For those wondering about real inflation...

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For those wondering about real inflation...

I wouldnt recommend it, but air is probably the safest way to go if you want to give it a try out of curiousity. The first time I tried it with an electric air pump it felt amazing.

So much so that I made a habbit out of doing it (im a raging glutton) after about the eighth time I did it the pain started to outweigh the pleasure. I asked my doctor about why I kept getting cramps increasing in intensity and admitted to my fetish and he said it had something to do with the muscles in my colon becoming overdeveloped and wasnt anything serious.

It was just really painful, so much for gradually increasing my capacity. I havent done it since, though I could probably get away with it once in a blue moon. I just wanted to tell my little story so no one makes the same mistake I did.


Just out of curiousity.
How does one go about inflating ones self?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Balloony belly boy

Multiple ways.


I personally enjoy an aquarium pump to inflate but if your wanting to go at your own pace I would suggest a bicycle pump.


I have taken enemas before and I love the big sloshing feeling I get with every movement but oral water inflation I haven't tried but I have also heard that it is very dangerous and it could be said an enema is dangerous as well so if your thinking about water inflation do research before experimenting.


This one is pretty straight forward and I'm sure you can figure it out.

  • BBB
Cosinusitis's picture

We will soon reach new records of necroposting.

Not only it's a reply to a 12-year-old comment, but on top of this it's about a topic that's becoming very restricted if not outright prohibited on BI!

My username is stupid.

Better known as Poqato on the art scene.

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

This thread is twelve years old. How on earth do you manage something like this? Is it that hard to see the post date???’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


I haven't had that problem. After a while of getting so big that it really stretches your skin I was sore when I woke up in the morning. I had to give it a break for 2 weeks but after that I was back to normal. Every once in a while I'll have to give it a break because I stretched too much.


Mortos, I cant think of any socially acceptable way to put it... so to put it bluntly you have to stick a hose in your butt thats connected to some kind of pump AKA an enema. This is the quickest way to do it.

I use to enjoy stuffing and I still do, I just cant really afford to blow alot of money on food. Atleast air is free.

Ophidia wrote:
Mortos, I cant think of any socially acceptable way to put it... so to put it bluntly you have to stick a hose in your butt thats connected to some kind of pump AKA an enema. This is the quickest way to do it.

This is coming from a person who's never actually inflated before: how far in does the hose have to be for the inflation to work?


Not all that far. Just enough for you to feel the air going in is fine.

And such is me! I'm always bored and always open to chat or what have you. ^^


Having it in atleast 7 or more inches minimizes discomfort.


Don't put it in too deep though. You could puncture your colon!


Would you need any lube for putting in a hose?


Naw...just cram 'er right up the ol' kazzoo! :twisted:

Mentalyinsane's picture

Probably not the best idea to use helium. You get all high and might turn the hose on full blast and then you go boom. And thats not a good thing. This is if you put the hose down your throat. I haven't tried shuving it up my @$$ yet......... *shuvs helimun tank hose up his @$$* OH MY F&@%ING COLON!!!!!!!!!!

The name's Noitalfin,

darth_clone19's picture

am not a doctor, but am pretty sure this is dangerous. if it wasnt, we would be born with an air pump. just be careful. i hope no inflation artists do it, cuz i dont wanna imagine one day u just disappear from the community cuz somethin went wrong doing this lol

 -   Read my stories: 


Ok, so what am I doing wrong? I tried it (with a hose from a detachable shower head), but the water just come rushing out.

Bbwhite wanted to be a balloon,

Filled up like one, and popped like one too.


I don't like water personally, air works better. If you need help give me an IM on yahoo as pumpme4fun

darth_clone19 wrote:
am not a doctor, but am pretty sure this is dangerous. if it wasnt, we would be born with an air pump. just be careful. i hope no inflation artists do it, cuz i dont wanna imagine one day u just disappear from the community cuz somethin went wrong doing this lol

What do you mea *BOOM*


Just like anything else in life, it's only dangerous if you don't know what you're doing or do it wrong. Driving is dangerous, were we born with a steering wheel attached to our hands? People do this all the time. Your body stretches an amazing amount if it is allowed to do so slowly. Look at how huge a woman's uterus gets over a long time, is THAT dangerous?? The trick, as everyone keeps saying, is that if it hurts, STOP. Pain is how your body tells you something is wrong. But it can be done painlessly and safely. I have seen scores and scores of pictures of people who have accomplished absolutely amazing inflated bellies, on a really cool Yahoo group that has since been deleted "for administrative purposes" (what a load of bull). I didn't believe in it myself until I started reading about people's experiences in that group and a few others. It's a shame the group is gone now! :(

pumpme4fun would be kind of nice if they made another group for real inflation :(


I did it! It was amazing. Sorry I never IM'd you, pump, but with a wife who is always home, it is tough to sneak in a chat about something she doesn't approve of. Hard enough to try it. Thanks.

Bbwhite wanted to be a balloon,

Filled up like one, and popped like one too.


I must say, it's the first time I've heard of anyone actually doing this! :)

And I have to say, YES I have tried this myself.


I brought a small electrical pump (like the ones used on paddling pools) and took it home.

Then, that night, I plugged it in, laid on my bed in just my pants, and (rather nervously) switched it on.

I must say it was AMAZING. Just lying there having the air rush into my mouth & feeling my lungs tighten was quite exciting.

HOWEVER, I only lasted about a few SECONDS, because by that time my lungs felt rock hard and my cheeks felt like they were about to CRACK.

At that point I spat the hose out and JUST GASPED! :0

That is the ONLY time I've ever done that.

After that I put it in it's box and stuffed it under the bed to gather dust. I have since brought a cheap plastic foot pump, and I've used that a couple of times, but I have to sit up for that (and even then I can only get 2-3 pumps before reaching the cheek-cracking stage).


You need to avoid letting the air get into your lungs, for instance by trying it anally (which i find impossible for some unknown reason) or by going with the oral route but holding your breath out so the air fills your stomach and intestines rather than your lungs.



Also, the lungs are a dead end but the digestive system has the safety mechanism of burping or farting.



Do not. Inflate. Your lungs. Too much positive pressure can lead to alveolar rupture, which in turns leads to air leaking into parts of your body where there should not be air. Pulmonary barotrauma is a nasty thing.