Email change?

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Email change?

Is there any way whatsoever to switch out my e-mail address from my profile? Or perhaps completely delete it? It's been almost four years since I've gotten a single shred of spam in my inbox. It was until I signed up here that changed all that. ~_~ The profile settings apparently don't allow you to change your addy at all. And what about folks who change servers/accounts to where they HAVE to get a new address? Can this be fixed?

It's nothing against this community at all, for I wouldn't even BE here if it wasn't my cup of tea. ;) But I've managed to keep a pretty clean spam/virus-free state on my PC for quite some time, and I'd like to be able to keep it that way.

If it means me deleting this character and remaking it with different information, I'll accept that option as well. I'd appreciate your thoughts on this. Thanks! ^___^

LutherVKane's picture

Currently, you can't change your email address. That will change at some point in the future when I can assemble a reliable mechanism for doing so.

I can either delete this account, or you can send the request via private message and confirm it from your new address, and I can reset your address manually.

LutherVKane wrote:
Currently, you can't change your email address. That will change at some point in the future when I can assemble a reliable mechanism for doing so.

I can either delete this account, or you can send the request via private message and confirm it from your new address, and I can reset your address manually.

can you please delete my account. I can't figure out how to do it.