
Wings of Fury

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The refinery loomed in the dark, a monolith of steel and shadows, its towers belching smoke into the sky. Astrid Thorsdottir, Valkyrie and warrior, crouched behind a pile of scrap metal, her sharp eyes scanning the heavy iron doors. Clad in close-fitting leather armor that did nothing to conceal her curves, she squatted, her enchanted spear rested against her shoulder, its runes glinting faintly in the dim light. Inside, her girlfriend was held captive by Malthorax, a notorious wizard, and his coven of grotesquely bloated warlocks.

Average: 1.1 (9 votes)

Ski Lodge, The part 2

As Brett approached the door to the party room, he briefly wondered about his stay here. The girls here were sexy (and friendly, a novel experience to Brett and to most of the men here) while the food (and beer!) was both free and plentiful. Again, he wondered about the brochure: "Eat and drink all you want while skiing! Lose weight fast!" He wasn't going to pass up an opportunity like that.

Average: 3.9 (8 votes)

Ski Lodge, The - part 1

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Cora looked over the men that had answered their brochures. "Sheesh, Tiffany, did they ever answer! 'Experimental ski thereapy for men, only obese need apply.' There must be a dozen!"

"That's good,' answered Tiffany. "Fun times to be had by all...for a little while" She smiled mischievously as Cora leaned over and kissed her breifly. "We've left 'refreshments' out for our guests--"

"Same as we left for those gals?"

"The very same. Oh, except for one guy that arrived early, he has a special variant of the 'Boom' serum."

"Variant how?"

Average: 3.5 (10 votes)

Wonder Woman and the Two Succubae

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Sexual Content:

As Wonder Woman flew through air to reach Volcano Island, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of worry. According to the papers she found in Steve Trevor's apartment, he was investigating some obscure demonic ritual that summoned not one but two demons of the air. While she felt reasonably certain of her victory record, the idea of Steve fighting something that had technically never been born made her feel uneasy. As she sighted the island, she saw that the volcano was dormant.

Average: 3.7 (10 votes)

Wrong Costume to Wear, The

Hugh liked to do everything big: big house, big cars…Hugh liked to think of himself as a big man, though a more accurate description would be “round.” Hugh had big appetites to match his big attitude and it showed prominently. He liked to make a big scene and be the center of attention, even though people were more disgusted by him than impressed.

Average: 4 (5 votes)


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Sexual Content:

“Do the scouts report anything?”

“There’s still no sign of her, sir. It may be her woodcraft is beyond them.”

“It had better not be. I and my three brothers are the only known males left with the inborn talent of magic in this hell-hole of a queendom. It would not do if this woman, whoever she is, came upon us while our arts are not yet fully mastered,” said Baltus told the squad leader.

Average: 4.3 (12 votes)

Balloon Assassin

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Cassandra looked at her employer’s lush curves, kept a wave of carnal lust to herself.

“Remember, no survivors.”

“No problem. Cash in my account?”

“It’s being wired in as we speak. Matter of fact, it should be there right about now.”

“Time I was going, then,” Cassie said. On an impulse, she leaned forward and kissed the woman full on the lips. As she drew back, both women were smiling.

“If you have any more contracts, keep me in mind. Oh, and keep your eyes open during the Fourth of July.”


Average: 3.8 (5 votes)

Spa, The

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Deanna pushed open the door with her belly alone. Six weeks she and her friends had been staying here at the health spa, and she was quite sick and tired of it. Far from trying to lose the weight, she actually made a deliberate effort to pack on the pounds, and now packed some 160 of them on her 5’7” frame. Proud of her body now, she always wore tight outfits emphasizing her belly, knowing that their trainer Cora (a woman that got paid depending on how much weight her clients dropped) was angered by it. As she entered, she saw Cindy munching on a celery stalk.

Average: 3.3 (7 votes)

Racer X

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Some people pilot racing blimps. Some people are racing blimps.

Average: 3.7 (6 votes)

Racer X, Part 2: The Race Day

Inflation Types:

I strolled down the row of racers, the sponsors and the sponsors’ painters, already hard at work on the costumes. I nodded casual greetings to the other racers. Jenny, a longtime friend and former lover, was already getting her logo painted on her belly--a large AT&T logo, plus several other smaller sponsors’ logos.

“You’re lucky to snag them,” I said. “How much for?”

“Three million plus endorsements and commercials. Who’d you get?”

I told her. She laughed.

Average: 3.4 (5 votes)
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