Female Inflation

Remote Possibilities

Rachel was quite pleased with her new shape. Turning to view her profile in the mirror, she tossed her mane of red hair over a shoulder and placed one hand against her stomach, flattening out the button-down shirt in an attempt to make her figure more apparent. For the first time in her life, it made a difference.

Average: 4.2 (11 votes)

Self Control

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

It wasn't something she considered rational. It wasn't something she was going to pretend was safe. And it certainly wasn't anything that she expected anyone else to understand.

It was a ridiculous idea--she knew that. It was a ridiculous operation to have. And ridiculously expensive. The doctor--not that she saw any degree of note--even tried to talk her out of it. Why not just have children? Why not just gain weight? That wasn't what she wanted. He didn't understand. But then, nobody did. It was all about control--hers. And immediate, breathtaking results.

Average: 4.2 (12 votes)

Water Balloon

Inflation Types:

Tamara closed the door to her apartment and sighed as she tossed her jacket on the chair. Her first week at the Lab, and she gets locked in when a spill happens. It wasn't like she was worried, the Lab techs told her that the BioFlex formula was for anti-aging, not virulent at all. She went into the bathroom to turn on the shower. Tall, shapely, green eyes and coco colored skin. She was fine, even if she said so. She let the water run and took off her shirt, her large breasts, stood out from her ribcage. She ran her hands over her full hips, her slim belly showed she worked out.

Average: 3.3 (10 votes)

Hope Chest

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

It was somewhat understandable that Hope accidentally swallowed the new formula Michael had been working on. After all, it did remarkably resemble Tang. And it was sitting in a plain bottle in the fridge. And after necking with Michael on the couch for the last hour, she was quite thirsty enough to ignore the odd aftertaste.

Average: 3.5 (6 votes)

Big Show, The

Inflation Types:

Cindy checked her watch as she rushed for the big red doors of the gym. She could already hear the thumping of the bass from inside. That meant one thing...she was late yet again. She opened the doors slowly and peeked in to see if anyone would notice her arrival. Just as her head peered around the door the music stopped and all the girls turned to look at the door.

Average: 3.7 (6 votes)

Blow Job

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

There's a knock on the door. I wheel over, its Jake. Jake comes in and immediately he wants to know what's up.

I start explaining it to him. "its the craziest thing I've had happen to me in a long time." He stopped me, "Well you've had a lot of crazy things happen. So tell me something new." I frowned at him, "Come on man, are you going to let me tell you about what happened or not?" He shrugged his shoulders, "Ok, so tell me."

Average: 3.6 (14 votes)

Just for Laughs

Inflation Types:

Location: Hazardine Chemical Warehouse
Time: 10:45 a.m.

For newcomer Jim and his trainer Phil, it is another average workday at the Hazardine Chemical warehouse. Anything that is sent from the main chemical plant is to either be stored in the warehouse or shipped out to its buyers, today the two men have finished their morning shipments much earlier than they have ever done. The next workload won't be in until late afternoon so they head off to a section of the warehouse to play some cards and pass the time.

Average: 3 (3 votes)

Really Big War, The

Sexual Content:

I woke up surrounded by a group of incredibly huge-breasted women.

Now, that's not unusual in itself; that happens to me a lot. But the strange thing was the way they were dressed. They seemed to be wearing multicolored uniforms of a spandex-like material bearing various military insignia. They had strange headsets that looked like com-links, and their long hair flowed freely from beneath these headsets.

One of the women, a tall brunette, spoke into her com-link. "He's up."

I glanced down, wondering what she meant, but then I realized she meant I was awake.

Average: 3 (8 votes)


Average: 4.4 (13 votes)


Inflation Types:
Average: 3.8 (12 votes)
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