Full Body Inflation

Peach, Daisy, Rosalina and Pauline Inflation

Peach, Daisy, Rosalina and Pauline Inflation
Average: 3.8 (5 votes)

Octoloon floating in the skyyyyy!

This octoling has found herself 30 feet in the air filled to the brim with helium. She seems confused as she was told there was free soda from that hose attached to that huge metal can. 

*(BTW this character is 21 years old)*

Octoloon floating in the skyyyyy!
Average: 2.7 (3 votes)

Girl inflates in front of her friend

you can laso check my works on Deviant Art

Girl inflates in front of her friend
Average: 4.3 (8 votes)


Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

He was tall, lean, and had sharp hazel eyes, his long, fluffy hair a shade of copper just orange enough to catch the eye, yet still dark enough to pass for natural.  He wore a loose kimono, his chest bare in a demonstration of either casual confidence in his own looks or a casual lack of concern for the thoughts of anyone who didn't appreciate how -drop dead handsome- he was.

Which Lotte did.

Very much so.

Average: 2.8 (8 votes)


Inflation Types:

The past two weeks had been rocky for Brenda at first - printer paper and other sundries coming in two days late, the network not having the decency to go out completely and instead flicker off at inconvenient intervals - but she was pleased to see that the office's problems were resolved by the weekend.  Coming back on Monday, she had a surprisingly good few days, which made it sting all the more when the giantesses showed up.

Average: 4.9 (7 votes)

Trapped By the Team

Sexual Content:

Elroy had waited in the hall outside his college footballs locker room. If anyone saw Elroy, they’d figure he was just there for his job or to peeve on the hunky jocks. While he found some players attractive, Elroy was lurking about for his job. He was a reporter for his college newspaper and while he knew his story, had little support. He knew it needed to be told. His college football team, who had been average at best, was suddenly unbeatable. Most thought it was just thanks to some new training their coach was giving them. However, Elroy was certain something else was afoot.

Average: 3.8 (6 votes)

Jessica suck-o-luxed

Poor Jessica she fell on suck o lux vacuum cleaner..

Jessica suck-o-luxed
Average: 4.4 (7 votes)

Maintenance Call

Kay groaned and stepped into the grimey bathroom. He hated this room. The people who rented it were always doing strange experiments and the like, so their kitchen and bathrooms were always filled with strange things and even stranger messes.

He stopped by the stink to wash off his face. When he was washing the kitchen, an assortment of goopy liquid had fallen on him from on top of the fridge and, even after wiping it away with a paper towel, there was still a sticky residue on his face. 

Average: 3.2 (5 votes)

Lily Enstomach Uber Deflation 2/2



Lily Enstomach Uber Deflation 2/2
Average: 3.8 (4 votes)

Lily Enstomach Uber Inflation 1/2

 Lily Enstomach Uber Inflation 1/2
Average: 4 (7 votes)
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