well... I have to say I can't think of any logical reason to stay, but at the same time something just doesn't feel right about the idea to me... It might just be that I don't much like needing to seperate the furry inflation stuff from the non furry stuff from the the things that are just strange enough that I don't want them where people who know me offline would look.
For now I think I'd vote no. I haven't really had any problems with DA except for the occasional request pest, but depending on where things go to in the future I may need to change that...
DeviantArt has generated lots of anguish very little tolerance and respect.
Why are we on DeviantArt anyway? If they don't want us, what do we have to prove by staying?
Here's an idea: Let's get the hell out of there, en masse. Let's stay here and upload our stories and images to the place where they are welcomed. BodyInflation.org can be our new HQ. It should be anyway. Conversation and content are both strong here.
Let's pick a day and just GO. (November 21 was the day the first manned hot air balloon flight took place--but I'm thinking something in the next week or two.) Just remove all your stuff from DA that day, post a final journal entry and say "I'm gone to bodyinflation.org--meet me there."
I am totally down for this. They will see it as a victory for them, that they chased the pervs away. We will see is as a victory for us, establishing a community they can't break. Those who care will follow. Those who don't will have to find a new minority group upon which to pick.
Seriously. Do we need them? Let's do this.
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