Penis/Testical Inflation

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MrDarkHeart69's picture
Penis/Testical Inflation

I'm a big fan of male or female possessing the normally male genital inflation and bursting of said parts. I do love to RP about them and try to read any stories about them. I understand that most of them usually is. Girl gives blowjob, man enjoys blowjob, girl blows, man becomes balloon. But what I personally enjoy is that but the air is forced into his testicles instead of his body. I understand that isn't how it would work. 

I do also enjoy it when it's a non gas inflation. Like a hose could be attached to his "hose" and give him some water balloons for balls. Or my personal favorite, orgasm denial and he just fills up with his own sperm until they blow. 

Magic, Hose, Gas, Liquid, Drugs that induced raped growth, I love it all! So if you want to RP, hit me up, mostly at because I'm new here and don't quite understand everything just yet. Thanks for reading this far. Have a good day!

PurpleWine333's picture

Blow job inflation? The name makes so much sense o_o

Time for a nice, healthy dose of CHAOS

MrDarkHeart69's picture


Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

This could potentially be the wrong forum to post this in. I mean, rock on that you like something weird and kinky, But it's not really a topic of general discussion, And it's lookin' like you'd wanna be startin' some RP's up with some fine kinky folk.’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

MrDarkHeart69's picture

Yea sorry, I'm new here. I just saw there was a RP form. Sorry for that.

Machinequeen's picture

Why is this the wrong forum to post on? This is a fetish forum, revolving around inflation. Whats so wrong about Genital inflation?


Edit: Reread it. Don't drink and post stuff on BI Forums. 



MrDarkHeart69's picture

Drink all you want but stay away from everyone and anything but a bed.


Hi! I am a personal fan of the blowjob inflation but I really like it in the normal way simply blowing somebody up givin a blowjob but without any kind of hose or water pumping... so I think it is too weird to RP on something like this... Have a good day :D

Overblown's picture

I've toyed around with the concept of literal blowjobs, as well as other methods of genital inflation, in the past.  It's an interesting idea, though definitely one with a limited audience.  

I brewed up a few scenarios/story ideas revolving around it, but ultimately never did anything with them.