long hair

Balloon Butt Ride

Here's a BI.org-exclusive art piece (By that, I mean that it won't be put up on dA just to be safe with their policies). I actually had a dream about a succubus inflating a willing human lover in the belly and butt (with some extra in the chest) and then taking a very intimate ride on her. I decided to draw an interpretation of that dream since I thought it was a charming scene.

Art (c) Joseph Staleknight

Balloon Butt Ride
Average: 3.7 (12 votes)

H-Pumped Sumia and Naomi

It's been a while, hasn't it? Between schoolwork and having little time (especially with NaNoWriMo, not that I've done much this year), I haven't had enough time to draw. Well, I've at least got something done this time. Here's Sumia and MarioBlade's Naomi Tuki enjoying some hyper hourglasses while wearing bikinis, courtesy of their Hourglass Pump!

Sumia and Art (C) Joseph Staleknight,
Naomi Tuki and H-Pumps (C) MarioBlade64

H-Pumped Sumia and Naomi
Average: 3.9 (11 votes)

Mt. Ruri

Mt. Ruri. A vast mountain, taller than the tallest peaks, spanning farther than the longest ranges. Legends say that this mountain was once an ordinary girl before she decided to challenge the great peaks, rising far higher than they ever could. Today, many people take upon themselves the challenge of climbing to the top, dealing with such dangers as rogue hairs tripping up the unwary, darkness within her clothes, and most infamously her infinite bosom which drains the endurance of many a hapless climber.

Mt. Ruri
Average: 3.1 (8 votes)

Genie with an Hourglass

Well, since college has started today, I may not do as much drawing as usual since I have so much work to do this semester. But I will still manage to put up as much as I can!

Meanwhile, here's a djinni that I drew up for the past few days and my, does she have quite the hourglass figure! It helps that she is so proficient in air magic.

Art (c) Joseph Staleknight

A/N: Also, I did something new with the color base and highlights, which explains why it looks so different.

Genie with an Hourglass
Average: 3.7 (10 votes)

Flying Cloud Maiden

People have often wondered about the clouds and how they came to be. Many myths have arisen over the subject, often attributing them to a god's cold breath or otherwise considering them the children of the sky and earth. One particular myth, however, stands out in its own regard: the myth of the Flying Cloud Maiden.

Flying Cloud Maiden
Average: 3.4 (17 votes)

Gloria Lets Her Hair Down

Context: Gloria, my earliest OC, normally has her hair tied into two long ponytails at the back (see my dA gallery for more info). However, I decided to see how she'd look without them, and this result looks very cute, in my opinion.

Gloria (c) Joseph Staleknight

Gloria Lets Her Hair Down
Average: 3.6 (11 votes)
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