Inflate123's Video Vault on YouTube

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Inflate123's picture
Inflate123's Video Vault on YouTube

I'm slowly getting the old clips uploaded. Some of them look as old as they are, but I figure...hey, they're history, right? Everybody's going to YouTube for videos anyway, myself included, so it makes sense. Let's see if it works.

I tried once before and the clips were removed, but it was the "Pump My Body To The Top" which violated, like, 30 copyrights in one three-minute clip. I expect everything won't go up because of the copyright issues, but I'll try and we'll see what sticks.

RenegadeKamui's picture

You might try what guywiththeglasses did and make each video a separate channel. When YouTube shuts down a channel for copyright violations they don't seem to investigate other related channels.

darth_clone19's picture

thats friggin great! XD

 -   Read my stories: 


Awesome. =D

Inflate123's picture

I am running into a few snags with outdated codecs that won't convert, and I've had a few clips rejected for either copyright or content, but not many. I am still adding them as I get the time.

I think this collection will be smaller than people remember. It was huge when there was nothing else out there. :) But hey, it's history.

Inflate123 wrote:
I am running into a few snags with outdated codecs that won't convert, and I've had a few clips rejected for either copyright or content, but not many. I am still adding them as I get the time.

I think this collection will be smaller than people remember. It was huge when there was nothing else out there. :) But hey, it's history.

So's the atari, but I still play it :D Did you try using something like totalvideoconverter?

I've used it before and it seems to handle just about everything.

Inflate123's picture

It's gone, baby, gone.

Just logged into YouTube to find my account has been disabled. That's a drag -- maybe the stuff I was uploading to the Video Vault was deemed too adult. I had a few clips rejected due to copyright, but most of them were original videos. All Ylandra's stuff...I was really glad to have that, and I intentionally put it up first because I was always a big fan and I knew there would be no legal hassles.

I can always create a second account, and I probably will. But it's not my main focus right now, so I figure, this is a sign. I've got my fingers in several projects at the moment, both pervy and non, and I've been wondering if I was spreading myself too thin. Even trying to throw a few clips onto YouTube every weekend was a time commitment. So I'll focus my energies on one less project. For now, anyway -- I would like to bring those clips back online.

However...if you were going to play the conspiracy game...I know that Taylor's video clips were all yanked from the service too, about a week before my entire account was suspended. So this is either a system-wide crackdown on adult material...or something nefarious.

Frankly? I'm not ruling anything out.


You might try another site like Dailymotion.


Inflate123's picture
Vertigo wrote:
You might try another site like Dailymotion.

Good idea. Like I said, I'll get back on the horse, but not quite yet. I've got another project I'm really enjoying working on (and several real-life projects that I am not, but still have to do!) so I'll check out some of the other options in a little while.


You will go down in history as one of the greatest.


He already has.