Why are Inflation fans so judgemental?

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James Skywalker
James Skywalker's picture
Why are Inflation fans so judgemental?

I'm pretty sure all of us here are into Inflation from a MULTITUDE of different scenes and such. For some it's blueberry, others it was Bambi blaze or TMC and w even though we're all basically share a similar interest we all put down the fetish we're not "specifically" attracted too.

I like Ass expansion and my favorite scene is from here https://youtu.be/bRCOom151fo and if you don't gel with this scene then that's cool but leave me be why judge what I find sexy when one could just as easily judge your Inflation preference?

It's like expansion as a fetish is niche enough already so can we stop shaming other for what they like and all just get along?
Seriously the community for this fetish can be really cancerous

James Skywalker
James Skywalker's picture

Another scene I've never particularly liked was the expansion from Harry Potter for my own reasons but if others like it then I'mma let them be. Why should I tell someone what they find attractive isn't hot and that what they like is "weird" when ALL of our shit is weird to the 97% of people. 


Sorry I'm just letting out some steam.

Pennsylvania Ki...
Pennsylvania Kite Weather's picture

Sounds like this thread is at risk to drift into people bashing other fields and camps of inflation and getting everyone's feelings hurt, but maybe we can examine this objectively.

As you said, there's a range of exposures and awakenings to the fetish which develop and divide up the fetishists in time. What makes inflation difficult to manage is mostly how it's an intersection for all different sorts of body worship and play that obviously, nobody tends to idolize the same. It's precisely why a normal, non-inflation-fetishist might fawn over a large pair of breasts and completely scorn a posterior on the same model. Someone else will do it vice versa, and yet another individual will get odd looks when they focus in on the feet. To answer your question in the title, we champion some body parts over others, those choices can even be unorthodox, and when one selection gets more attention (media representation, discussion, artwork), a marginalized one with a smaller group of fans starts to voice their complaints.

What we can't really do is throw stones at each other because that mental wiring which says "only boobs are good" or "only butts are good" doesn't exactly evolve in people very quickly; I find those with rigid selections deal with these sort of problems where they feel hopelessly outnumbered -- they do have every right to stick to their guns -- but feeling attacked over it isn't quite reaching towards a resolution. I'm not saying "try to like every branch of the inflation fetish the same" so everyone can get along with all sunshine and rainbows. Rather instead understand that the foundation of this fetish, and what's considered sexually attractive in general to anyone, is basically prioritizing certain parts, preferences, forms and shapes of beauty, if you want to put it that begrudgingly poetic.

But yes, this fetish naturally then has people with narrow scopes as a result. That won't change. For solutions, folks can either gather similar people with the same interest in a subsection of inflation and cordon themselves off, hide away so the larger community doesn't bother them, or instead, extend the olive branch. On here, a site that encompasses many of these general, overarching subsections, you basically live or die by that choice whether to associate or disassociate yourself. Just please, speaking on behalf of those who hate arguments, I wish people would do so quietly.

Cosinusitis's picture

uhhhhhhh female inflation poopy

My username is stupid.

Better known as Poqato on the art scene.

Blue_Eyes's picture

This is going to turn out great

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.

airtankgirl5's picture

When do we get the follow up thread, "why are inflation fans so sensitive?" :)

But towards the OP's original question, here's the answer:  Because they are humans, just like everyone else.  And just like everyone else (other humans), they have the right to be judgemental.



darkburster2's picture

This is why I don't go around bashing on stuff I don't like. It's different on discord cuz if there's a channel for furies il have that muted- I get upset when furry art starts popping up in another channel.


I basically try to avoid things I don't like, I don't wanna bash anything though cuz I'm self aware that my own fetishes are abnormal and weird lol.


i still got to tell people that when they show up on my page and go, "wtf is this shit" basically. It's annoying but it happens.


i can say I don't like blueberries, butt, planet size, ssbw, stuffing etc etc but that doesn't mean I'm gonna judge people for those either.

Misery loves company.

Lady Delirium
Lady Delirium's picture

There’s a lot of reasons. biggest one being that it’s easier to be a douche online than in person imo. 

Also people are way too sensitive most of the time? Like, goddamn




NameTaken's picture

why are all of your posts about babe pig in the city


I doubt its just general judgement so much as its the fact that a certain someone has been shoving that one scene down everyone's throats periodically for the last while. Even on Subreddits and such that literally have nothing to do with the clip itself. People are a lot less judgemental when things dont keep dancing in their faces.