Full Body Inflation

Duel of Two Witches, A

Inflation Types:
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The stagecoach rocked up and down as it rode down the path. Three passengers were riding along with Erin, all strangers to her. None of them were wearing a brown cloak like her, one with a hood that concealed her hair.

The horses pulling the stagecoach whinnied. The stagecoach stopped. Erin heard the stagecoach driver say something to a voice she didn’t recognize. One moment later, two knights in full suits of armor opened the stagecoach. One of them pointed his finger at her. “You! Step out!”

Average: 3.5 (2 votes)


Inflation Types:
Average: 4 (3 votes)


Average: 4.3 (9 votes)

Incident of Magical Buildup, An

Inflation Types:

When the day started, none of the fairy godparents could imagine what would be coming to them today. But, of course, everything went south when a pair of godparents, Cosmo and Wanda, granted their godchild, Timmy, a wish that everyone on earth looked exactly the same. But, unfortunately, this wish had the unintended consequence of Magical Buildup.

Average: 2.7 (3 votes)

Teen Titans Go Elasti Girl Parade Balloon

Inflation Types:
Teen Titans Go Elasti Girl Parade Balloon
Average: 3.6 (5 votes)

Talent Show MisHaps

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

I nervously held my hat by the brim, sliding it along my hands as they grew sweaty. I was up next for the company talent show, and I wasn't feeling confident at all. My best friend said I was going to do just fine if I took a breath and relaxed, but I couldn't see how I could do that. The balloon juggler before me finished his act to the booing from the crowd. He stormed off the stage, mumbling something about people not respecting the art.

Average: 3.9 (9 votes)


*BANG* In an instant Maim was bounding down the hallway from the Countess’ bedroom before she ran into any guards. She had hoped for a silent hunt; slip in, rough up the countess for her dues and be on her way. It wouldn’t be so easy with Countess Rosemare who was infamously stubborn in every way imaginable, which Maim found out the hard way. Maim’s only choice was filling the matriarch full of air like the gas bag she was to coerce her into paying up. The only mistake made was Maim’s laziness to memorise the whole spell, so the Countess kept filling the room with no end in sight.

Average: 3.3 (3 votes)

Self-Indulgent Competitive Inflation Story, A

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Sydney gave a disparaging laugh as she looked me over, setting her hand weights onto the gym rack.  "I hope you don't think you can -really- out-grow me." The tanned blonde heaved in a deep breath, her orange sports top stretching as her breasts and belly billowed out to beach ball proportions.  Another breath and her ass and limbs bulked up, their sudden width and conical shape forcing them out to the sides before a third breath simply pushed her body out in all directions, leaving her as a six-foot balloon with two domes on her front and the vaguest implication of human anatomy.

Average: 4 (9 votes)

Life is Very Strange

Life is Very Strange
Average: 4.3 (9 votes)

Evening with Nina, An

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

I hate sleeplessness. I would know since I haven’t been able to sleep more than three hours a night for the last few weeks. Sure, it was enough for me to function fine in the mornings, but once it got to be the late afternoon, I could barely keep my eyes open. The stress of my everyday life is what’s causing it, and the shitty thing is the lack of good sleep just piles on more stress!

Average: 4 (5 votes)
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