Interesting/Funny Add from Modern Mechanics - 1949

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Interesting/Funny Add from Modern Mechanics - 1949

Not sure if this has bee posted here before, but here goes.

Stumbled across this interesting little article recently while surfing the net. It's apparently an ad from a 1949 issue of Modern Mechanix, advertising a 'breathing balloon' for women, designed to improve lung capacity and (supposedly) 'develop' the female figure.

The image included in the article isn't especially tantalizing, but the concept is intriguing nonetheless. Could make good fodder for a story.

Just thought I'd post the link, in case anyone was interested.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."

Inflate123's picture

Excellent find. "Develops your form, if that's what you want." What a strange phrasing -- it's as if they couldn't come out and say what it did, and they were a little to shy to even insinuate that someone would even want the product!

A decade later, they were not as shy: