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Am I the only one that's starting to get a little bored and flustered at seeing "Newbie" written under their name as their rank? Can't we start getting some more custom titles in and maybe make some of those more famous artists mods? Or atleast give them a flashy rank.

LutherVKane's picture

Yeah, it's kinda silly. I've considered adding some ranks but I haven't put that much thought into it. Perhaps the audience would like to help? Any ideas out there for forums ranks, and how many posts would be required for each level?

As for artists et cetera, it should be pretty easy to add some titles for those who would like to be identified as an Inflation Artist or Inflation Author. I can apply them to qualified people on request.


yey, when i made my 100th post I was anticipating becoming something other than a newbie. There should be an inflation themed ranking system like 'a little bloated' 'busting out' 'well pumped up' 'fit to burst' etc... or something like that :P


Yeah I like that idea. We could do something like.

0-15: Nothin
15-30: Poofed Out
31-50: Bloated
51-75: Straining Clothes

etcetra until we get to like "planet sized" or something


Or allow us to add personal ranks after a set number of posts when we are no longer newbies.

darth_clone19's picture

In cattyn's forum I think he has little inflation related names for member ranks.

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 


I like the idea of custom titles. I'm always one to create a custom title after getting the option so that works for me. For the ranking it'll have to fit with the theme of the board...so...heheh. X3

Never let those who dislike what you enjoy get to you. If they won't bother to understand than it's not worth your time. Hold your head up high and be proud for what you like!