Greetings testers. If you have any problems or issues, please post here.
Welcome Beta Testers
I got this on the main page, i wasn't logged in:
SQL Queries:
LINE 105: SELECT bid, bposition, bkey, title, content, url, blockfile, view, refresh, time FROM dragonfly_blocks WHERE active='1' ORDER BY weight ASC
LINE 51: SELECT m.title as link, m.custom_title as title, m.view,, m.inmenu, m.cat_id,, c.image, c.pos AS catpos, AS catlnk, c.link_type AS cattype FROM dragonfly_modules AS m LEFT JOIN dragonfly_modules_cat c ON (c.cid = m.cat_id) WHERE AND m.inmenu=1 AND m.view IN (0,3)
LINE 62: SELECT l.title,, l.link_type, l.view,, l.cat_id,, c.image, c.pos AS catpos, AS catlnk, c.link_type AS cattype FROM dragonfly_modules_links AS l LEFT JOIN dragonfly_modules_cat c ON (c.cid = l.cat_id) WHERE AND l.view IN (0,3)
LINE 29: SELECT s.uname, s.module, s.url, u.user_allow_viewonline FROM dragonfly_session AS s LEFT JOIN dragonfly_users AS u ON u.username=s.uname WHERE guest=0 OR guest=2 ORDER BY s.uname
LINE 30: SELECT uname, module, url FROM dragonfly_session WHERE guest=1 OR guest=3
LINE 0: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dragonfly_users WHERE user_regdate='Mar 10, 2005'
LINE 0: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dragonfly_users WHERE user_regdate='Mar 09, 2005'
LINE 0: SELECT username FROM dragonfly_users WHERE user_active = 1 AND user_level > 0 ORDER BY user_id DESC LIMIT 1
LINE 0: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dragonfly_users WHERE user_id > 1 AND user_level >= 0
LINE 125: SELECT a.uname, u.user_id FROM dragonfly_session AS a LEFT JOIN dragonfly_users AS u ON u.username = a.uname WHERE guest = 2 ORDER BY a.uname
LINE 82: SELECT prefix, dirname FROM dragonfly_cpg_installs ORDER BY cpg_id
LINE 54: SELECT * FROM dragonfly_cpg_config
LINE 74: SELECT * FROM dragonfly_cpg_usergroups WHERE group_id = 3
LINE 0: SELECT custom_title FROM dragonfly_modules WHERE title='coppermine'
LINE : SELECT count(*) FROM dragonfly_cpg_albums
LINE : SELECT count(*) FROM dragonfly_cpg_pictures
LINE : SELECT sum(hits) FROM dragonfly_cpg_pictures
LINE : SELECT sum(votes) FROM dragonfly_cpg_pictures
LINE : SELECT count(*) FROM dragonfly_cpg_comments
LINE 68: UPDATE dragonfly_counter SET count=count+1 WHERE (var='MSIE' AND type='browser') OR (var='Windows' AND type='os')
LINE 69: UPDATE dragonfly_stats_hour SET hits=hits+1 WHERE (year='2005') AND (month='03') AND (date='09') AND (hour='20')
LINE 70: INSERT INTO dragonfly_stats_hour VALUES ('2005','03','09','20','1')
LINE 0: SELECT mid, title, content, date, expire, view FROM dragonfly_message WHERE active='1' AND (view=0 OR view=3)
LINE 20: SELECT * FROM dragonfly_autonews WHERE time<=1110458957
LINE 133: SELECT s.*, sc.title AS cattitle, t.topicimage, t.topictext FROM dragonfly_stories AS s LEFT JOIN dragonfly_stories_cat AS sc ON (sc.catid=s.catid) LEFT JOIN dragonfly_topics t ON t.topicid=s.topic WHERE s.ihome=1 ORDER BY display_order DESC, sid DESC LIMIT 0,10
LINE 252: SELECT * FROM dragonfly_bbsmilies
-Bob :D
There are over a hundred stories in the archive, so you should be able to see them.
I checked the archive, and it looks like something screwy happend with the files. Rolled it back to a version from a few days ago. Everything should be ok now.
I have the debug output enabled while I'm troubleshooting a problem with the image gallery. What you're seeing is the query dump. It'll go away eventually.
I tried the story Archive but got this message
On /index.php?name=Archive
While executing query "INSERT INTO dragonfly_Archive_userdata (user_id, access_level, show_features, is_admin) VALUES (23,40,1,)"
the following error occured: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 1
In: D:\Data\Sites\dragonfly\modules\Archive\archive.php on line: 24
This was caused by an error in the Story Archive login code. Error found and fixed.
I tried the story Archive but got this messageOn /index.php?name=Archive
While executing query "INSERT INTO dragonfly_Archive_userdata (user_id, access_level, show_features, is_admin) VALUES (23,40,1,)"the following error occured: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 1
In: D:\Data\Sites\dragonfly\modules\Archive\archive.php on line: 24
to top!
Sorry, I was the last person to post in the other 5 forums so I just thought I'd go for the full complement. My choice of which topic to bump was totally arbitrary.
I checked the story archive in community, but I don't see any stories uploaded. Are there stories that have yet to be submitted or if this is a problem?