
Players Penalty

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Kendall stood in the bathroom, flexing and admiring himself. Kendall wasn’t huge muscular wise but was all about the ‘aesthetic life’ and had quite a chiseled body, which was slowly being covered by an ever growing vine tattoo. There was still a little bit of redness around the latest flower added to the vine and Kendall knew that soon he’d had to have more vine added to make space for more flowers. Thinking about all the flowers made him smile and his cock twitch as each flower represented a girl he’d slept with.

Average: 3.4 (11 votes)

More Maxine

“You crazy bitch.”

His head hurt. His vision was blurry. But as soon as he heard the machinery’s hum, Connor realized where he was, and he found his voice.

“Welcome back, Connor.” Of course she was here.

He started to make out the familiar shapes of the objects in the lab – tables, computers, tanks, fluorescent lights, Rhona’s workstation. As his vision returned, he also realized he couldn’t move his arms; he was taped to his desk chair.

“I was afraid I’d given you too much…and today of all days, that would be anticlimactic.”

Average: 3.4 (14 votes)

Wrong Costume to Wear, The

Hugh liked to do everything big: big house, big cars…Hugh liked to think of himself as a big man, though a more accurate description would be “round.” Hugh had big appetites to match his big attitude and it showed prominently. He liked to make a big scene and be the center of attention, even though people were more disgusted by him than impressed.

Average: 4 (5 votes)

One Night Stand

Warning: short inflation fiction follows. And if you visit London, be very careful about chatting up 20-something raven-haired girls with thin features and wild eyes in nightclubs...

Average: 4.3 (14 votes)

Bra and Panties

Jack had a lover and Jack had a wife. But not that wasn’t all. Jack also had an unquenchable desire for breast and body inflation. He downloaded every available video and photo that suited his lust, but kept his passion well-hidden from the two women in his life. But then came the day when all the elements got combined and the reactions it caused went well beyond everything Jack could ever have imagined.

Average: 3.7 (10 votes)

Conspiracy, part 2: Hard Lessons

The Hubbell Research Group had been a frantic hive of activity for several weeks.  Five years was a long time to be idle, and the staff was straining to handle the volume of leads that Barney was producing.  But even with so much work to be done, nobody commented when Jack came in on Friday morning with his usual stack of tabloids.

"Hey Barney."

"Hey Jack."

"The Dog Boy got engaged to the Turtle Girl," he said, flipping through The Snoop.

"I'm certain that will be a fascinating wedding registry.  Anything in the headlines jump out at you?"

Average: 4.1 (12 votes)


Theresa exacts her revenge on Alex, her traitorous husband.

Average: 4 (11 votes)

Stargazer, The

Sarah tries to reconcile with her husband Conrad after her affair. It turns out all he wants is a perfect night of star gazing.

Average: 4 (10 votes)


How do you know that your lover truly loves you? How can you tell if you can trust your lover with your life? David and Tara suddenly find themselves in a desperate situation where they must quickly come up with the answer those questions.

Average: 3.7 (7 votes)

Horace's Curse, Part 2: The Curse

Derek uses Horace's magic to enhance Valerie's figure. But things quickly get out of hand when she has a little too much fun with it and runs afoul of Horace's Curse.

Average: 4.2 (15 votes)
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