Strange inflation thoughts for real world problems

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Strange inflation thoughts for real world problems

So last night I came home from work to discover the overflow pipe outside my flat had a steady stream of water coming from it; which was pooling in the car park below. I know absolutely nothing about plumbing, but even I know it's not suppose to do that.

After investigating and making some frantic phone calls I worked out it was a problem with the water tank. A quick search with Google and some time bending the the ballcock arm with a wrench (I'm a firm believer in the hit it till it starts working again school of repair) and I'd got it fixed.

What does this have to do with inflation, you're now asking yourself.

Well this morning I suddenly had a strange thought. What if, on discovering water spewing everywhere, I could call in the services of a female (or male for the ladies) water inflation specialist. She'd come in, hook herself up to the leak and happily contain the water while you hunt down the problem and sort out a fix. Much more fun that just turning off the mains but there is the risk that you could become rather distracted and take much longer to fix the problem.

I suppose my question is, does anyone else have strange thoughts like this or an I just weird? :lol:


A strange thought yes, but you are not weird in any way. And it is an interesting thought.


I do have a thing about using inflation as a form of therapy.



or even for female fire fighters, inflate really big with water then release it on the fire


If I can pop and reform indefinitely, I'd take the serums from "The Spa" and clean up in the demolition business!!


To say nothing of the advertising potential if the abilities in the Racer X series were real...:-)


Not weird at all. ;)

This isn't a bad idea, inflation solutions for real world problems. You got the firefighter already mentioned...

Then there's the thought of blowing myself up to make a nice safety jump for someone up on a roof or something. I think I'd make a nice cushy landing. :P

oh2bpreg's picture

my variation of the scenario would have the attractive plumber hook me up to take all the water while the leak is fixed. Of course, there would be occasional mistake which causes the flow of water to increase dramatically. :)

failsafe wrote:
Not weird at all. ;)

Then there's the thought of blowing myself up to make a nice safety jump for someone up on a roof or something. I think I'd make a nice cushy landing. :P

The only problem I can see with this is the large number of inflation fans suddenly willing to fling themselves off a cliff.

It's nice to hear I'm not the only one who does this kind of thing. this morning's thought was along the lines of - what about a tattoo place that did really small tattoo's that are only designed to be fully visable when the bearer is fully inflated.


Hahaha, I've definitely thought about inflation solutions to the difficulties of reaching very high places... instead of using a personnel lift, or ladder, or whatever, something you could fall from, why not just blow yourself up with helium until you could safely float up to the right height and have someone tether you off at the ground. Only problem, depending on how your body responds to being inflated, would be whether or not you would still have resonable use of your limbs when you got there.

doubleintegral's picture
Ghostfyre wrote:
Only problem, depending on how your body responds to being inflated, would be whether or not you would still have resonable use of your limbs when you got there.

Easy - inflate the nearest attractive lady instead and attach a gondola to her.

doubleintegral wrote:
Ghostfyre wrote:
Only problem, depending on how your body responds to being inflated, would be whether or not you would still have resonable use of your limbs when you got there.

Easy - inflate the nearest attractive lady instead and attach a gondola to her.

Nah, I'd attach an engine to myself and then inflate myself. I can watch any sports game with an aerial view!

hfilled wrote:
Nah, I'd attach an engine to myself and then inflate myself. I can watch any sports game with an aerial view!

You could still make use of some kind of basket and charge people for premium seating :lol:

Balloony belly boy

As an inflater myself I can attest that once inflated a belly may begin to sound like a drum so I would like to see a female instrument drum line, the girls can be inflated to different sizes so a bigger belly would mean a tighter drum. It doesn't really solve any real life problems but I thinks its a cool concept.

As for a real life problems I live in an old house so needless to say it becomes incredibly cold indoors during winter and you feel like your melting in the summer, so you get a girl called your cli-mate and she is here to help during the harsh seasons. In the summer you could have her drink a bunch of cold water so you can snuggle up with her nice cold belly when it's blazing outside and in the winter she can drink tea or hot water so her belly becomes a large hot water bottle to keep you warm in the cold winter.

  • BBB

Alright, we really need a goddamn stickied topic telling people not to post in topics that are several years old.  It might not help much, but if even one person is dissuaded from doing so as a result, that's a step in the right direction.

Overblown's picture

Speaking for myself, I have thoughts like this all the time, so I don't really consider it strange or bizarre.  

I frequently contemplate how much easier (or fun) some things would be if I could just function as an inflatable human air compressor.  :P

The human imagination is a wonderful thing. :)