If you have seen inflation in any anime series tell it to us! :D (Include episode number if you can)
What i have seen: Neon Genesis Evangelion ep.10.
Luv wave (dont know how its spelled): Dont remember episode but that inflation was hot! :twisted:
Tell us! :)
There's also one that was once in ye old Video vault called "Cobra" - where a woman and a guy get blown up into a big round ball.
A sailor moon episode which had a short lived monster who was a female balloon. The video of it used to be around but have lost track of it. (Doing a google search revealed ep 132 or something.
Picture of her here: http://ryen.net/cels/wishlist/puuko.jpg )
Another is in one called "Bondage game". Never seen the whole thing. The reason being is that the contents of the film are absoleutly grotesque (don't quote me on this but its contents range from scat to dismemberment and other gross things like that). The "highlight" is a scene where a woman gets a forced enema and her stomach gets pretty big. You can probably find it on one of the Yahoo groups.
There's one or two more, but I can't remember their names. They were pretty forgetable scenes anyway.