answer made some sense, so Cindy din't press the point.

"I think it is working!" said Debbie. And sure enough, in the pale moonlight, her once-flat breasts were beginning to show some curve. Cindy looked at hers, too, and could see the buldging that hadn't been there before.

"Here, dear, brush them lightly with this," said the librarian, and she pulled a strange leaft branch from the ice chest. Debbie took it and rubbed it over her swelling breasts. It must have felt good, because she bit her lower lip gently, and a moan rumbled in her throat.

The librarian, on all fours, went to where Cindy was sitting, leaning back on her elbows. "And how about you, dear? How are you doing."

"Fine," murmurred Cindy.

When the librarian put her hand on Cindy's tummy, the girl didn't seem to mind. "You have such nice, wide hips," said the librarian. "You will carry me quite easily." Cindy moaned slightly, seemingly lost in a trance. The librarian moved around between Cindy's knees, both hands moving now on the girl's thighs and hips. Then she reached down and Cindy gave a shuddering moan. "Oh!" said the librarian. "Ah, you are a virgin, aren't you? Here, let's fix that."

Debbie moaned loudly, and something was nibbling at her mind. She continued to rub the branch over her breasts, and they were now big enough that they were beginning to bell out under their own weight. The nipples had also thickened. What was it about the book. She didn't want to think too hard, though, because the gentle brushing action of the leaves was just too pleasurable.

Now the librarian had moved her head down between Cindy's thighs, and was moving in slow circles toward the patch of fur between her legs. Sweat stood out on Cindy's forehead, and she looked flush. Still her eyes were closed, though, and she continued chanting softly, though her breathing was becoming more ragged.

Finally the librarian reached her clit with her tounge, and Cindy threw her head back. Her chest heaved, and in the gentle moonlight, the two pale domes of her breasts stood out and seemed to shine. On the other side of the clearing, Debbie's breasts were even larger still, and the leaves of the branch no longer covered them as they brushed over and back.

Cindy grunted with ecstacy as the librarian worked her clit. She raised to a sexual plateau, and hovered there. Then the librarian said, "Now stay there for a moment, this next part is the best." She pulled away from Cindy, and turned around, sitting facing the girl. She extended both her feet forward until they were rubbing the inside of Cindy's thighs. Cindy lay back on the grass and grunted with pleasure.

It happened fast, from the moment that the librarian's toe first hit Cindy's pussy. Debbie saw the librarian fold her arms loosely across her chest, then her whole body seemed to soften. Cindy gritted her teeth, and threw her knees wide. She arched her back, and just seemed to suck the librarian inside.

The librarian slid quickly across the grass, between Cindy's legs, and then she just vanished into the patch of fur there.

Debbie dropped the leafy branch. Cindy sat up abruptly, one hand on her tummy.

"What the hell...?" asked Debbie.

"Where did she go?" asked Cindy.

Debbie shook her head. "It's some stupid illusion... I thought I saw... but that's crazy. No way. No way."

Cindy looked around. "You think she snuck off down the hill?"

Debbie laughed. "Well, I sure hope so. Jeeze, we must be the biggest dopes. How stupid are we?" Then glancing down, she said, "Well, at least this part worked." She brought her hands up and cupped the soft globes of her breasts in them.

"You're bigger than I am," Cindy said, laughing, as she wiped some of the sweat from her face.

"Yeah! Maybe too big. But we'll definately get attention now. Maybe draw a crowd."

Cindy glanced at her watch. "Oops, almost one a.m.! We'd better pack up and head home."

Debbie pulled her pants on and looked at her top. "I guess I thought this wan't going to work. I never thought about what we'd wear home."

Cindy finished buttoning up her dress. She laughed. "Served you right. You were having too much fun with that branch. At least I still fit in my dress.... barely."

"Yeah, well, you have a spot," said Debbie.

Cindy looked down. She did. There were actually two spots on her dress, one over each nipple. "Oh, no," she said. "Is that what I think it is?" She reached inside her dress, and her fingers came back wet. "Yep."

"Oh!" cried Debbie. She still hadn't put her top on, and now two large drops of milk were making their way from her nipples to her stomach.

"Ugh!" cried Cindy. She reached down and placed both hands on her tummy.

"Oh no! I just remembered! ...that picture that was 'too big' in the book?"

Cindy grunted, clutching her midsection.

"The only difference in it was that the woman in the picture was holding some sort of branch!"

Cindy grunted again. "Oh no!" she cried. She looked down. Her tummy was growing, pushing apart the buttons on her dress. Soon they were straining to hold her in.

She put her hands under the growing bulk of her belly, and started waddling toward the car. But the growth was happening too fast, so halfway down the hill she sat down hard and lay on her back. Her belly swelled forth, and broke free.

One by one, her buttons gave up, and flew off into the night. Cindy grew huge. She grew impossibly huge, with both hands pressed against the sides of her enormous belly.

Meanwhile, Debbie's nipples squirted a spray of milk, and began swelling again.

They were becoming rounder and heavier by the moment. She cupped them, and pinched the nipples. Maybe she could hold them shut. Maybe they would stop leaking. But that was a bad strategy, and instantly she felt the pressure build, and they swelled up greatly.

Debbie let go, and a spray of milk erupted from each nipple. Now the right one was getting bigger than the left, so she tried a different strategy. She started tugging and milking the right nipple, hoping to let the milk out and release the pressure. It helped a little, but now the left one was larger than the right. She turned her attention on it. But it was no use; they were swelling too fast, so finally she just flopped forward and waited for it to stop.

Every five seconds or so, one the huge, swollen globes of her breasts would shoot forth a stream of white milk, then grow quiet. A few seconds later the next one would erupt.

The end.


"Wow," said the leader, wiggling his fingers. "That was a good one. Lots of plot-building in that one, though."

The aliens around him all nodded in agreement, wiggling their fingers.

"So the next day," I started.

The leader held up a hand. "That is enough for now. You are to go back to your room, eat and sleep, because tomorrow we will expect you to have a new story.

I gulped. "That's kind of soon. I don't know if...."

"Oh, you will," said the leader, glancing at the blonde who had dozed off on the stage, resting on the huge pillow that her breasts formed. "Or there will be consequences."

So that became the routine of my life. It was actually quite comfortable, if you don't mind all your food being different varieties of gray biscuits covered with a tasteless gray gravy. But that wasn't so different from my usual diet on earth.

There were some strange technical marvels, like a little machine that made kind of a "blonk" noise, and spit out pieces of gold. I asked one of the aliens what it was for, but he didn't know. As far as he know, it made noises and spit out pieces of gold. But where do you spend gold on a ship like that?

Zapping around through the core was fun. At first it was unnerving stepping out into thin air. But after a while I came to trust that the blue bean would grab me, and it just got to be commonplace.

The aliens turned out to be incredibly bad at betting. I had the computer make a pair of dice for me, and I taught some of them craps. But they quickly lost interest. Besides, there was nothing to bet. There was no money on the ship, and if you needed something, you just told the computer and it would build it from the molecular level up.

I never did figure out alien society. At one point I asked the leader how he was chosen to be leader. He just remarked, I felt cryptically, "I am the one who wears the hat!"

"Ha!" I said. "I'll bet this fits me!" I plucked the strange-looking hat from his head and put it on mine. Around me, with sharp intakes of breath, all the aliens froze. My head was way too small, though, and the hat flopped forward and covered my eyes. The aliens stared at me blankly, like statues, as if waiting to see what would happen next. The leader was looking at me with a panicked look.

"Aw, here's your silly hat. It doesn't fit me." I took the hat off and plunked it back on his head. He breathed a loud sigh or relief.

After a while, coming up with new stories wasn't so hard. I actually started to look forward to that part of my day.



There was a beautiful research assistant working for a brilliant researcher. Her name was Debbie, and she was a sandy blonde. Everyone else at the research facility treated her like a goddess, which made her extremely uncomfortable. She deliberately dressed down, because she wanted to fit in for her research abilities, and not her looks.

She was working for the elderly Dr. McConkle, a brilliant nobel-prize winner who had practically redefined the area of quantum chronalics. And no one else in the facility knew it, but they they were currently on the verge of redefining the way we understood, and used, time itself.

"Well, Debbie, ready for another test run?" asked the doctor.

Debbie nodded, pushing the glasses up on her nose. Even though she had 20/20 vision, she thought the glasses helped to make her look more ordinary. One of the reasons she loved the doctor, as a daughter might, was that he was one of the only men in the facility who didn't gawk at her. And he truly appreciated the insights she had provided to the project.

"All right, then! Let's give it a whirl!"

Debbie punched in the access code on the control panel, and entered minus 90 on the keypad. The goal of their research was temporal regression... to actually push objects into an earlier state in time at the quantum level. So far they'd had minor luck, actually moving objects back to a quantum state a few days earlier. But it was extremely hit or miss, and after going back, the objects could only go forward again at the normal speed of time.

"Go!" said Dr. McConckle.

Debbie pushed the activate button, and then they both leaned forward to watch the small sample of radioactive isotope on the stage in front of them. Although they both knew there would be no visible, they both leaned forward and watched intently anyway.

"Debbie, get me that field resistance monitor," the doctor said. "I want to get some readings around the back.

Debbie stepped back, just as she heard the doctor gasp. She wheeled, and saw him holding his arm out, his face contorted with agony.

"I went too close," he said through gritted teeth. "The field has me!"

Debbie gulped.

"I'm going all the way in," said the doctor. "The temporal difference is killing me." He took a few halting steps, and got up on the stage.

Debbie stepped to the control panel. The reading of "-90" had changed to "- 85". On the stage, changes in the doctor were becoming apparant. His fine gray hair, became thicker, and then white. Then it started to become shot through with black. His posture straightened, and his shoulders became broader. The reading had gone all the way to "-60" by now.

Debbie tried to stop the machine, but it was no use. It was on a program, and stopping it could damage the machine severely. She glanced up and saw the doctor as a handsome 30-year-old man on the stage. The reading on the machine was "-50".

It didn't take a nobel prize winner to realize the machine had 50 years to go, and the doctor only had 30 years left. Debbie gulped loudly.

The effect was happening faster now, and the doctor quickly became younger and younger. He shrunk, his lab clothes growing loose on him.

Debbie thought frantically. What happened if he regressed past 0? Would he just disappear altogether? She thought franctiaclly. Well, she thought, if she couldn't stop the program, maybe she could alter it. She turned to the monitor and began hacking into the program.

Now the doctor was a small toddler swimming in his former clothes. He continued to shrink, and Debbie watched with panic as the reading hit zero.

Her fingers flew on the keyboard, and, miraculously, the reading stopped at "0.05". She leaned back and breathed a huge sigh of relief.

Looking up on the stage, however, she began to panic. There was no sign of the doctor. He had vanished. Debbie thought, "Oh, no! I was too late!" Then she noticed a strange red glow hovering about a foot above the stage. It was all that was left of the doctor.

The monitor beeped, and an alert displayed, "Warning, subject matter unstable."

Debbie thought furiously. There has to be a way to reverse the effect. Franctically, she began typing on the keyboard. A few minutes later, she looked up. The red glow had become a little red cloud. Little bolts of lightning shot through it. "Well here goes," Debbie said. She set the reading to "30" and hit the engage button.

The reading began counting down, 29... 28... 27... but nothing was happening. Except that the little red cloud was building in intensity, roiling and churning furiously. Debbie shook her firsts in frustration. When the reading went back to 0, she jumped up on stage. She didn't know what she was going to do, she just knew she had to do something.

The little red cloud leaped at her, and zapped her belly. She gasped loudly, but when it looked, the cloud was gone. Her hands went to her belly, and she thought, oh, no, is the doctor gone now? Or is he....

Her belly began to bulge under the fabric of her labcoat.

Frantically, she jumped down and ran back to the console as she began to swell. The reading should have advanced the doctor a full 30 years... she wasn't sure if she would give birth, or if he would just grow that big inside her. She didn't like either option.

Her belly was swelling faster now, and burst the waist of her slacks, and forced her blouse open. She typed frantically, and actually had to step back to make room for her ever expanding belly.

She got to about the size of full-term, and there was no sign of slowing. So she must not be on the birth track.

Finally she was done. Her sides were stretching now, her belly becoming a huge globe in front of her. She entered "-30" on the console, then hit engage. She waddled slowly toward the stage. She heaved her huge belly, which was still growing, up on it.

The field took effect, and her belly slowly shrank. Soon it flattened, and the machine turned off. She rubbed her hand over the smooth skin that had been so ballooned out a moment before.

"Well, doctor," she said. "I guess I will see you in nine months."

But that's not the end of the story. Because although her belly was nice and flat, the rest of her body was still adjusting to the demands of carrying a full-grown man in her uterus. In particular, her already rounded breasts began to feel full.

"Ohhhhhhh!" She moaned. Her breasts were swelling now, the bra biting into them and cutting into her back. She reached under her shirt and unclasped the bra. Both her breasts surged out beneath it. Wet spots appeared on her blouse and began to spread. The nipples hardened, and darkened.

Her breasts began to pulse slightly, trying to produce enough milk to feed a man. And Dr. McCorkle was famous for his large appetite. So her breasts continued to surge and grow, becoming heavier and rounder by the second.

She leaned forward, unable to hold the weight of her milk-filled breasts. They rested on the stage like two giant milk filled water balloons. She reached for the console, thinking that maybe she could change the program, take her breasts back in time, get them to shrink back to a more reasonable size. But she couldn't reach the keyboard, and the enormous mounds of her breasts were too heavy for her to lift.

The end.


"Ah!" said the leader, wriggling his fingers vigorously. "This is a most sublime story!" The ten or so aliens in attendance nodded in agreement. "But I have a criticism!"

"A criticism?" This was new.

"Yes. In other stories, the author sometimes compares the size of the breasts to fruit. In your story you did not. Perhaps this is a weakness in the story?"

"Watermelons," I said. "They were as big as watermelons."

All eleven aliens said, "Ah! Watermelons!" They all wiggled their fingers in delight.

The leader said, "But wait! There is one other question! Are watermelon-sized beasts, filled with milk, heavy enough to immobilize a woman?" He turned to the head of experimentation. "Well?"

"I will fashion an experiment!" said the head of experimentation. He jumped up and left the room. All the remaining aliens stayed, wiggling their fingers, lost in thought.

The alien experimentation was probably the strangest part of my stay. They had all kinds of tests. Inflation rays, inflation pellets, inflation chemicals, inflation vibrations, inflation whoopee cushions, inflation spells -- yes, I said spells. The aliens had all the angles figured out.

I asked for a tour of the experiments, and one of the aliens agreed.

The alien led me to an experimental chamber. A woman lay on her back on a raised pedestal. The alien pointed. "In this room, the inflating tube comes down from the ceiling. Watch." Indeed, a tube came from a hole in the ceiling, and lowered to the woman's belly button. Slowly, her tummy began to swell. It lifted up and rounded out. Soon it rose above the woman like a large fleshy dome.

"And in this room," continued the alien, "the inflating tube comes across from the wall." A woman was bound, standing, in the center of the room. A tube emerged from one of the walls, and extended until it touched her belly button. Her belly began to swell. It got rounder and larger, until it was like a large fleshy globe in front of her.

"So what is the point of that experiment?" I asked.

The alien looked at me blankly. "I thought it was pretty clear," it said. "In the one room, the tube comes from the ceiling, and...."

"...in the other it comes from the wall. Aha. Gotcha." I said. "Are there only guy aliens on this ship?"

"Why, yes. The women stay home to care for the breeding pods. Why do you ask?'

"Just a hunch," I muttered.

The inflation whoopee cushion was the one that really impressed me. A nice table was laid out with all kinds of delicious Earth foods, and a beautiful candelabra in the middle. A door opened, and a gorgeous blond came in. She was really stunning. Shee looked at the food, glanced around at the room, then moved around to a chair at the end of the table.

"That's the chair with the whoopee cushion," said the alien. "The other chair doesn't have one." He said it matter of fact, as if that piece of information made the experiment scientifically valid.

The woman nibbled at a few of the dishes, and then smoothed her skirt and sat. Instantly a loud raspberry sounded in the room.

Startled, the woman jumped up. She leaned over and picked up the now deflated whoopee cusion from the seat. Her other had rubbed her butt absently. It started to swell. She gasped and started wandering around the room distractedly, as her bottom swelled up. Pretty soon her butt was huge and round sticking out from both sides of her now-ripped skirt.

"OK, so what was the point of that experiment?" I asked.

The alien just looked at me like I was nuts.

I spent some time with the captive women. We got along pretty well. Occasionally, the aliens would send one of the women home. Occasionally they would bring in someone new. I never saw a pattern.

Together, we made several escape plans. In retrospect that was kind of stupid because we were in space after all and I doubt any of us could hold our breath long enough to get planetside.

We did have one clever plan that involved me smuggling a few of the aliens' blue rods in to the women, so we could overcome the guards and escape. But that one sort of backfired; as soon as the women held the rods, they just blew up like balloons. Also, one of them must have hit the wrong button, because suddenly all the women in the room inflated. It took a few days for them all to deflate, so we didn't try that one again.

But still, a few days later I was stumped for a story, so I thought the escape story was a pretty good one. I changed some of the details so that there would be no "consequences."



Ok, so there was a large group of captive women being held captive on an alien mothership, being subjected to bizzare experiments. And there was one guy. They were being held by these ... uh ...strange blue aliens with no mouths, and only a single eye on a stalk that came up from the top of their heads. Velusians? Uh, maybe. Well, no. Not Velusians. These aliens were more of a green-blue. So they were just different aliens.

Anyway, the women and the guy devised an escape plan. These aliens had ...uh ... these little green rods they could use to inflate the women in various ways. Yes, very much like your little blue rods. Except these were green. And different. The guy thought that if he could get ahold of some of those rods, they could immobilize the guards and make their escape.

How were they going to get down to the planet? Hm. Well. I guess they hadn't thought it out that far. Anyway, stop interrupting if you want me to tell the story.

So the guy got into the arsenal, and got a whole bunch of the little blue rods. I mean green rods. He wrapped them up in a towel, and sneaked them into the room where the women were being held.

"OK here we are," he said, moving quickly into the room, and glancing behind him to see if there were any guards around. Then he unrolled the towel, revealing the large pile of weapons. "Tanya, you take the first one. You were in the military back home."

Tanya, a stunning red-head still wearing her flightsuit from when she was abducted, nodded. She reached down and took one of the strange blue rods. She yelped. "It shocked me!"

"Probably just some static from being carried in the towel." I picked up another one and handed it to the blonde beside me, Tessie. "You take the next one, Tessie."

She yelped when she took it. She spoke English with perfect grammar, but still had a Swedish accent. "It shocked me, too!"

I smiled, "Well, no blood no foul! Here Alix, you take one too." Alix was also blonde, and her breasts were huge from being in too many experiments. She yelped when I handed it to her, and dropped it on the ground. "It shocked me!"

"Careful! I said, picking it back up. "Here, you need to take this so we can get out of here." I held her hand as I handed it to her. She took it bravely, but jumped when she touched it.

Soon I had all the blue rods handed out, and I called the women into a huddle. "OK," I said. "Here's the plan. When the guards come, we use the rods to inflate them, then we all head down to the hangar bay as a group."

"Uh-oh," said Tanya. "Something's happening."

"Please don't interrupt," I said. "Now, in the hangar bay there will be ships. We can... uh.... steal one, or maybe commandeer one... or something."

Tanya was rubbing her breasts. "I think we have a problem."

Now Tessie was rubbing her breasts, too. "They are inflating," she said. "I can feel it."

Alix stood up straight and gasped. Her breasts were huge. Her t-shirt was stretched out almost to the bursting point. "Oh, no!" she said. "The rods are booby-trapped!"

Tanya was so large she had to hold the blue rod up to see it. She was still growing. "Maybe we can make it stop." She grunted, and pushed one of the little buttons on the side of the rod. Instantly a woman across the room squealed, then rolled over as her body filled up and rounded out. She lay on her back, a large flesh-colored ball with thin arms and legs sticking out.

Tanya said, "Oops."

Tessie said, "I am already too big! I am through with this!" Indeed, her breasts were two enormous, inflated globes. They had pushed her light blouse open and were protruding boldly in front of her. She dropped the rod on the ground. When it hit it made a funny "Pling!" sound.

"Oh, no!" cried another woman with a blue rod across the room. Her belly swelled up instantly. She said, "You bitch!" and pointed her rod at Tessie. She pushed a button.

Tessie was big already, but now she gave new meaning to the word. Her breasts doubled in size. She flopped down on the floor, and grabbed the rod.

"Now, now! No fighting!" I cried.

There were zaps and the hissing of air as the women zapped each other. And with each zap, someone got bigger. One woman held her arms at her sides, grunted, and swelled up to a large ball with hands and feet sticking out. Another had a butt the size of two beachballs. One woman had breasts as big as a VW bug.

Pretty soon I was trapped in the middle of the room, squeezed in the middle of a sea of heaving, inflated women swearing loudly and throwing the rods at one another. Fortunately, the rods seemed to have run out of juice.

The end.


"A delightful story!" said the leader. The thirty aliens assembled were all nodding and wiggling their fingers.

The leader took me aside. "That was one of the best stories yet." He glanced around conspiratorially. "Listen," he said. "If you wanted, I could arrange to have the weapons locker where we keep the blue rods unlocked, so you could 'steal' them, just like in the story."

I just gave him a blank look.

He continued. "I know all the women inflated a couple of days ago for some reason, but when they are back to normal... if you wanted to try to 'escape'... it might make an interesting... experiment."

I said, "But the weapons locker is always unlocked anyway."

He nodded sagely. "Exactly," he said.

Time drug on, and the crowd at my daily story-telling got bigger and bigger. Pretty soon they had to expand the leader's pedestal, until it began to look more like a small bleachers. Now, instead of individual chairs rising out of the floor, stadium seating rose.

I, too, began to get the sense that this was an easy crowd to please. Maybe a little too easy.

The first couple of months I really sweated, trying to think up original ideas. But over time I got the sense that wasn't the key thing for the aliens. In fact, I noticed that they tended to get grumpy and interrupt whenever I added things like plot, drama, or characterization. If my description of a scene went on for more than a couple of seconds, they began asking rude questions and making inappropriate suggestions.

So, over time, I came to know what it was the aliens really wanted, and it wasn't pretty.



OK. There was this woman at the mall. A blonde. She was wearing a black mid- length skirt and a white pullover sweater. Suddenly someone zapped her with a spell. Her breasts began to grow. They got to be the size of coconuts, and kept growing. Pretty soon they were the size of watermeloms. Her sweater streched. It started to rip open at the sides. Her breasts kept growing. Pretty soon they were the size of beachballs.

The end.


The hundred or two aliens who were assembled were whooping and cheering, holding their hands over their heads and wiggling their fingers in delight. They were jumping up and down, giving each other high-fives.

That was when I thought, I have to get out of here.

As the aliens started doing The Wave, I quickly slipped out of the main room into the small room on the side. As I suspected, it was a combination of control center and computer room. In the center was a little chair with a microphone on an articulated arm. I spoke into the microphone, "Hello computer?"

"Yes, happyguy. I am here."

"Um, I need you to get me a spaceship down to the surface. For me and the women held captive."

"I'm sorry, happyguy, I can't do that."

"But I am at the command station and I am giving you a command."

"Yes, but you're not wearing the hat."

Dammit, I thought. I should have taken the hat. "OK, then, can you do something for me?"

"Of course, happyguy."

"Please compute pi to the last digit."

Silence fell. After a moment the lights started flickering. I glanced back in the main room, and saw the lights going crazy. Flickering on and off, multicolored beams zapping all around the room. A hapless alien was suddenly propelled into the room from the access hole to the core. He blinked, trying to figure out why he was here. The large group of aliens had stopped their shuckking and jiving and looked around worriedly. Suddenly a group of them broke free and raced toward the control room, where I was.

I bolted from the door, and ran to the "emergency access" door that I'd spotted at the back of the room. I muttered, "I sure hope this isn't computer-assisted," and climbed in.

There was a simple keypad, and I keyed in the location of the holding cells that I'd committed to memory earlier. The access elevator was much slower that being zapped around with blue beams, but with the computer on the whack, it was a far preferable alternative.

A few minutes later I was at the holding cell door. The computer was devoting most of its attention to computing the digits of pi, but it hadn't shut down completely. The door cycled about halfway diagonally, then froze. I leaned in. "Come on, ladies! We've got a spaceship to catch!"

The women scampered out through the half- open door and we went out on the ledge. I suddenly realized I really didn't have this part of the plan worked out. So I figured we'd just head down.

Finding a back access way that actually had stairs, we worked our way down and down in a march that must have taken hours. Finally we were on the lowest level, which, as I had hoped, was a hangar level.

Saucer-shaped ships were scattered all around us, with various pieces of maintenance equipment hooked up to them. I thought I saw movement beside one of them, so I headed over in that direction. Sure enough, there was a mellow-looking alien working some repair on his ship while the lights around us continued their crazy dance.

I walked up to the alien. "Hi," I said.

"Hi." He said. "Looks like the computer's gone a little whacky, huh?"

I laughed casually. "I heard someone asked it to compute pi to the last digit."

The alien paused. "Pi doesn't have a last digit."


"Pi doesn't have a last digit. It's an infinite, non-repeating decimal."

"Wow," I said. "Say, is this your ship?"

He nodded. "Yep."

"I wonder if I could trouble you to fly us to the surface." Behind me, all the ladies smiled at him pleasantly.

"Hm. I don't think so. I could get in trouble for that."

I reached down and picked up what looked like an enormous wrench. "Well, you could do it, or I could work you over with this wrench."

He nodded. "Yeah, well. On the other hand, if you hurt me, I doubt you'll be able to complete the ten-year course needed to figure out how to fly this ship."

We both looked at each other calmly. Stalemate.

"I'll tell you a story when we get there."

"OK. Everyone climb in. Let me disconnect the fuel hose."



Just as the ship landed, the radio sputtered back to life. "Just in time," he said. "Sounds like someone finally convinced the computer that pi doesn't have a last digit."

The ship was standing next to a country road. The saucer stood on it's three lowered legs in a pleasant grassy meadow beside the road. On the other side of the meadow, a deer paused in it's grazing to look at us curiously. It was a pleasant spring day, a little chilly, but the sun was out. The women quickly disembarked from the ship and started milling around.

The alien pointed. "There is a little grocery store about a half-mile that way. You can call the authorities there. There are already a lot of people who sighted us coming in, so the feds are on their way."

"The feds?" I asked.

"Yeah. They keep trying to catch us, but we take off right before they get here. It's kind of a game for us... you know, who can stay the longest before lifting off. One guy waited so long a fed actually rammed the ship with his black van. Hoo boy that was cutting it close. Say, you owe me a story."

"Do we have time?"

"It's not like any of us take the feds seriously."

"Well, OK."



There was a woman in a workout gym, a redhead, wearing a black spandex two- piece workout suit, who drank a funny chemical in her fruit juice. Her breasts blew up to the size of watermelons. Then (I added as a treat, because he seemed like a nice alien), her belly blew up like a balloon, too. The end.


"Whoooooeeeee!" he cried, wiggling his fingers. "That was a good one! Sounds a little familiar, though. Do you ever build character in your stories?"

I paused, and it seemed to me like one of those junctures that happens right before great moments in history. "Telling stories isn't that hard," I said.


"Naw, you could do it. Easily." Especially given the crowd you're playing to, I thought.

"Oh, I don't know."

"Well, you just sort of have to picture it in your head, hear the people as they talk. Most of the time, I just sort of set the stage and the characters work the story out themselves."

He grunted. "That doesn't sound too hard."

"Well, there are some complicated parts." I told him all I know of plotting, character, scene-setting, dramatic build-up, denouement, deus ex machina, foreshadowing, pacing, coincidence, the 16 basic plots, and the other mechanisms of writing that I usually forget once I actually start writing. Unloading my full knowledge of the technical aspects of writing didn't take long; maybe a couple of minutes.

"Hey!" he said when I was done. "I have an idea for a story!"

"Really? Why don't you give it a spin. I'm all ears."



OK so there is this young couple, a teenage boy and girl. They meet at a masquerade party and instantly fall in love. The problem is that they are from rival breeding pods, see, so theirs is a forbidden love!

The young boy comes to the young woman's window at night to tell her that he loves her. She stands on her balcony as they agonize over who they are, and how they are going to fulfill this love they feel for each other.

Wait... then... this is good... then one of the girl's cousins starts a fight with the boy... and the boy kills him! It's a terrible tragedy! The sentries are out combing the streets looking for the boy, who must now be punished for murder on top of everything else! So before they can catch him, he flees the mothership and escapes to safety!

But his only thought is still for her. So through their pod's spiritual coordinator, he sends messages to her. He tells her that he will be back to get her soon, and all will be well. And she sends word back, but the message gets misrouted, and he doesn't receive it.

What happens then? Aha! This is the dramatic conclusion! This is the miracle of storytelling that will make this story go down in history as the greatest romance of all time!

The spiritual coordinator gives her a special potion. She drinks it, AND BLOWS UP LIKE A BALLOON! First her breasts get really big... like... like... hyperspace coupling orbs, then her belly blows up. Then the rest of her fills up, her arms, her legs, her butt, and pretty soon she is a big, round, blown-up ball!

The end.



"Well," I said when he was done. "Well, that was really... some story. I think you are... uh... going to be just perfect."

"Really?" he asked eagerly. "Do you really think so? There's this other story, about a prince who is sad because his father, the king, died mysteriously and...."

"No, no, my friend! Save your delightful story for those of your kind who eagerly await your return." Then, as an afterthought, I gave him my email address and told him to send me a copy when he was done. "So I guess this is it. Thank you for the ride home."

"No problem," he said. "I was a little worried that the leader would torture me to death, but now I have all these stories in my head. There must be a thousand and one of them I want to tell! They'll probably wait to torture and kill me until I'm done."

"Sounds good. Hey... is that the feds?"

He looked up as a caravan of black vans came roaring down the road toward us. A few black helicopters fluttered overhead. He nodded. "Yep, that's them. Well, I'd better scoot -- cutting it a little close this time." He winked.

"Just remember," I called, he scurried up the stairway into the saucer, and it started to close up behind him, "she always blows up like a balloon!"

"The end!" he called out cheerfully.

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