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Catty N?

What ever happened to Catty N I remembershe had some great art. If anybody knows or has some of the works could it be possible to get some?


Cattyn was actually a guy and had a nervous breakdown of sorts and removed all his stuff from dev Art and his website etc, least that's the short story to it.


He's still drawing, just not inflation though
[LVK: Link Removed. If he wants to disappear, we should let him.]

JSK00's picture

Yeah, what a shame.

Still nice that he kept his artistic touch.

(Wonder if he still believes, though....)


Yeah... he had some good artwork. Love the style, but never knew he had a 'breakdown'. I thought it had something with people stealing his art and no paying any royalties to him. <_<;

But it nice to see him still drawing. ^-^


No, from what I've read, he couldn't take the harrasment he got for being an inflation drawer, so he deleted it all out of embarrasment.

gHassy wrote:
No, from what I've read, he couldn't take the harrasment he got for being an inflation drawer, so he deleted it all out of embarrasment.

Ahh... I see. Thanks for the clarification. I thought something like that might be the cause.

Archangel_Dreadnought's picture

Well, the dude is bipolar and that explains everything about him. I got info strait from him.

So many inflation drawings lack flow/life, they are just a girl standing around with a hose stuck somewhere and large whatevers.


well I think harassment was a reason, but there was also the fact that he was getting into illustrating kids' stories as a job and he didn't want anyone noticing that there was some fetish stuff that appeared to be in the same style.

Having seen some of his 'legit' stuff I can totally understand it was instantly recognisable as his and if a future employer ever accidentally stumbled across his site he would be out of a job most likely

He still hangs around on yahoo though, and is happy to chat to members of the community.

airtankgirl5's picture

Liked the art, not worth the drama.


Its a real shame when the pressure gets to people who draw really great art and it forces them outta the scene. He will be sorely missed by many horny people lol


Also the poor fella has been trying to keep a steady paycheck and ate nothing but Ramen and canned soup while living in a cramped apartment. He was shooting for a great job dealing in drawing, I think his reaction would be the same for me if I was just trying to survive. I hope he wins the lottery or gets a large donation, or at least a dream job for all that he has gone through.

doubleintegral's picture

Wouldn't mind seeing his art tutorial(s) again.


Yeah, the story I from his DA account shortly before he shut everything down was (in order).

1)He was tired of a whole heckova lot of people stealing his artwork and claiming it was their own. The didn't want to do watermarks or anything.

Around this time:

2)As stated above, he was aiming to get a 'legit' job as an artist and feared that if his inflation stuff ever got out, he would be ruined. Sad but true fact is that he probably would have. Anyway, he was looking to get out of the scene and did.

Half of me wishes his stuff was still archived somewhere on the internet (giving CattyN full rights, of course) but the other, smarter, less selfish half realizes we should respect the artists' wishes and let CattyN get out of CattyN wants out.