
Five Stages

Inflation Types:

All I did was shoplift a lipstick. I should’ve remembered about the new laws they’d brought in - "one strike and you vanish". I can’t stop myself, it’s a compulsion. I used to be on pills for it but I can’t afford them any more, so here I am. Of course, if I had enough money, I could’ve bribed my way out. Well, I suppose I wouldn’t be here in the first place because I could’ve bought the tablets and it would’ve stopped me from needing to steal things. I didn’t remember it had gotten this bad. I don’t really follow the news or anything and I try to keep out of trouble.

Average: 4 (17 votes)

Clinic, The

Inflation Types:
Sexual Content:

"We offer various novel techniques for maintaining and improving health, including colonic irrigation, acupuncture and oxygen therapy. Special introductory offer of two treatments for the price of one. See one of our students and get treated free."

I'm not normally the kind of person who goes in for alternative therapies, but this really looked tempting, particularly from what i'd seen of the beautiful female therapists who worked there. Without bothering to read any further, i turned to the back of the leaflet and dialled the number I found.

Average: 4.1 (10 votes)

Method Acting

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory was a hit with the kids yet certain healthy eating lobbyists had always been concerned about its promotion of junk food, so they wrote their own version, Toria And The Tofu Factory, a story about a group of children who win tickets to a healthfood factory, where they meet various entertaining demises such as drowning in a vat of wheatgrass juice or being turned into rice cakes. Amazingly, it was even more popular and the day inevitably came when it was made into a movie and a theme park followed.

Average: 3.4 (10 votes)

Amanda the Balloon Girl

It was my first day at Gremlin's toy shop. I had always wanted to work with children, so this was a big thing, and even though I was going to have to start at the bottom doing menial and probably humiliating tasks I was really looking forward to it.

I was now sitting in an ancient-looking, clean but dimly-lit wood-panelled room with an antique looking oak desk behind which sat an antique looking oak gentleman in a tweed suit. This contrasted with the public part of the shop, which was trendy and modern, all chrome and glass with the latest gadgets for children everywhere.

Average: 4.3 (14 votes)
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