Cult, The

Date Written: 

"What's your name again?" Alice asked, scrunching her nose slightly as she studied the handsome man across the dinner table. His eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief as he replied, "Aufgeblasen. It's German, it means 'inflated'."

Alice couldn't shake the feeling that there was something peculiar about him, something she couldn't quite put her finger on. His name alone was strange, but there was an aura about him that was both captivating and unsettling. She decided to let it slide, chalking it up to his eccentric charm. They had met through a dating app, and their conversation had been electric. The way he spoke about his travels, his art collection, and his mysterious job had kept her intrigued all evening.

As the night grew late, he invited her to an exclusive party. "It's a bit unconventional," he warned with a grin, "but I think you'll find it... enlightening." Despite her reservations, the allure of the unknown beckoned her. She agreed, and they left the restaurant hand in hand, heading towards a part of town she had never visited before. The buildings grew older, the streets narrower, and the air thick with secrets.

The party was held in a dimly lit loft, the walls adorned with abstract paintings that seemed to shift and pulse in the shadows. The guests, a motley crew of individuals dressed in latex suits and flowing cloaks, greeted them with a mix of curious stares and knowing nods. The tension in the room was palpable, a cocktail of excitement and something darker, something Alice couldn't quite name. But the deeply troubling thing about them was the fact that they were inflated like balloons. As their torsos were 5 times larger, very round like a huge beach ball that was shoved into their body. It almost looked as though they were inflated with air.

As they entered, the conversations hushed, and all eyes fell on the newcomers. "Welcome," a deep, resonant voice boomed from the back of the room. The crowd parted to reveal a man even more inflated than the rest, his stomach stretching the fabric of his suit to its limits. He extended a hand to Alice, his smile wide and eerie. "I am Potens Balloon, leader of the Cult of Inflating Beings. Tonight, you shall witness the power of our union."

The room grew colder, and a shiver ran down Alice's spine. Her heart raced as she tried to make sense of the bizarre scene unfolding before her. "You're the urban legend," she murmured, her voice shaking. "No, Alice," Potens corrected her, his tone gentle yet firm. "We are reality, a testament to the human body's capacity for transformation."

A hush fell over the room as a slender, blond woman in a business attire was brought in, her eyes wide with terror. "This is your choice," Potens said, gesturing to the trembling woman. "Either you embrace your destiny with us, or you watch as we demonstrate our power." The crowd murmured in approval, their anticipation growing as they watched Alice's reaction.

The woman was forced onto a stage, her cries for mercy echoing off the concrete walls. A cult member approached her with a large, industrial-looking water tank, its nozzle connected to a thick, rubber hose. The leader took the hose and inserted the nozzle into the woman's mouth, pushing it past her teeth and down her throat. Alice's stomach churned as she watched the woman's cheeks bulge, her eyes watering from the intrusion.

The leader then turned to the audience, his smile never wavering. "Behold, the ultimate inflation!" He announced dramatically before turning the valve. A gush of water filled the room's air as it rushed into the woman's body. Her stomach ballooned out first, stretching the fabric of her blouse until it ripped away, revealing her swollen torso. Her skin shone wetly in the dim light, each bulge and curve a testament to the unnatural pressure building within her.

Alice's eyes were glued to the horrific spectacle, her mind racing. The woman's legs began to expand, her thighs and buttocks growing to immense proportions. Her arms swelled next, tearing the sleeves of her blouse and pushing her breasts to new, grotesque sizes. The woman's moans grew quieter as she succumbed to the weight of the water filling her, her body now a distorted parody of its former self.

The leader stepped back, his job done. The woman's body quivered, the water sloshing inside her like a trapped animal desperate to escape. Alice's horror grew as the woman's limbs began to extend, her fingers and toes ballooning into rounded, swollen extremities. Her face was a mask of pain and fear, her cheeks puffed out like overblown balloons.

The room was silent except for the gurgling of water and the woman's muffled cries. The anticipation was suffocating, the air thick with the scent of latex and the faint metallic tang of fear. The other cult members watched with rapt attention, their eyes gleaming with a mix of excitement and hunger. Alice felt a hand on her shoulder and jumped. It was Aufgeblasen, his smile reassuring yet chilling.

"You see," he whispered in her ear, "this is what true freedom feels like. To let go of the constraints of our bodies and become something... more."

Alice's eyes were wide with horror as she watched the woman's body continue to inflate. The pressure was so intense that the woman's skin looked ready to burst at any moment. Her body was now a twisted, bloated mess, barely recognizable as human. The sight was both mesmerizing and repulsive, and Alice felt a strange, uncomfortable stirring within her, a curiosity mixed with revulsion.

The leader stepped closer to the inflated woman, his hand reaching out to caress her bulging belly. "Feel the power," he murmured, his voice filled with awe. "Feel the life force within her." The woman's eyes rolled back in her head, and Alice realized with a start that she was no longer moving. The leader nodded to the audience, a signal for the grand finale.

With a flick of his wrist, he turned the valve one last time. The woman's body convulsed, and the sound of rushing water grew louder. Her skin tightened to the point of transparency, revealing the outline of her internal organs. Alice watched, unable to look away, as the woman's limbs splayed outward in a starfish pattern, her feet and hands disappearing beneath the massive mound of her inflated form. The leader stepped back, admiring his handiwork, and Alice could see the tension in his own inflated body, his muscles straining against the tightness of the latex. 

The room held its breath, the anticipation almost tangible. The woman's belly grew tauter still, and Alice felt a strange mix of fear and fascination. She had never seen anything so utterly inhuman, so grotesquely beautiful. The moment stretched on, the tension unbearable, until finally, with a sound like a balloon popping, the woman's body gave way.

Water erupted from her in a geyser, spraying the audience and sending them into a frenzy. They laughed and cheered, their own inflated forms bobbing with the force of their applause. Alice watched in shock, her eyes wide as the woman's body deflated, collapsing into a lifeless heap. The room was a mess of wet latex and puddles, and she realized with a start that she, too, was soaked.

The leader turned to her, his grin wider than ever. "Now, Alice, are you ready to experience the rush of the ultimate inflation?" He held out another tank, the water inside sloshing gently. Her heart hammered in her chest, her thoughts racing. She glanced around the room, searching for an escape, but the inflated figures blocked every exit, their smiles expectant.

Alice's mind reeled as she took in the scene. The blond woman's lifeless form lay on the floor, the remnants of her clothing clinging to the edges of the rapidly spreading puddle. The cult members were ecstatic, their eyes alight with a twisted pleasure that sent chills down Alice's spine. The wetness of her own clothes clung to her skin, a stark reminder of the fate that awaited her if she didn't act fast.

Her thoughts raced, trying to find a way out of this nightmare. But as she looked into the depths of Potens Balloon's eyes, she saw something that made her pause. A challenge, a spark of curiosity. Could she really become one of them? Would the power they spoke of be worth the price? The room felt like it was closing in around her, the walls of latex and the pressure of their expectations pushing her towards the tank.

"I... I think I understand," Alice said, her voice shaking slightly. The crowd erupted in cheers, and Potens clapped his hands together, his own belly jiggling with the motion. "Bring forth the garments!" He bellowed, and two cult members rushed over to her, their own bulging forms making it difficult to move swiftly. They began to strip her of her clothes, their hands deft and efficient despite their size. Alice's cheeks burned with embarrassment, but she couldn't deny the thrill that shot through her as the cool air hit her bare skin.

Once she was naked, they dressed her in the same latex attire, the material stretching and conforming to her body. The tightness was oddly comforting, like a second skin that whispered of the transformation to come. The leader stepped closer, holding the air tank with a sense of reverence. "You are about to embark on a journey like no other," he said, his voice low and solemn. "The moment you take the first breath, there is no turning back."

Alice stared at the tank, her heart racing. The thought of inflating like the woman she had just watched was terrifying, but there was something else, a strange, alluring curiosity that gnawed at her. Was this what she had been missing all along? The chance to transcend the limitations of her body? The room grew quiet, all eyes on her. She took a deep breath, and with trembling hands, inserted the spout into her navel. The cold metal sent a shiver through her body, and she felt a sudden rush of excitement as she turned the valve.

At first, there was nothing but the sound of air hissing into her abdomen. Then, she felt the pressure building, a sensation both strange and exhilarating. Her stomach began to swell, pushing against the tight latex. She looked down and watched in amazement as her belly grew larger and larger, the material stretching to accommodate the new, round form. The feeling was unlike anything she had ever experienced, a mix of fear and euphoria that was both thrilling and nauseating.

Aufgeblasen's eyes never left hers, his smile encouraging, almost seductive. "Breathe deep," he whispered, his voice a soothing balm to her frayed nerves. "Let it fill you up." And so, she did. The air flowed into her, filling her until she felt like she might burst. But the pain was distant, overshadowed by the rush of power that seemed to course through her veins.

Her breasts grew, straining against the confines of her suit, becoming rounder and fuller. Her thighs began to bulge, pressing against each other, and she felt a thrill at the sight of them. The crowd watched her, their eyes hungry, and she found herself feeding off their energy, pushing herself further. The pressure grew, her stomach distending to a size that defied logic, the latex straining and stretching with every breath she took.

The leader's voice grew louder, his words a chant that filled the room. "Embrace the inflation, Alice! Feel the power of the air within you!" And she did. She let the air fill her, her body stretching and morphing into something otherworldly. The tightness grew, her skin taut and shiny with the effort, and she felt a strange sense of elation as her body surpassed its former limits. The room spun around her, the faces of the cult members becoming a blur of excitement and anticipation.

Alice's cries of fear had transformed into gasps of pleasure, the pain subsiding to make way for an overwhelming sensation of fullness. Her body grew larger, her limbs ballooning outward, her movements becoming more deliberate and less frantic. The weight of her inflated form was surprisingly comforting, a reminder of the power she now wielded. She watched as her fingers swelled into sausages, her toes disappearing into the thick soles of her latex boots.

The room was alive with the sound of rushing air and the squeaks of stretching latex. The cult members cheered her on, their eyes glued to her inflating body. Their encouragement fueled her desire to grow even larger, to become one of them. With each breath, she felt her body stretch further, the seams of her suit straining to contain her newfound size. The air inside her was a living thing, a force that she both feared and craved.

Her breaths grew deeper, her chest swelling until it looked as though it might burst through the latex. The pressure was intense, but instead of pain, it brought a euphoric high that made her head spin. Alice's mind raced with thoughts of the power she now held within her. Was this what it felt like to be a goddess, to control the very essence of her form? The room grew warmer, the air thick with the scent of latex and the collective excitement of the Cult. 

The crowd's cheers grew louder as Alice's body continued to expand. Her breasts had grown so large that they pushed her inflated arms out to her sides, the latex stretching to its limits. The feeling of her own weight was exhilarating, and she found herself craving more. The leader's eyes never left hers, his smile a beacon of encouragement in the sea of ballooned bodies.

Her breaths grew shorter, the pressure building to a crescendo. She felt as if she could burst at any moment, yet she didn't want it to stop. The room was a blur of colors and sounds, all focused on her transformation. Her skin shone with a mix of sweat and the glow of the dim lights, each bulge and curve a testament to the power she now held within her.

Alice's body had swollen to a grotesque size, her torso so large that it overshadowed the rest of her form. Her legs were like tree trunks, her arms thick and immovable at her sides. The pressure inside her was immense, a constant reminder of the power she contained. The crowd's cheers grew deafening, their excitement feeding her own. She felt alive, more alive than she had ever felt before.

The leader stepped closer, his eyes gleaming with approval. "You are almost there," he shouted over the din. "Let the air fill you completely!" Alice took one final, deep breath, the sound of the air rushing into her echoing through the room. The pressure was unbearable, yet she reveled in it. Her body was a work of art, a sculpture of latex and flesh that defied all reason.

As her skin reached its breaking point, something within her snapped. A wild, primal urge took over, and she roared with the intensity of her inflation. The room fell silent, all eyes on her. The air grew still, the only sound the frantic beating of her heart. And then, she felt it. The moment of pure, unbridled power as her body surged past its limits, the latex stretching to the point of tearing.

Her stomach ballooned outwards, pushing her breasts even further until they were perfectly round and firm, like two over-inflated beach balls. The suit strained around her, the seams threatening to give way, but she didn't care. The sensation was unlike anything she had ever felt, a mix of pain and pleasure that was utterly intoxicating.

The leader's eyes widened with excitement as he watched her transformation. "You're doing it, Alice! You're becoming one of us!" His voice was almost a shout now, his own body bobbing with excitement. The room was a cacophony of gasps and cheers, the air thick with the scent of latex and anticipation.

Alice felt the air filling her, pushing against her skin until it was taut and shiny. Her body grew larger still, the latex of her suit stretching to the breaking point. The pressure was immense, but she didn't care. She was lost in the sensation, her mind swirling with a mix of terror and exhilaration. She felt powerful, invincible, as if she could take on the world.

The room was a sea of inflated forms, their cheers and gasps urging her on. The air in the tank grew low, and she knew she was approaching her limit. But she didn't want to stop. The feeling of expansion was too addictive, too thrilling to give up. She pushed herself further, the latex of her suit creaking in protest.

Her body was a monstrous, latex-covered sphere, her arms and legs almost useless at her sides. The pressure was unbearable, yet she craved more. The crowd was in a frenzy, their inflated forms jostling each other in excitement. The leader, Potens Balloon, was practically bouncing with glee. "Almost there, Alice! You're so close!"

The tank's air grew thinner, and she knew she was reaching her peak. The pain was intense, but the rush of power was stronger. She pushed past her limits, her skin a canvas of taut, gleaming latex, the pressure threatening to tear her apart from the inside out. The crowd's roars grew deafening, their eyes feasting on her distended form.

Suddenly, the room's lights flickered, and a sense of unease rippled through the crowd. The air grew colder, the cheers turning into nervous murmurs. Alice felt a chill run down her spine as she realized that something was wrong. The leader's smile faltered for a brief moment before he regained his composure. "Do not fear," he boomed, his voice a mix of confidence and a hint of something else. "This is just the beginning of the true transformation!"

The inflation grew painful, the pressure in her body unbearable. Alice's breaths grew shallow, her vision swimming with stars. Yet, she pushed on, driven by a primal instinct to become part of this bizarre, twisted world. The air tank was almost empty, the hiss of escaping air growing fainter. Her body had become a monstrous sphere, the latex stretched to the point of translucency.

The room's energy shifted again, the excitement turning into a palpable sense of foreboding. The lights flickered once more, and a cold draft swept through the space. The murmurs grew louder, and the inflated figures around her began to look uneasy, their smiles faltering. Potens Balloon's eyes darted around the room, his own inflation seemingly forgotten. "Do not be afraid," he called out, but his voice trembled with a hint of fear.

Alice felt a sharp pain in her abdomen, the air inside her pushing against her skin with a ferocity she hadn't anticipated. Her body was a balloon at the mercy of the air, stretching to the brink of bursting. She struggled to move, her inflated limbs heavy and unresponsive. The crowd's unease grew into a cacophony of panic, their voices rising in a symphony of fear.

The walls of the room began to pulse with an eerie light, the latex stretching and distorting around her. She could feel something changing, a power that was not of this world seeping into the very fabric of her being. The leader's eyes widened, and his smile dropped. "No," he murmured, "not now."

A deep, resonant boom echoed through the chamber, and the air grew thick with an otherworldly presence. The cult members' inflated bodies quivered with fear, their laughter turning to cries of terror. The lights flickered violently, and the walls of the room began to distort, the latex stretching and warping as if it were alive.

Alice felt the power inside her grow, not just from the air filling her, but from something darker, something ancient. The room's temperature plummeted, and a cold, damp mist rolled in, chilling the sweat on her skin. Her heart pounded in her chest, a mix of panic and exhilaration coursing through her veins. The inflation was no longer just a game; it was a ritual, a gateway to something she didn't fully understand.

The latex around her grew icy to the touch, and she could feel the air thicken with the presence of the unknown. The cries of the cult members grew more desperate, their fear palpable. The leader's confidence wavered as he tried to regain control of the situation. "Do not be afraid!" he shouted, his voice now strained and desperate. "The Great Inflator is with us! Embrace the change!"

But Alice knew that this was not the thrilling transformation she had signed up for. The air in the tank was almost depleted, and she felt her body straining to contain the pressure. She had to make a choice, to either continue down this twisted path or fight for her life. The power surging within her was tempting, but the terror in the room was too much to ignore.

With a strength she didn't know she had, Alice tore the spout from her belly button, the air escaping with a sound like a deflating balloon. The room fell silent, the pressure dissipating as the members of the Cult of Inflating Beings stared at her in shock. The latex around her body began to loosen, and she took a deep, shaky breath.

Her mind raced with the horror of what she had almost become. The latex suit clung to her damp skin, a reminder of the twisted path she had been about to follow. She stumbled backwards, her legs wobbly and unsteady from the sudden release of pressure. The room spun around her, the walls pulsing with an eerie glow that seemed to mock her decision.

The leader's smile had vanished, replaced by a snarl of anger and disappointment. "You dare defy the Great Inflator?" he roared, his massive form quaking with rage. The other cult members stared at her in disbelief, their own inflated bodies seeming to shrink before her eyes.

Alice didn't answer. She couldn't. The air was still rushing out of her, the pain of deflation a stark contrast to the pleasure of inflation. Her eyes darted around the room, searching for an exit, for any way out of this hellish place. The latex suit clung to her like a second skin, but she could feel the pressure easing, her body slowly returning to its natural state.

The silence was broken by a guttural growl from Potens Balloon, his body trembling with rage. The room's pulsing light grew brighter, the latex walls seeming to contract around them. The other cult members began to murmur, their fear palpable. Alice took advantage of the distraction and stumbled away, her eyes fixed on the door she had come through.

Her body felt strange, both relieved of the intense pressure and mournful of the power she had lost. The latex suit clung to her, now loose and wrinkled as the air escaped. She could feel the weight of their stares, but she didn't look back. Her focus was solely on escape, on getting out before the situation escalated further.

The door was closer than she thought, and she reached it just as the leader's voice boomed through the room. "Guards! Seize her!" Alice's heart raced as she fumbled with the latch, her trembling hands slipping on the cold metal. The door swung open, and she stumbled through it, the cool night air slapping her in the face like a cold slap of reality.

Behind her, the cult members' panic grew, their inflated forms bobbing and weaving as they tried to give chase. She could hear the squeak of their latex suits and the thud of their inflated feet on the floor. But she was driven by pure adrenaline now, her legs moving faster than she ever thought possible.

The corridor outside the chamber was dimly lit, the walls lined with more inflated figures in various states of distress. Alice stumbled past them, her heart racing as she searched for an exit. The air was thick with the scent of latex and fear, and she could feel the eyes of the trapped souls following her as she passed.

Her vision swam, the sudden deflation leaving her dizzy and disoriented. She clung to the wall for support, her breaths coming in ragged gasps. The cult members' pursuit grew closer, their heavy footsteps pounding the floor like a war drum. Alice knew she had to act fast.

Summoning the last of her strength, she waddled down the corridor, the latex suit slapping against her legs with every step. The air grew colder, the light dimmer, as she stumbled deeper into the bowels of the compound. The inflated figures grew fewer, their cries for help fading into the distance.

Alice spotted a glimmer of light ahead and pushed herself faster, the sound of the cultists' pursuit growing fainter. The light grew brighter, and she found herself in a small, dingy room with a single door at the far end. It was a storage room of some sort, filled with deflated latex suits and tanks of gas.

Her chest heaving, she made her way to the door, her mind racing with thoughts of escape. But as she reached for the handle, it burst open, and she stumbled backward, falling onto a pile of discarded inflation equipment. Standing in the doorway was a figure that made her heart drop into her stomach: Potens Balloon, his eyes ablaze with fury.

The room's pulsing light cast eerie shadows across his stretched, latex-covered form. "You dare defy us?" he roared, the latex of his suit distorting his voice into a guttural growl. His massive hands clenched into fists, and the air in the room grew thick with tension. Alice scrambled to her feet, her body still wobbly from the rapid deflation.

Her eyes searched the room frantically for a weapon, anything to protect herself. But all she found was a sea of latex and metal, none of it within reach. "I... I didn't mean to," she stuttered, her voice trembling. "It's just... I can't do this."

The leader's expression softened, his massive form seeming to shrink slightly. "Alice," he said, his voice a little more human now, "you were chosen. You have the gift. Don't throw it away."

Alice took a shaky breath, her eyes darting around the room. The light was flickering, casting weird patterns on the floor. "I don't want this gift," she whispered. "I want to go home."

Potens Balloon's smile returned, but it was twisted, sinister. "You can never leave, not now. You've seen too much, felt too much. You're one of us." He took a step closer, his inflated belly brushing against the edge of the doorframe. "The Great Inflator will not be denied."

Alice felt a cold knot form in her stomach. She knew she had to get out, no matter the cost. As the leader approached, she spotted a small, deflated latex pouch on the floor. It was attached to a hose, and a sudden, desperate idea formed in her mind. She reached for it, her hand shaking, and pulled it towards her.

With surprising agility, she rolled away from the leader and grabbed the hose, pointing the nozzle at him. The room had grown so quiet she could hear the blood rushing in her ears. Potens Balloon stopped in his tracks, his smile faltering. "What are you doing?" he demanded, his voice a mix of anger and confusion.

Alice didn't answer. Instead, she squeezed the pouch with all her might, sending a stream of cold gas into the hose. The hiss grew louder, and the leader's eyes widened as he realized her intent. He took a step back, his massive form wobbling slightly. "Alice, no!" he bellowed, but it was too late.

The gas shot out of the nozzle, and with a flick of her wrist, Alice directed it at the leader's face. He stumbled backward, his hand shooting up to cover his nose and mouth. The gas filled the room quickly, the cult members' eyes widening in shock and fear. Alice felt a brief moment of satisfaction as she watched their expressions change from arrogance to panic.

The leader's body began to convulse, his eyes bulging as the gas filled his lungs. He stumbled backward, crashing into the wall with a sickening thud. The other cult members froze, their inflated forms quivering with fear. Alice knew she had to act fast.

With a final burst of energy, she leapedfrogged over the pile of latex and bolted towards the door. The gas was spreading quickly, and she could feel its cold tendrils wrapping around her ankles. She didn't look back, her only focus on the light at the end of the corridor.

The cult members stumbled in her wake, their movements sluggish and uncoordinated. The gas was taking effect, and she could hear their muffled cries of pain and fear as their bodies began to shrink back to normal. The leader's form lay on the floor, his suit wrinkling and collapsing as the air rushed out of him.

Alice reached the door, her hand shaking as she twisted the handle. It gave way with a creak, and she stumbled into the night, the cool air a welcome relief against her clammy skin. The compound was sprawling and unfamiliar, but she knew she had to keep moving. The light from the moon guided her, casting long shadows that danced on the wet grass beneath her feet.

Her breath came in ragged gasps, and she could feel the latex suit slowly losing its grip on her body. She stumbled down a path, the crunch of gravel underfoot a stark contrast to the soft squelch of the deflating suit. The cult's cries grew fainter with every step she took, until all she could hear was the thud of her heart and the distant call of a night owl.

The night was eerily quiet, the moon casting a silver glow over the landscape. Alice looked around, her eyes adjusting to the darkness. The compound was vast, with buildings and sculptures that seemed to twist and writhe in the shadows. The architecture was unlike anything she had ever seen, a mix of gothic and industrial, as if it had been born from the mind of a mad genius.

Her legs burned with every step, but she pushed on, the memory of the cult's twisted ritual spurring her forward. She had to find a way out, had to tell someone about what she had witnessed. Her thoughts raced, trying to piece together what had happened, but the reality was too absurd to fully grasp.

The path grew narrower, leading her through a thicket of trees that seemed to lean in, whispering secrets in the night's quiet. The moon cast eerie shadows, making the already bizarre landscape seem even more surreal. She stumbled upon a clearing, where a solitary figure in a tattered cloak stood, watching her approach.

"Who are you?" Alice gasped, her hand reaching for the deflated pouch, her only defense.

The figure remained still, their face obscured by the shadows of the hood. "I am a lost soul," they murmured, their voice a soft breeze through the leaves. "A prisoner like you."

Alice's heart raced as she took in the figure's tattered appearance. "How did you get out?" she whispered, hope flickering in her chest.

The cloaked figure stepped closer, the moonlight glinting off something sharp in their hand. "I never left," they said, their voice tinged with sadness. "I've been watching, waiting for someone to come along, someone to free me."

Alice's eyes widened in horror as she realized the figure was not fully human. The cloak fell away, revealing a twisted form, part flesh, part latex, forever trapped in a state of grotesque inflation. The face beneath the hood was a mask of agony, the eyes pleading for release. The creatures body started to inflate drastically after its cloak had fallen off. 

"You must help me," the creature rasped, extending a hand that was more balloon than flesh. "They will come for you. They always come back."

Alice recoiled, the sight of the monstrous being before her only increasing her desire to flee. Yet, something in its tone, the desperation and pain, resonated with her. She had felt that same panic, that same need for escape. "How do I get out?" she demanded, her voice trembling.

The creature pointed towards a distant light, a single flickering bulb that hung over a metal gate. "The exit is there," it croaked. "But beware, the guardians are vigilant."

Alice nodded, her eyes never leaving the creature's distorted hand. "Thank you," she murmured, turning to run.

The creature's gasp of pain followed her as she sprinted through the moonlit night. Her heart hammered in her chest, the adrenaline pushing her faster despite the pain in her legs. The gate grew closer, the flickering light beckoning like a beacon of salvation. But with every step she took, the shadows grew longer, the whispers of the trees more insistent.

The sound of footsteps grew louder behind her, and she knew the cult was in pursuit. The latex suit clung to her, a noisy reminder of her escape. She could feel their eyes on her, their inflated forms gaining ground. Panic clawed at her, but she didn't dare look back.

The gate grew larger, the light from the bulb casting a pallid glow that grew stronger with every stride. The metal bars loomed before her, the only obstacle between her and freedom. Alice fumbled with the latch, her breath coming in short, frantic bursts. The cold metal bit into her skin, but she didn't care. All that mattered was getting out.

The footsteps grew closer, the sound of panicked gasps echoing through the night. She could feel the air thicken with the presence of the inflated cultists, their pursuit relentless. The gate swung open with a screech that seemed to slice through the quiet, and Alice stumbled into the outside world. The cool breeze kissed her skin, a stark contrast to the stifling air of the compound.

The world outside was vast and dark, the moon casting a silver path before her. Alice didn't dare look back, her eyes fixed on the horizon, where the first hints of dawn were beginning to lighten the sky. She knew she had to keep moving, to put as much distance between herself and the Cult of Inflating Beings as possible.

Her legs burned with every step, the latex suit now a hindrance rather than a power. The material clung to her damp skin, weighing her down like a second, unwanted layer. Yet she didn't dare take it off, not yet. It was her only protection, a disguise that could buy her precious moments of safety if they caught up to her.

The forest was dense and unyielding, the branches scratching at her as she pushed through the underbrush. The rustling of leaves and the crunch of twigs underfoot were the only sounds in the otherwise silent night. Alice could feel the eyes of the cult on her, their heavy breaths and squeaks of latex in the air. She had to find a place to hide, to catch her breath, to think.

Her heart pounded in her chest, and the pain from the deflation was now a constant reminder of her escape. Each step she took was a victory, a step away from the horror she had witnessed. But the fear of what lay behind her was a powerful motivator. She stumbled upon a small hollow in the ground, the perfect size to conceal her inflated form.

With trembling hands, Alice pulled the cloak tighter around her and squeezed into the space, her breaths shallow and rapid. The hiss of the air escaping her body was the only sound she could hear, a stark contrast to the cacophony of the cult's pursuit. She focused on her breathing, trying to slow it down, to become one with the night. The latex suit squelched and squished around her, a grotesque symphony of her recent transformation.

The forest was eerily still, the only sounds the distant calls of night creatures and the occasional rustle of leaves. But amidst that quiet, a new sound pierced the air, a sound that sent a cold shiver down her spine. It was the unmistakable squeak of inflated latex, growing louder with every passing second. Alice's heart skipped a beat as she realized the leader had found her.

She turned her head slowly, dread coiling in her stomach, and there he was. Potens Balloon, his massive form deflated slightly but still imposing, sat just outside her hiding spot. His eyes, once filled with joy and excitement, now bore into her with a mix of anger and disappointment. "Found you," he said, his voice a low, menacing growl.

Author's Note: 

Hi Everyone. I am brand new to this wonderful online community and I wanted to try my hand at writing a story. If this works out well I'm gonna come out with a series that I think everyone will enjoy. This story was just an idea that popped into my mind. Hope everyone enjoys it. 

Average: 4.3 (7 votes)
I-Am-Betrayal's picture
Pretty decent for a first

Pretty decent for a first time story.

A_College_Girl_who's_body_is_inflating's picture

Sorry I thought I'd correct something. This specific story won't turn into a series but I'm making another story that's devided into 3 different parts. Sorry for the confusion. Also, the Forum isn't working for me so I'm just gonna post what I was gonna post on there.