A call to LutherKane

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A call to LutherKane

Hey Luther!

This may be a dumb suggestion, but mebbe you should like try setting up a chatroom and putting a webclient for it so people can get to it through the web. I knwo you're busy that's why it's just a suggestion not an order or a shout-out that you need to do it. It would just be cool, ya know? Since this board is fairly popular and it shows that the inflation community is ready to re-take IRC once more with a powerful leader at the helm! *lightning bolt*

..uhm.. *ahem* ..anwho, just a suggestion, no need to actually do it if everything is way too hectic right now. n_n;

LutherVKane's picture

Hi there, sorry I didn't respond to this sooner.

A chat room is a good idea, but I don't know how well it would work. The site doesn't have much bandwidth, so I'd have to see how much of a strain a chat room would put on the server.

But it would be fun to have a place where we could interact with other inflationists in real time. IRC channels are cool, but a central location that could be accessed by anyone with a web browser would be more effective and probably more popular.

I'll investigate what options are available for setting up a chat room in CPG-Nuke.