Female Inflation

10k hit gift page 5

Inflation Types:
10k hit gift page 5
Average: 4.3 (16 votes)

10k hit gift page 4

10k hit gift page 4
Average: 3.8 (12 votes)

10k hit gift page 3

Inflation Types:
10k hit gift page 3
Average: 3.4 (12 votes)

10k hit gift page 2

Inflation Types:
10k hit gift page 2
Average: 3.4 (9 votes)

10k hit gift page 1

Inflation Types:
10k hit gift page 1
Average: 3.3 (7 votes)

Shea & Cliff

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Tonight was the night.

Cliff Brown had been waiting for this anniversary for quite some time now, one whole year to be exact. He had finally done it. He had lasted with one girl for a year; no breakups, hardly any fighting, the works. He didn’t even mind the fact that he had to wait for this elusive night to sleep with her. It would be worth it, he told himself, even if he had to wait another year. Quickly dismissing that thought from his head, he rushed from the washroom, splashing after-shave over his 18 year old, still rather boyish, face.

Average: 4 (14 votes)

Shock, The

Inflation Types:

"James, please get off the computer and get to bed. It’s almost 11:30, and plus it’s poring outside. I don’t want the computer to get fried again from a power surge."

"Yeah, OK mom. I’ll be off in a few minutes. I’m just trying to get this program to run."

"OK dear, just hurry up and get to bed. You do have school tomorrow, I don’t care how easy the twelfth grade is."

Average: 3 (4 votes)

Snake in the Grass

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Please note: Sharon has asked that the name of her mountain, river, and city be withheld.
For reasons which she believes shall become clear.

Sharon smiled as she put on her back pack and headed out the back door to climb up her mountain. The weather had taken two weeks to miss the weekend with either too much heat, too many clouds, or just plain rain. Now the blue sky beckoned her from above as the sun lit the path only as it accompanied her like a friend instead of a heat lamp.

Average: 3.4 (7 votes)

Ringmaster, The

A poem, inspired by the story The Rubber Circus.

Average: 4 (13 votes)

Risk, The

The feeling was overwhelming. Stacy could feel her breasts blowing up, her butt ballooning and her belly expanding. The air rushing into her excited her like nothing ever had before and she was so happy she had volunteered for this crazy experiment…

Average: 1.9 (7 votes)
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