Full Body Inflation

Tricks of The Trade

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

First, a little backstory: Human trafficking is at an all time high. Ever since the United States federal government approved of mail-order spouses, foreign underground companies have been kidnapping and selling women all over the world.

Average: 3.4 (11 votes)

Emma's Detention

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

Boredom, that’s what Emma had suffered for the last 10 minutes, and ten minutes was enough for her. She was a blonde haired, curvy girl with C cups and a large ass. She was hounded by most of the boys in college as the hottest girl but Emma was already taken, off limits to all but her bf Max and she loved it, teasing all the boys and some girls too.

Average: 3.8 (15 votes)

Helga the Inflatist

Sexual Content:
Average: 2 (4 votes)

Girl Power

- This is the prize; - A woman with double chin opened a suitcase and showed the packs of currency inside. Then she put it on the bar stand, and carefully closed both locks. – The winners will divide those between them. I love inflation movies! The public loves inflation movies. I know your kind, so if the feed is cut off - no prize for anyone. See you in 100 minutes. – She lifted the suitcase, turned and walked out, there was a sound of a car driving away. The two guards stayed though.

Average: 2.2 (9 votes)

Adventuring Hazard

In time immemorial there stood in the antediluvian land of Mnar a great city of men; the City of Sarnath. It was a true metropolis, bustling with merchants and fortune seekers from all reaches of the known world. The bandage-wrapped talisman peddlers of Noor, the diminutive lizard beings of Outer Foth, even the fabled moon-beings could all be found wandering the winding streets and bazaars of Great Sarnath, hawking and buying things ranging from fine bronze blades to black lotus to dyed bolts of silk.

Average: 3.4 (5 votes)

First Date

"Ugh. You are soooooo irritating. So irritating," glares the girl at you from across the small table.

"Oh, I'M the one who's irritating? All you do is whine and complain and insult me about everything."

"Well, maybe I would be nicer if you hadn't started our date off by telling me how much fatter I was than in my pictures, you jerk. You fucking jerk."

"Yeah, after you walked in here and said, 'Oh, ugh, I thought you were gonna be a lot more attractive than this,' you bitch. Besides, at least I don't REPEAT MY OWN INSULTS." You sneer mockingly at her.

Average: 3.8 (12 votes)

Dunk Tank

"Hey man! Thanks for showing up. You signed up to work the dunk tank with Kate and Stacy, right?" I asked, handing you a little badge that read "Staff" and pointing you towards a squat little platform in the distance.

Average: 4.5 (33 votes)

Creak, Gasp, Bang!

"So, what kind of surprise for me do you have set up at a gas station in the middle of nowhere, of all places?" You ask, hopping out of the passenger seat and looking around. This place is deserted. The only other cars you can see are the ones that occasionally pass by on the highway off in the distance. Your eyes linger for a second on the free air compressor: we parked pretty close. I notice a little smirk cross your pretty face for just a second.

Average: 4.2 (30 votes)

Trial, The

Inflation Types:

“Bring in the accused!” Brother Martin called across the large sanctuary.  Two armed guards opened the double doors to allow a small group of people into the church.  It was 1692, and disturbing word had reached the citizens of the Massachusetts town of Boston that Salem was in the midst of terror.  Women and men were accused of consorting with the devil and practicing other forms of witchcraft.  With distaste, they heard the peo

Average: 4 (10 votes)


Inflation Types:
Average: 3.6 (8 votes)
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