Has Cyndi Quit?

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Has Cyndi Quit?

I heard a rumor recently that Cyndi Irresistible has quit offering her services as a voice actress for audio inflation projects. Is this true? I sent her an email about a month or so ago asking about the possibility of hiring her services for a project I'm working on, but she never emailed me back. Another expansion enthusiast on a different forum also reported the same problem. Has she really quit, or is she just taking a break? If anyone has any information on this and would be willing to enlighten me it would be most appreciated.


PS: Sorry if there's already been some sort of official statement on this matter that I simply missed, I'm not that well-connected these days.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."


I too have been wondering. I sent her a message and also have had no response

Inflate123's picture

Cyndi has been on hiatus, partly by choice, partly by circumstance. First she wanted a break from doing the voice overs. Then I moved to a new residence (and she records in my home studio, which was disassembled and unavailable while I moved), then she got busy in real life. So it's very possible that she has not even checked her email for several months.

I will rattle her cage and see if she's up for more VOs. As we get into the holiday season, maybe she'll have some time off or something.

Inflate123's picture

Hey gang, I just checked Cyndi's inbox and there was exactly one non-spam email in there (and it wasn't from Owen). So either they got lost or spam filtered (I checked there too, though) or deleted or I don't know what.

Maybe it's time Cyndi got off AOL and joined gmail. :)


So... should I try sending her another email, or wait for further information?

Just curious.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."

Inflate123's picture

I would send her another mail. She says she has not gotten anything since I posted two weeks ago about it, so she's assuming nobody wants her services right now.

Inflate123's picture

I would send her another mail. She says she has not gotten anything since I posted two weeks ago about it, so she's assuming nobody wants her services right now.