Volunteer 5

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Disclaimer:  balloony, inflatable themes herein - for mature audiences only.


For a moment longer the woman stood there.  Pam leaned over to her charge, quietly narrating.  "Steve is going to run a test program first, then the full sequence."  Sandra nodded acknowledgment as Pam resumed bouncing on her heels again, clutching the clipboard across her chest as she did.

The volunteer was not of unusual height, but even hunched over on the concrete block as she was, one tended to look up to her at an angle.  The green glow from the board illuminated her front, revealing the gentle curvature of her small and perky breasts as gravity pulled them away from her chest.  The expanse of a flat but not particularly athletic belly lay almost hidden behind the mounds.  Her generous hips remained shrouded by the netting draped over them. 

Flinching, her smirk was briefly interrupted.  At the same time, her skin began to change, losing its flat tones and gaining a pliable, satiny sheen that seemed to reflect the green glow.

Then, in unison, both of her breasts quickly swelled, quadrupling in size and rounding out over her rib cage.  The same distinctive hiss that Sandra had heard before with Pam was again present.  The swelling stopped just as quickly as it had begun and the woman looked down at her chest, then back up again, raising her eyebrows as if to say "wow".  After a short pause, the high sibilation returned.  Her formerly flat abdomen now began to rapidly bloat, inflating downward towards the floor.   It made rubbery squeaking noises as it did and she adjusted her stance slightly to make room for her ballooning belly.  It, too, then stopped swelling as quickly as it had started.

The glow faded and the female technician carefully approached the subject volunteer.  The two spoke briefly (the woman nodded her head in the affirmative a few times) before the tech backed away again, speaking into her comm link.  The group of assembled techs and engineers busily wrote on their clipboards and typed on their computers.  The engineer operating the camera stood quietly, capturing the scene for posterity.

Once the female tech was clear, the green glow returned.  Slowly, at about half the rate as before, her belly and chest deflated until she was back to normal (well, as normal as one can look with rubbery skin).

Steve, the tech at the workstation, then activated the loud chime tone again and worked the holographic interface.  Sandra leaned over again to Pam.  "Here we go!"

Though the volunteer's smirk had subsided, again her face was briefly punctuated with surprise as the hiss returned.  This time, her entire upper body began to swell, from her vulva to her upper thorax.  Atop (or rather below) her swelling midsection, her two perky breasts enthusiastically ballooned.  But this time, the inflation didn't stop and they relentlessly billowed outward.  Sandra could see the woman's shoulders puff up and that beneath the netting her hips were following suit.

The engineering group continued noting their observations with determined concentration.

The woman's whole body squeaked as if she were a toy balloon inflating at the end of helium tank's nozzle.  Rapidly, she grew and in less than a minute, her belly was advancing in close proximity to the eyebolt embedded in the concrete block.  Beneath the netting, the flesh of her back could be seen puffing outward.  Her arms, also inflating, began rising as unseen pressure built inside.  She no longer had a discernible waist.

"Now, watch this" Pam insistently whispered.  No longer bouncing on her heels, she stood still while staring wide-eyed through her glasses at the woman on the concrete dais.  Unconsciously, she bit into her lower lip and held on to her clipboard as if for dear life.

The woman continued to swell, the shiny flesh of her back rising under the netting as her belly pressed further downward.  She shifted her feet in an odd way - not only making room for her expanding belly, but also leaning forward.  In fact, her feet no longer seemed to be centered below her mass. 

One of the male engineers in the observation group had stopped taking notes and was just standing there, staring at the subject with his mouth slightly agape.  Another engineer looked up at him and then lightly swatted his shoulder, muttering something.  He dutifully returned to note taking.

Gently, the woman's squeaking, swollen body rocked back and forth under the netting, which shifted slightly.  At her feet, the loose material began to unfurl and Sandra realized that the woman's feet were no longer bound by gravity.  Indeed, she was now hovering above the block by a few inches.  Only the weight of the netting seemed to hold her down.  

Sandra gasped quietly. 

Pam continued to intently stare at the scene before her, as if witnessing it for the first time.

Up the woman rose, inch by inch as she continued to swell.  The netting cascaded down from her inflated frame and onto the block, cone like, outlining an increasingly spherical body.  One foot, then two she steadily rose as she inflated.  The helium swelled her rubbery skin, as if she were a balloon.  The bigger she grew, the more netting rose with her.  Soon she had ascended to more than ten feet off the block as her shoulders and hips disappeared into the sphere of her upper body.  Her legs and arms had long since star-fished.  She continued to rise.

At about twenty-five feet, the remaining slack of the netting began to run out and by the time she reached thirty feet of altitude, the slack was gone.   The dozens of small ropes gently tightened and slackened as the woman reached the zenith of her ascent and rebounded a few inches. The uneven distribution of the netting across her inflating body also caused her to roll slightly from side to side and back and forth has her buoyancy sought equilibrium.

Still, she continued to inflate.  Her shoulders had puffed up so much so that her neck was disappearing.  Her breasts remained two distinct semi-globes billowing out from her belly.  It was increasingly difficult to determine where her legs and arms ended and where her body began and the bigger she grew, the more lift she commanded.  The netting soon began to tense up as the rounding woman inflated beneath the spreading net.  Far below, the netting converged, cone-like, then gave way to the dozens of small ropes that were, in turn, tied to the steel eyebolt.

She no longer rebounded against the netting and ropes, but instead swayed back and forth like an inverted pendulum.  She had grown so big that it seemed her body had absorbed her legs and arms.  Dainty feet and hands protruded through the large gaps in the netting atop pliant domes that had been her arms and legs.  Her two large mamarian mounds had kept pace with her belly, prominently bulging down and away from her ballooning torso and peeking out from behind the spreading net.

As she continued to inflate, her body increasingly resembled a spherical balloon.  Her head began to sink into what was once her neck and shoulders under the relentless growth.  The angle of the netting became less and less acute as she swelled larger and larger.  Before long, she must have been almost twenty-five feet in diameter.  She was nothing but a flesh colored, rubbery sphere, still squeaking under the netting as she grew.  With increased girth came increased lift and soon her round body began to deform under the tightening restraint.  Her skin bulged through the netting as if it were tuck-and-roll upholstery.

The squeaking and the hissing continued, renewing their vigor as Steve-the-technician made some adjustments to the workstation controls.

Most of the observation team had stopped taking notes by now and were staring upward, craning their necks to see the progress.  The lead female technician, too, was looking up at the balloon woman above.  She briefly took her eyes away to glance at the concrete block, then back up to the inflatee, speaking into her comm link.  The rest of the team then turned their attention to the block as well and resumed their feverish note taking.

Bigger the woman swelled.  Pam continued looking intently upward, absently saying to Sandra "any moment, now".

Then, as if on cue, the concrete block shifted.  The high tension of the ropes briefly subsided and the woman bounced up and down.  Steve-the-technician made one final adjustment to the workstation.  The woman visibly inflated just a bit more and as she did, the concrete block rose above the floor, drawn upward by the tensioned ropes, then hovered a foot or two above the floor.

The observation team erupted in applause, each member almost dropping his or her respective clipboard or computer.  The ballooning woman smiled, blushing and slightly embarrassed.   The female lead technician was grinning ear-to-ear as she spoke into her comm link.  Even Pam joined in, finally jostled out of her trance.  She, again, leaned over to Sandra.  "First time out, not bad.  Not bad at all."

Sandra stared at the scene, wide eyed.  "Oh.  My.  God."


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