Body Inflation 2024

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Body Inflation 2024

Hello all,

I was going over my files and saw that most of my clips are years/Decades old. It seems th Body Inflation trope has died outfrom what I can see. Been into this stuff for 34 years, maybe the well has finally run dry.

I-Am-Betrayal's picture

Like, from the media itself? Or in general. Because yeah, it doesn't appear very often in TV shows or movies anymore, but like...when you get down to it, it wasn't absurdly common to see in anything besides some cartoons in the 60's. So as a trope, yeah I guess it's dying? But if you're concerned about inflation as a whole then I have to disagree. The community is actually quite large these days.


I agree with I-Am-Betrayal....the community is quite large these days, and body inflation in TV and movies is little to none...which is because the amount of money that the film industry would have to make in order to achieve that look. But, the community is large and thriving, even though the content is small nowadays.


Since the internet has increased the visibility of the inflation fetish community, I think that mainstream creators have probably, at least to some extent, made a conscious decision to avoid the trope. Nobody wants to risk their work being associated with a bunch of online perverts, unfortunately.

SpryCarrion's picture

Ding, ding ding, we have a winner!

Inflationpurveyor hit the nail on the head. The rise of social media has brought more attention to this fetish, as a result people are keen to avoid the trope because of that.

Just look at what happened to Kitana's Kiss of Death in Mortal Kombat. It was a legendary hallmark of body inflation in video games, but now? We see a spiteful NetherRealm Studios determined to erase it's legacy at every opportunity.



And I also agree with both SpryCarrion and inflationpurveyor as well. Besides the money it might go into it as well...definitely it is about the perversion of the fetish trope. Unfortunately, due to social media increasing and all, and more and more people know about it and don't want to be affiliated with it, as well as the whole MeToo movement and other movements that deam this as a unsafe fetish for their kids, the media will cater to those groups and movements. 

doubleintegral's picture

I think some of y'all are giving this fetish a little more credit than it is due.  Inflation content has always been rare in mainstream media.  That we had it show up in three feature films in three years (Harry Potter, CATCF, Slither) 20 years ago was an extreme statistical outlier.

I-Am-Betrayal's picture

I'm with the math-term on this. You think the existence of furries, a much more notorious group than us, curbed the creation of something like Zootopia? Not in the slightest. So why in the hell would large companies pay any attention to us?

Also, dafuq does the MeToo movement, a movement meant to provide support for those affected by assault, have to do with a bunch of internet randos that like balloons? Plus, I can understand not wanting kids to see fetish art. Obviously there's a difference between what's meant to be a gag and what's meant to be for us, but still. We're the group that took a child becoming a living fruit in a children's book and turned that into a whole thing. Reasonable to assume we'll take anything even close to inflation. At some point, you need to have some bit of self-awareness.

Legit, just stick to the community, they make better stuff with more thought and love put into it than the mainstream media ever would. Only thing movies have over us is budget.

mustangcobra04's picture

I guarantee you all in 2025 brings us the Naked Gun 4, we will see some part of a human being get inflated. MacFarlane is at the helm of this and if you look at his work you will see he has no issue inflating both male or female. He is a fan of the original Naked Gun writters and they too have often displayed the fetish in their slapstick. Mark my word, we will see it in this upcoming Naked Gun reboot. I'm just jealous I wasn't the one to remake it. I actually am surprised it hasn't been talked about here. Give me thoughts.  

mustangcobra04's picture

*edit* I guarantee you all as 2025 brings us the Naked Gun 4.

inflatingclothes's picture

Will the inventable wonka sequel could be Charlie and the chocolate factory and everyone will be so obsessed with Violet and who's playing her and what will she wear, I'm honestly disturbed by 2005 hard core annalist videos 

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I apologize if I offended I-Am-Betrayal with my comments. Things can change in a lot of time and we may never know the real reason behind a lot of things. Yes I may not be with the time or anything, but I still watch the news with what's happening in the world. I am not hear to fight or anything...I am just trying to still be a part of this community as everyone else is. I agree with everyone else's comments. I was just giving my perspective and viewpoint on the subject. I hope to one day make something involving inflation in it as well within the film industry. 


The only thing that I have seen relevant in movies/shows is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Space Jam, and One Piece. I could be missing some, and I apologize if I had, but those three are the only ones I can think of at this moment. Honestly, I think inflation is more better received in the video game platform because people don't take it seriously. Whether it's Dig-Dug or Mortal Kombat, you're more likely to find a nugget of inflation being involved somewhere behind it.


There are other movies and even cartoons that contain inflation as well, as well as even on game shows in Asian countries. Commercials use it as gags or to represent internal medical problems, like bloating. But yes you could be right as well. 


I don't know about run dry, more like slowed down sevearly.  Last recent instance of this trope that I saw was the show "Scooby-Doo and guess who?". Cher inflates Scoobys' scuba suit.

Themarkoftheslayer's picture

I'm frankly cool with not seeing the trope appearing in television or movies as much. While it was played up for laughs in the past, I feel like if it was used today, depending on context, I would be getting strong Dan Schnieder/Tarintino vibes of someone injecting their fetish where it doesn't belong.