How about an inflatable fetishists holiday?

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Inflate123's picture
How about an inflatable fetishists holiday?

Click the link below and tell me your thoughts. I think it'd be fun.


Gads! The only comment over at your blogspot is an automated spam. That pretty well sums up the sort of reaction we might expect from the mundanes of the world, but I'm all for it! I especially like the idea that a holiday would give us an "excuse" or target date to create new content.

WakkaFan's picture

A smashing idea. I predict artists creating fake holiday cards for this with hilarious results. Check out my deviant art. The dreaming god has awakened; you hardly remember dying. Before you ask I actually do end some of my sentences with "ya?".

Archangel_Dreadnought's picture

Thats a swell idea.

So many inflation drawings lack flow/life, they are just a girl standing around with a hose stuck somewhere and large whatevers.

Inflate123's picture
Archangel_Dreadnought wrote:
Thats a swell idea.

Insert rimshot here. :)


I dunno, holidays are usualy made up for commerce, and to get days off work and college, and we already draw/write whenever we want... but the idea still appeals to me. The holiday card things looks interesting :)


I like that idea. there's a day for everything else so why not this! although something in the first half of the year seems apropriate to me, because you can already tie inflation fairly easily to halloween and thanks giving, both of which are in the fall.


I guess I'll ask: why? Most holidays are to remind you of something you may have forgotten during the rest of the year, I don't think it's all that likely that we're going to forget our kinks. I'm not saying I have a problem with the idea; if it's just something you think would be fun, that's enough of a why for me. I just think the question is worth asking, what do you want to accomplish with a holiday?

Also, how would we celebrate it? People do what they're always doing but keep in mind that it's a 'special day'?

I'm not getting down on the idea, I'm just thinking a holiday should be about something more than 'just another day, but a holiday.' I think if it was something like, say, the anniversary of the first-ever 'inflationists convention' (furries can have em, why the hell don't we??), InfCon or something (BiggerCon might be more all-inclusive though), and announced at said event, THAT would be something worth celebrating and remembering. I mean, damn, we might be able to make some real commerce happen, get some more stuff made by showing it could be sold. (my personal crusade ;) )

But I suppose if you wanted to announce the holiday and then someday have a con on that day it would work that way, too. I guess I just think there needs to be something more substantial behind a holiday.

The Warlock

darth_clone19's picture

Off topic, I just wanna say to Warlock that my nightmares would come true if our fetish would have a convention, commerce, and mainstream acclaim. I would shoot myself. Id rather this be something secluded we only get a fix off this page and few others out there.

 -   Read my stories: 

darth_clone19 wrote:
Off topic, I just wanna say to Warlock that my nightmares would come true if our fetish would have a convention, commerce, and mainstream acclaim. I would shoot myself. Id rather this be something secluded we only get a fix off this page and few others out there.

That is one of the most selfish statements I've ever heard. Why on earth would you not like the idea of inflation becoming a popular fetish? What is wrong with an inflation fetishist launching a convention, commerce, and mainstream acclaim?


darth_clone19 wrote:
Off topic, I just wanna say to Warlock that my nightmares would come true if our fetish would have a convention, commerce, and mainstream acclaim. I would shoot myself. Id rather this be something secluded we only get a fix off this page and few others out there.

Why? Would you rather new stuff was only made when people had the time and felt like giving away free stuff?

Besides, you wouldn't have to participate in any conventions, commerce, or mainstream acclaim. I never brought up 'mainstraim acclaim,' btw...sounds to me like someone wants to keep quiet, which is fine, but you shouldn't try to have your desire to remain unknown affect those who don't. Hell, only three or four people in this particular world know who I really am, but if we had a con where people would be selling art or stories or someday maybe even short films, I would probably go.

I want commerce because with money comes better stuff, plain and simple. If people are willing to pay for something, the quality of that something is bound to go up as creators try to get paid. Creators create more and can maybe make a living doing so (if they want to), we get more choice stuff and choice of stuff, everyone wins. Why would that be bad?

Wren wrote:
What is wrong with an inflation fetishist launching a convention, commerce, and mainstream acclaim?

Side note: is someone making plans?? ;)

Also, to answer the unspoken questions: yes, I would organize a con if I had the time and thought I could raise the money and attract creators (I think Kris Overstreet and the EL Pub folks would be good to start with, but that's only because I'm mostly into BE and I know they have stuff they'd like to sell). I think Wren and maybe Mr. 123 can back up my organizational skills. ;) I don't have the time, though, and I don't think I could get the money. I bet I could attract creators, though. ;) Cons are damn tough jobs, from what I've seen. If someone wants to, I'll sure as hell help, but I can't front it. One of the things to add to the list of stuff to spend money on if I hit the lottery. I'll let you know when it happens. ;)

The Warlock


you know, we should make it sort of an underground holiday, one the inflation community would celebrate, when inflators would flock the BI boards, artists and writers would put up their premier work, and basically have a good time. We'd call BImas.


Hehe... I'm all for that. Another holiday for a big parade. And the Inflation Cards (like the Christmas cards) would be amusing to see on the racks. They would more likely be socked beside the balloons. ^_^;

Anywho, I'm up for it, even knowing I'm the only on in the entire area here that has this fetish... for what I know of course.

Inflate123's picture
matt wrote:
you know, we should make it sort of an underground holiday, one the inflation community would celebrate, when inflators would flock the BI boards, artists and writers would put up their premier work, and basically have a good time. We'd call BImas.

My post was half kidding, half serious, and Matt's example was the spot-on for the serious part. Not commerce--community.

I posted these reasons in my blog. Did you read it?


Of course I read it, I read it on your blog before I read it here. But I figured there'd be more discussion here, so I commented here. And I just extrapolated a bit from the idea of a holiday.

I don't really see what a holiday would do for the community unless there's actually something concrete to celebrate, that's all. And I figured I'd mention something I think would be worth celebrating.

The Warlock

Inflate123's picture
The_Warlock wrote:
I don't really see what a holiday would do for the community unless there's actually something concrete to celebrate, that's all.

It almost hurts that I have to post this:

The holiday would celebrate the community itself.

I will save you the rousing St. Crispian's Day speech, but I thought we were concrete enough as a collective of people to warrant an abitrary milestone...for no reason other than we appreciate each other's company, discussion, and artistic efforts.

I would not personally want to attend a convention, because a) I'm shy, b) I value my anonymity, and c) I don't need to see people in person to know they're there. And that's to say nothing of the expense of getting everybody from Here to There.

But one day or one week a year that we could realize, "Hey, at least we have each other," a moment that we could all look forward to just for the sheer enjoyment of having a holiday and hopefully generate new content during that time...that I could get behind. It's free. It's easy. And it's no crazier than Bad Poetry Day or Cow Appreciation Day or Embrace your Geekiness Day, which all exist.

See, it was supposed to be just for the fun of it.


Fair enough. I just don't really like most of the community that much...the majority of them are...well, the kind of folks I don't like for one reason or another. So I wouldn't personally think the community itself is worth celebrating. BUT; I certainly don't have anything against other people celebrating it, I'm not that much of a prick. :p

As for the convention idea, it was just a suggestion of something else to celebrate. I value my anonymity too, but I might be willing to go to a convention 1) to buy new stuff :) and 2) to support the community in that way. I don't know if I'd introduce myself to any of the three (or so) people that already know my real name, but I think I'd go.

Besides, man, you've been signing stuff with your name for years, you've been interviewed for at least one're almost the closest thing we have to a spokesperson. Think about that. ;)

The Warlock

Inflate123's picture
The_Warlock wrote:
Fair enough. I just don't really like most of the community that much...the majority of them are...well, the kind of folks I don't like for one reason or another. So I wouldn't personally think the community itself is worth celebrating.

I see the community not only as a collection of artists and writers and perverts, but also as a support group. Without getting into tons of detail, I was totally beating myself up for even having this interest for a long time. When I met other people online and was able to discuss all this stuff with other people who understood, I took great comfort in realizing I was not alone. That helped me a lot.

I guess it just means more to me than to you. Maybe you've never felt ostracized or alone because of this interest, but a lot of other folks here have. The fact that we have websites and message forums is not something I take for granted, because ten years ago, they weren't here.

There are people in the community I don't get along with; it's inevitable with any group of people. But I have to ask: If you don't like the majority of the people in the community for "one reason or another," why do you remain a part of it? (In fact, are you sure you are a part of it?)

Besides, man, you've been signing stuff with your name for years, you've been interviewed for at least one're almost the closest thing we have to a spokesperson. Think about that. ;)

I don't get your winky-smiley-face point here. What are you suggesting?

I have spoken to authors and media on occasion. I have no problem being interviewed in print and my online name and my first name being attached, but you'll notice, so far, that's where I've drawn the line--no TV, no radio, no photos of my face online. I have turned down media opportunities that required that. So I'm not exactly looking to garner a ton of attention.


Hey, I was as confused as anyone about this kink of mine. I was altering images and writing little stories way before the internet had any graphics on it. However, I learned vary young that nobody's opinion of me mattered besides mine. I felt better when I stumbled across acotto's FTP site, I found I wasn't alone, but I was prepared to be alone if I had to. That's all. I've been around as long as you have, I just came to terms with this kink on my own. I'm glad the community helped you, but ask yourself, was it the people of the community or the mere existance of the community? Or a few standouts in the community, combined with it's existence? Important distinctions, I think.

I see the community as a collection of people, some of which are artists and writers. I don't think much of people in general, and spending as long as I have on various message boards has shown me that our community (or communities, if you seperate them by fetish) is not any better than any other group of people, sexual or not. This isn't something that bothers me (although it is somewhat dissapointing) but it is something I'm aware of. I'm not speaking of specific people I don't get along with, I'm speaking of people in general. I don't think much of people in general, but I take specific people on a case-by-case basis. And I always give them the benefit of the doubt. I'm just not suprised by the people whose first posts are 'that sucks, give me something better for free and make it quick.'

I am definately part of the community. I have been trying for years to get people to think about the community, and where it's going, and how it can get there. To think about how they can make it better. To think about how to be a better part of the community. But very, very few people listen. So I'm trying to show them the possibilities, but I am betting most of them won't listen to that either.

I don't leave because I like being involved, and trying to make things better. I have hope for the future of our community, and if I can help make things better I want to, and now I have the financial means to put my money where my mouth has been all this time. Because I have gotten a lot out of this community; not the same things you have, but I appreciate what I've gotten all the same, and I want to give something back.

My winky-smiley was jokingly suggesting that you might not be as anonymous as you want to be, but if you have a line you don't cross I guess I was wrong. I don't think you're trying to get a lot of attention, I wasn't implying that; but I think you'd make a good spokesperson, personally.

You seem to be reading some hostility in my posts, is that true? I'm not trying to be hostile, I'm just trying to tell you what I think.

The Warlock


Well it shouldn't cause anyone's liver function to fail if we simply make a constructive attempt along the lines of a discussion paper regarding the broader idea.

There are so many facets to what could eventually become some sort of formalized "Declaration Of Indi-Flation".

The day in question could each year, for example, then commemorate the date it was launched.

Inflatable clothing and balloon-fetish stuff has long been out there at the Sexpo's, so there's a potential foot in the door for some crossover or diversification of that already well established corner stall in the adult industry (for another example of the myriad of possible directions this could spread).

I have to cut this short right now but I'll rejoin this discussion in the next couple of days when I've got more time and when I've actually gone and read your Blog, Dan (I've also got some links to some quite good free VST softsynths for your music setup).

"Continue the research..."