LutherVKane Twitter Account Hacked

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LutherVKane Twitter Account Hacked

Not quite sure how it happened, but my twitter account, LutherVKane, got hacked. I got an email notifying of a new login, then another indicating the email on the account had been changed. Whoever hacked it doesn't appear to be doing anything with it so far, but I recommend unfollowing. And if you haven't already, enable 2-Factor Authentication on your own account.

It's an annoyance, but not a catastrophe. I'm starting over as Luther_V_Kane.


That's awful! I am sorry to hear that your account got hacked....there are people in this world that are worse and just downright evil. Thank you for letting everyone know about this. I hope things will be rectified and cleared up for you, as well as hope you are doing well otherwise. 


Again, I am sorry to hear about this, Mr. Kane. 


That sucks big time