What's up with Cyndi?

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What's up with Cyndi?

Recently, I sent an email to Cyndi Irresistible about the possibility of commissioning her services for a project I'm working on (BIG thanks to Pongo for helping to make this possible). However, it's been over two weeks since I sent the email, and I haven't heard anything back. Is Cyndi still taking commissions, or has she retired/gone on a hiatus from the community? I just thought I should ask and see if anyone had any information.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."

Inflate123's picture

I think she's on hiatus. I haven't heard from her in a little while but I will check.


Thanks Inflate123. I appreciate it. I didn't want to sound impatient - I know Cyndi is a busy woman and that this sort of thing is just a side-gig for her - but I thought I should check just in case. I was worried that I might have somehow sent it to the wrong email address or something.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."


Just thought I'd poke my head in to see if there's been any new news regarding Cyndi. Hope I don't seem like I'm pestering. I'm just curious to know if there's been any change in her 'status', as far as taking commissions goes.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."


Okay, I figured I'd give this one last shot, just for the heck of it.

Does anyone out there know whether or not Cyndi is still taking commissions? I've noticed that her site has gone down, and bee restored, several times already, so I'm curious. As I said, I never got a response to the email I sent her, so I'm just wondering. Is she still on haiatus? Has she quit? Has she returned and I've just been too stupid to notice?

If anyone has any info on the subject, I'd really appreciate it. I don't want to sound like I'm pestering, but it's something I'd really like to get a solid answer on. If Cyndi isn't coming back any time in the near future, then I should start making alternate arrangements for putting the script I have into production. However, if Cyndi is back, or is going to be coming back fairly soon, then I'm quite willing to wait.

Again, I don't mean to sound like I'm pestering anyone, but it's been over 4 months since I first tried to get this project rolling, and I'd really appreciate some answers. If ANYONE has any info on the matter, I'd be really grateful.


- Kurg

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."

Inflate123's picture

So I've spoken to Cyndi and I think she's simply not taking commissions any more. I think it's going to be more of a standard community artist thing with her, where she decides what stories she wants to do, whatever personally interests her -- the way any artist simply draws what they like or a writer creates a story from their own idea. Not every artist or writer takes commissions, so I think she's moving toward that.

We've had some talks about what kind of stuff she wants to do, and I've obviously volunteered my audio services.


Thanks for the info Inflate123, I appreciate it. I'm a little sad that Cyndi's decided to stop taking comissions, but hey, that's her call. I'm thrilled that she's decided to maintain something of a presence in the communit though, and I look forward to seeing what the future has in store.

Thanks again for the heads-up.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."


Is she still going to be doing audio stuff?

Inflate123's picture

Yeah, if she does anything, it's still going to be audio. She has less than no interest in doing photo or video work. (Apparently someone recently asked her for photos, and she politely declined, so naturally, they responded by asking for topless photos...you gotta love pervert logic.)


A lot has happened in the community since this thread last received attention. So much content in so many formats, but I still hope to hear more from Cyndi, partly because she was so good, partly because audio content lets my imagination take care of the visuals, including scenarios impossible or very difficult to generate with video. Her website is gone. Have you had any contact with her recently, Inflate123?

Inflate123's picture

I've actually been talking with her about doing stuff for Airy Tales. The plans for AT have changed dramatically over the last six months and I hope to have some things to actually show (and explain what has been percolating all this time) this summer. She's not taking commissions at the moment, but she said she's game for the AT project.

Her website was auto-deleted when AOL deleted everybody's webpages without warning (including my old billboard site) last October. They just said "we no longer offer website pages for users" and nuked everything without a chance to back it up. I have all her stuff backed up so it's not a huge deal, but it was kinda rude. :)


Thanks, Inflate123
Looking forward to seeing what you've been working on. Please send regards to Cyndi.