high school

Hot for Teacher

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I was staying late to finish up my art project. As usual, I was the last one to finish, using every last minute before the deadline. I was not completely alone, however. She was still working as well--sitting at her desk, grading the last assignments before the much anticipated and needed break, listening to the quiet sounds of Dave Grohl, Chris Cornell, and the like.

Average: 3.8 (15 votes)

Kate's First Story

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I’m sick of it. I’m sick of the bullies, the corruption, the stress, and the fear. Most of all the fear. This high school I’m in now has almost everyone afraid or putting fear into others. But not me, not this girl Kate anymore. I’m not afraid, because I’ve learned I’m something more than just another girl. Something more than just another bit of prey. I’m something else entirely.

I’m not letting anyone else spread fear anymore.

Average: 2.7 (3 votes)

Conspiracy, part 2: Hard Lessons

The Hubbell Research Group had been a frantic hive of activity for several weeks.  Five years was a long time to be idle, and the staff was straining to handle the volume of leads that Barney was producing.  But even with so much work to be done, nobody commented when Jack came in on Friday morning with his usual stack of tabloids.

"Hey Barney."

"Hey Jack."

"The Dog Boy got engaged to the Turtle Girl," he said, flipping through The Snoop.

"I'm certain that will be a fascinating wedding registry.  Anything in the headlines jump out at you?"

Average: 4.1 (12 votes)
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