Hey folks,
Although the primary interest of the site tends toward more pneumatic issues I thought I'd test the waters regarding issues of BTE.
My later work had focused more on big leg/butt growth stuff and I'd like to get back into that genre. It had received a good response back during the years of the Bigtime site but seemed to slack off buring the time of my Phat Bottoms site.
I'm not ignoring inflation though. I'd like to do some inflation stuff but this time I aim to do BIG stuff. Like, tremendous and unimaginable sizes.
What's the consensus on preferences these days regarding these things?
Also, back on my Phat Bottoms site someone posted a story in the message board once about a plot involving a girl, her boyfriend, and some sort of "stim pad" which caused her to undergo some tremendous weightgain in the legs and butt.
I never was able to contact the author and never heard from them again. Any chance that author is still out there and reading this site? if so, get up with me via a private message or post.
Who doesn't like an inflated butt? 8)