
Trapped By the Team

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Elroy had waited in the hall outside his college footballs locker room. If anyone saw Elroy, they’d figure he was just there for his job or to peeve on the hunky jocks. While he found some players attractive, Elroy was lurking about for his job. He was a reporter for his college newspaper and while he knew his story, had little support. He knew it needed to be told. His college football team, who had been average at best, was suddenly unbeatable. Most thought it was just thanks to some new training their coach was giving them. However, Elroy was certain something else was afoot.

Average: 4 (7 votes)

Pumping Perfume

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“Leave him alone.” barked Harold from the cabin door, his speckled eyes locked on Boyd who had Devon pinned to the timber floor.

Average: 3.8 (5 votes)

Mammoth Marathoner

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“Well, well, well. If it isn’t Brock. I thought you would be sick of losing by now?” came a laugh. Brock whirled around from securing his bike to a chain link fence. His  hazel eyes narrowed to glaring slits as he saw his taunter was none other than Andre. Andre and Brock had been doing marathons for years and the young men were bitter rivals. It frustrated Brock to no end that he hadn’t yet managed to defeat the dark haired French Andre that moved like a cheetah.

Average: 4 (8 votes)

Big Burps of a Jumbo Jerk

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Matt and Cindy had always had a difficult working relationship. Cindy was a blonde, stout, middle aged, single mom of two kids. While Matt was a young, light brown haired, tall, athletically built 20 something that seemed to do nothing around the office. Nothing that is except make noise and distract Cindy. Cindy would try to do her work but it was difficult as Matt loved his soda and as a result belched a lot. Burping was something Matt knew Cindy hated so he would do it on purpose and he wasn’t subtle about it.

Average: 3.6 (14 votes)

Twink and the Bodybuilder, The

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The gym was peaceful, as peaceful as a gym could be with the clanging of weights, grunts of exertion from the gym members and the blaring music. Tyrone considered himself the king of the gym, as he was the biggest guy in the gym and as a result the other members gave him a wide birth to let him do his thing. Sitting at his bench curling dumbbells that were bigger than some people’s heads, Tyrone was in his element. The music of his large headphones making himself oblivious to everything other than himself.

Average: 2.2 (6 votes)

Swell Science

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“Hey there Adam!” chirped Tiffany, as she bounced into the lab and spotted the tall, lanky form of Adam at his work station. However, Adam was silent and Tiffany taking a longer inspection noticed that Adam had his head phones in while he was mixing some vials of chemicals so he had undoubtedly not heard her. Tiffany allowed a devilish smirk as she realized Adam wasn’t even probably aware that she had even joined him in the lab.

Average: 3.8 (12 votes)

Players Penalty

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Kendall stood in the bathroom, flexing and admiring himself. Kendall wasn’t huge muscular wise but was all about the ‘aesthetic life’ and had quite a chiseled body, which was slowly being covered by an ever growing vine tattoo. There was still a little bit of redness around the latest flower added to the vine and Kendall knew that soon he’d had to have more vine added to make space for more flowers. Thinking about all the flowers made him smile and his cock twitch as each flower represented a girl he’d slept with.

Average: 3.4 (11 votes)

Disappearing Date

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Reese and Greg walked into the foyer of the cinema, talking excitedly to themselves totally unaware as they approached the counter that Luke, Reese’s ex-boyfriend was there at the box office selling tickets. Luke’s strong, square jaw clenched as he saw Reese holding hands with a guy who was even shorter than she was. He would’ve been lucky to be 5’6 and had a youthful face, bright blue eyes and a mop of unruly sandy brown hair. Reese looked as amazing as Luke remembered in a short, black skirt, black knee high boots and a nice button up top, he blonde curls falling about her shoulders.

Average: 3.8 (20 votes)

Farmyard Fellatio

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The two late teens stood in the barn eyeing each other off, letting the sexual tension build between them as they looked over each other, fantasizing about what was to come. They were on Felix’s farm and this encounter was his idea. Felix was the younger of the two, slightly smaller with scruffy, light brown hair that stuck up from his head, his hands tucked into his overalls to stop himself from rushing the moment by touching himself or Henry. Henry was taller and leaner than Felix, with neatly kept blonde hair.

Average: 3.9 (27 votes)

Massive Mechanic

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Pete was a tall, buff, blonde haired guy, with a beard looking much like a blonde version of Lou Ferrigno from back in his Hercules days. Pete was a mechanic, the term being used lightly, as to the annoyance of his coworkers Pete was a real slacker. Pete was always on his phone or chatting up the female customers who came in, entrancing them with his bulging biceps or how his shirt strained against the movement of his rounded pecs or even with his sheer height as he beamed down at them his white teeth and pale blue eyes.

Average: 4 (16 votes)
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