Do you inflate?

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Do you inflate?

I'm sure this topic has been discussed before, but do you inflate? Meaning, do you put on somekind of bodysuit, oversized sweats, etc, and blow up ballons, beachballs, even large plastic trashbags to inflate? If its a bodysuit of some type, where did you get it? Inquiring minds want to know......


hehe, I've used binbags, fashioned myself a pair of trousers from them, of course it didn't work too well. I use a rubber ring, like a pool toy around my waist underneath my trousers.


I do at times... its hard to have to house to yourself at times. ^_^;

But I used a trash bag under my shirt one day, and inflated it with an air pump made for a bed. It felt pretty good, but I wish I could get a suit. >_<

You might wanna try Google if you wanna look for a place you wanna buy them online. Or you could try a local adult store, they might have one.

@Carnatic: Hehe, never thought of using a pool intertube before. And I remember they being one somewhere around the house. *goes in search for it*


I find it very sexy when women do it.


Oh yeah, I would much rather find myself a girl who would happily do the pool ring thing.


Every once in a blue moon I still do things like stuffing my clothes or blowing up a balloon under my shirt or whatever. My favorite thing to do though is to put on my bathing suit and some stretchy jogging shorts, stuff a large garbage bag inside with the open end at the top, and stand in the shower holding the open end up to the stream of water while the bag fills up. You'd be amazed how much that swimsuit can stretch! :wink: and I think the water works a little better than air because it stays put and fills out a little more "realistically".

As much as I get off on doing these things when I know there's absolutely no one else around, I don't know if I could EVER be comfortable doing it with someone else present, or letting them do things to me, even if the other person was an inflationist too. It's just too private to me.

Ghostfyre wrote:
Every once in a blue moon I still do things like stuffing my clothes or blowing up a balloon under my shirt or whatever. My favorite thing to do though is to put on my bathing suit and some stretchy jogging shorts, stuff a large garbage bag inside with the open end at the top, and stand in the shower holding the open end up to the stream of water while the bag fills up. You'd be amazed how much that swimsuit can stretch! :wink: and I think the water works a little better than air because it stays put and fills out a little more "realistically". As much as I get off on doing these things when I know there's absolutely no one else around, I don't know if I could EVER be comfortable doing it with someone else present, or letting them do things to me, even if the other person was an inflationist too. It's just too private to me.

I think I know the feeling. I started stuffing inflatables in my clothes when I was 9 years old and have continued to do so on occassion ever since, but I never heard of anyone else doing it until I was 18 years old. So for 9 years I thought I was the only one, I thought I was crazy, and the inflation became an extremely secret and guilty pleasure for me. Even now I usually shy away from talking about it, even among inflation fans.

Inflate123's picture

Hey Wren, you stole my backstory! :) I had very similar experiences, and we both have a mutual friend in the community who will likely chime in with agreement that his experiences growing up were similar.

I have not done "props" for a while, but I did for years. Only in the last three or four years have I really moved away from them. And I agree that I need to be alone to get in the right mindset for it. I do NOT want to be discovered while the air compressor is humming away or when something's squeaking under a layer of spandex...!