The new blueberry scene

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The new blueberry scene

To be honest, prefered the original.

LutherVKane's picture

I think the new scene is better, for a few reasons.

First, Violet gets huge. In the end, she's towering over the other characters. Inflations of that size in live action movies are extremely rare.

Also, in this movie you see the aftermath. There's an extended scene where other characters interact with Violet in her inflated state. They roll her around and bounce on her so you can see lots of little touches that drive home her predicament. Violet's face is puffy, her hands and feet leave indentations where she's bulged around them, her belly's poking out of her clothes. It's all done with a level of detail that I've never seen before in a movie. Usually when a character blows up, you get a quick inflation and that's it.


This is Tim Burton we're talking about. He doesn't do things in half-measures. No half-assed attempts from him, it's whole-assed entertainment! :D