Whose Online?

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Whose Online?

I think one thing that this site needs is a way to show that someone's online, a dot next to their name or something.

In one way, it could improve roleplay in that you wind up roleplaying with someone who's online at pretty much the same time rather than the exact opposite.

But that's just one aspect of this site that can be improved by that. Anyone else with ideas to add, please comment!

LutherVKane's picture

We had that feature here many years ago. I initially took it down due to a security issue in the module. Then I discoevred that it was primarily used for stalking people and decided not to deactivate it.

If sufficient interest is expressed, I'll look into it. But it would have to be optional and 100% opt-en (i.e., disabled for a user by default).


My online.


Whose Online Is It Anyway?