Salutations, Didactic Friends!

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Salutations, Didactic Friends!

Howdy from Texas!

I'm a math nerd with a penchant for creative writing and tabletop gaming. Magical realism is my favorite genre.

This Web site caught my fancy while Googling for inflation art.

Pleasure to meet you all. 


hola! gooday! guy.

welcome to the inflation 

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Welcome aboard, chum. A complimentary care package will arrive at your current location within two to five business centuries. 

Also, If'n you don't mind, might I ask what you play? DnD? Mtg? Warhammer 20k? Some other game or combination of the above options?’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


FATE and Numenera are my go-to tabletop games of choice, but I'm familiar with most. I'm also designing a new system with some friends who've started up a gaming company.

firnov's picture

Ahh a texan. Nice to meet you!

And boom goes the inflatee

MixMaster (not verified)

Howdy and welcome


inflation gives perfect shape for rolling, all we need is write numbers: 2 and 4 on sides, 1 and 5 on belly and back, 3 on feet and if one rolls face up - the face is telling if it's a critical


That is very true!