fire emblem

Route 5: Golden Aether

Death, pillaging, and destruction- this has been the fate of Fódlan for the past five years. War has claimed countless lives, and many believed Byleth’s to be one of them. She disappeared shortly before Garreg Mach Monastery fell, and her students in the Golden Deer house assumed the worst when they couldn’t find their beloved professor. They were overcome with joy, if not a little confused, when she reappeared after years of presumed death. Byleth’s keen strategy and battlefield prowess allowed her former students to retake Garreg Mach and begin the fight to save Fódlan.

Average: 3.8 (5 votes)

Tharja's Experiment

The sun was setting as the Shepherds began to make camp.

Tharja had joined the Shepherds during a battle that was fought a little over a year ago in the scorching desert of Plegia. Initially she opposed them, but after meeting their enigmatic tactician she knew that she had to follow him and learn everything she could about his daily habits and routines.

Average: 4 (4 votes)


Average: 3.6 (9 votes)
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