How would you describe it?

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CorpulentArtifice's picture
How would you describe it?

I've recently started seeing someone new, and when we were talking a while ago he asked if I had any weird kinks. I told him I had a few, but they were private and I wasn't ready to share them, and the matter was dropped for a while. But today we were texting and he asked again what those private kinks were, and I told him I'd rather discuss it in person since I wasn't comfortable going over it via text message.

I told my ex about my fetish, somewhat awkwardly, and he was very cool with it. But this guy is somewhat different to my ex and I'm not sure how he'd react to it, nor am I really sure how I can describe my fetishes without sounding completely insane. I'm sure I can figure something out without too much trouble, but it got me thinking about how others might handle the situation.

If you decided to tell a friend or significant other about your inflation fetish, what would you say?

Formerly known as SignoreMirtillo

TightUnderPressure's picture

I too would be interested in knowing a good way to tell someone. A close friend of mine has mentioned in passing an interest in inflation. I'd like to tell her about this site, certain videos, proper saftey, what have you, but I'm not sure how she'll react to me being into this.

Oh! The pressure! It feels so good! Please, don't let me pop!

Daemon13's picture

Tell me about it, ive been trying to figure a way to tell my long term partner about all this. Shes very open minded about my kinks and this is really the only one that ive never told her about. I fear it may be just too weird for her.

mosherballoon's picture

When I told my current partner, I basically said I was into people blowing up like balloons, I told her it was called body inflation. I did say it was a bit hard to explain it and why I liked it. Anyway she just googled it and read up on some stuff and asked me more questions about it. So basically she took it on herself to find out more. So I knew that she wasnt judging me for it but wanted to know more about it to assist more in the bed room. I imagine if she was put off or wasnt interested she wouldnt of looked it up or brought it up again. It all depends on the person you are telling.

doubleintegral's picture

Don't forget to explain to him how it started, not just what it is.  Helps put it in perspective.


I'm really not in a position to offer advice such as this, not having someone I'm close to like this, but if your partner has equally embarassing kinks he is unwilling to share, perhaps you can agree to tell each other simultaneously before either of you has the chance to get cold feet again.  You each write your thing on a piece of paper, just a word or two, trade papers, read them at the same time, then go your separate ways for the day and come back the next ready to discuss and ask questions.

Formerly known as unknown.


I always just use Violet as an example.  Even if you're not into blueberries I find it's the easiest way to get the point across.  The next question is usually something along the lines of: "how is that even possible"  to which you have to explain it's not and it's all pretend and roleplaying.  If they really want to dig in and get to know better; then just explain what you like about it.  IE - me personally I like the themes of control and submission; so bondage is an easy analogue.  After that pointing them in the direction of this website is a good way to let them poke around on their own. 

Don't just dump a ton of exposition on them, start with Violet to give them an example to work with, then let them ask the questions; they'll ask you what they want to know about it.  Remember, be calm and confident; you're letting them in on your favorite game, not telling them your darkest secret.

...I meant that sarcastically.


I always just use Violet as an example.  Even if you're not into blueberries I find it's the easiest way to get the point across.  The next question is usually something along the lines of: "how is that even possible"  to which you have to explain it's not and it's all pretend and roleplaying.  If they really want to dig in and get to know better; then just explain what you like about it.  IE - me personally I like the themes of control and submission; so bondage is an easy analogue.  After that pointing them in the direction of this website is a good way to let them poke around on their own. 

Don't just dump a ton of exposition on them, start with Violet to give them an example to work with, then let them ask the questions; they'll ask you what they want to know about it.  Remember, be calm and confident; you're letting them in on your favorite game, not telling them your darkest secret.

...I meant that sarcastically.

HeavyMetalBlood (not verified)

Some helpful advice I can give you is don't take your fetishes so damn seriously, which I'm sure that's a mistake that a lot of people here make... Hiding your fantasies from your partners like it's a deep, dark and shameful secret probably won't have the desired effect when you spill the beans. 

Just casually bring it up as one of your kinks you're into whenever the topic comes up. If anything, it will show that you are more creative with your fantasies than most people.


CorpulentArtifice's picture

I finally got the nerve up to tell him, and he took it pretty well, though he does find it odd and I don't think he really wants to be involved in it at all, lol.

Thanks for the advice, for everyone who provided it, but I was less looking for advice and more actually wondering "how would you describe it to someone who had never heard of this?" xP

Formerly known as SignoreMirtillo

doctorbo's picture

Glad to hear it!

When I managed to say it I usually started with big boobs (which I love, and every girl you say my drawing can attest and know).

It's usually something like: You like big boobs? Yep - I like big stuff. So I confess by steps: liking big girl and/or with big curves, I started fantazing about them getting this big. Then I went beyond that, with the whole process of inflation and them getting beyond big, Now I'm hooked. If I'm daring, I throw the Frof in the Ox the mix.

I once managed to say it after the Marleena vore scene in Men in Black II (I'm not into vore per say, but I really liked the big belly) and confess further with the redhead blowing her boobs up in Scary Movie 2 or 3, can't recall which one...

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