Does anyone remember

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Does anyone remember

I remember that it was a huge inflation site (second to, of course), but it had a lot of pics. It was run by someone by the name of Frostbyte, and then it disappeared! If anyone has any info on it, please reply! It was so cool...


It went kaput and many fans of the site put together a Stuffedonline salvage yahoo group, now where did I put that link? *shuffles about through draws* ah hah!

Enjoy good buddy n_n


I wouldn't say that Stuffed was an inflation site. It was more for the feeder/gainer/fat group. :?


Yeah, Stuffed Online was more about... stuffing... XD
I mean, about girls eating huge amounts of food, and getting large bellies because of it (but sadly, not all stuffing stories/art were related to WG... yeah, weird).
Frost just got tired and decided to put it down. Then someone had a copy of the site, and wanted to put it on his own host, but an idiot menaced to "sue" him or something... as if the hundreds of artwork where his to forbid someone to post them... if the guy didnt had to give up, I would suggest to make a complete new site (lets say... Belly Stuffing, yeah, that works), contact all the artists, get their permissions, and rub it at that idiot's face, and post everything back up.


I loved stuffed.. Im sorry to say but IMO it was the best.

Hundreds of free pictures, huge, story archive, active boards.. it had it all.