Wanted : One D&D Player

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Wanted : One D&D Player

Hello! Yuki again. The story is, that myself and another are starting up a game of Dungeons and Dragons (of sorts!) over AIM. The system is simplified, consisting mostly of roleplay, but the creativity is very generous. Rolling up a character will take you no more then five minutes to do, and then the game will be on its way. If your interested in playing with us, Message projectomicron88 on AIM.

Thanks in advance! ~Yuki

PS: Auditions are open again! Come tell us what you have in mind.


Ooooh. I wanted to join. :( Ah well.

Next time, maybe.


Well, we're back open again, seeking a third player. Hit me up on AIM if you'd like to join in!

DeviantART!: http://baphometdisciple.deviantart.com/


Or me @ YukuTheRogue.


This sucks, noone is seriously interested? We play a fair bit, and its a pretty fun game.


I would join but a bowl of fruit loops + D&D Does not mix :)


Hey, I've still got my character stats from when they were rolled and I'm back online for good now.

Give me a shout and I'll be more than willing to give this a proper shot. ^_^


Still open for new members! Anyone?

Inflate123's picture

I'm waiting until 4th Edition comes out in the summer. Then I'd like to get back into it.

Inflate123 wrote:
I'm waiting until 4th Edition comes out in the summer. Then I'd like to get back into it.

Well, we aren't exactly playing with any addition, persay. The closest I can say is a "Modified/Simplified" 3rd ED. Other then that, its run entirely differently, and stats don't matter COMPLETELY. Character sheets are a loose guideline, basically.


3rd edition, the broken, what the the air, why 3.5 had to be made edition. WHere rangers die, druids can slam you around like every edition and more. If your not going to use a character sheet at all or actually follow the rules of the game, just call it an rp and be done with it. After all that's all one is doing at that point. No point dragging a system in if it has no point,besides it makes Gary roll over in his grave.

Aww I'm sure you can hold just a tiny bit more. *Fwhoomp BANG!* Or um not...

Tippsey wrote:
3rd edition, the broken, what the the air, why 3.5 had to be made edition. WHere rangers die, druids can slam you around like every edition and more. If your not going to use a character sheet at all or actually follow the rules of the game, just call it an rp and be done with it. After all that's all one is doing at that point. No point dragging a system in if it has no point,besides it makes Gary roll over in his grave.

We use a simplified version of the system, that doesn't make it a bad system. We use our characters in combat as well as for RP purposes, but using the system as it's described in core rulebooks would simply take too long.

DeviantART!: http://baphometdisciple.deviantart.com/


Heh, I mainly play 1st Edition AD&D and Classic D&D. :)

I rolled up a character with these two, and it looked like fun, but I'm never on to play. :(


Which just means your rping, after all the system doesn't take that long if you read it have copy paste for roll commands and it gets FASTER then real life. After all 10d6 becomes half a moment and no counting. Trully the sytsem has all its rules for a reason. Rping a fight and dnding a fight play far different heck if you wanted that simple system just use BESM, little dice rolling, lots of rping, and the only dice it ever uses is a d10.

Aww I'm sure you can hold just a tiny bit more. *Fwhoomp BANG!* Or um not...

Tippsey wrote:
Which just means your rping, after all the system doesn't take that long if you read it have copy paste for roll commands and it gets FASTER then real life. After all 10d6 becomes half a moment and no counting. Trully the sytsem has all its rules for a reason. Rping a fight and dnding a fight play far different heck if you wanted that simple system just use BESM, little dice rolling, lots of rping, and the only dice it ever uses is a d10.

We aren't "RPing" the fights though. Attack rolls are still carried out, properly, damage is still traded correctly, HP and AC do matter; characters can die. Outside of combat is a different story. But as for you, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.


Outside of combat dnd is bassicaly just rp, one bluff check can carry a whole conversation, one diplomacy a speech. Search spot climb, just something to see if the rp even suceeded. I don't see how that cluttered things up. And as for things to say, the world is hardly nice, and I just can't go seeing people pretend they're playing a system if they're not. Oh yes and in rps people can still die in fights. I assure you. THe more you talk of the simplification the more it seems perhaps you should look back to the core books, or perhaps the new rules compendium, as other then grappling and choosing spells things ussually take little time.

Aww I'm sure you can hold just a tiny bit more. *Fwhoomp BANG!* Or um not...


Firstly, I don't know who your DM is, but a single check hardly carries a conversation with mine. Secondly, if you aren't interested in playing, just go away. I don't appreciate trolls. Take it for what it is.

Tippsey wrote:
Outside of combat dnd is bassicaly just rp, one bluff check can carry a whole conversation, one diplomacy a speech. Search spot climb, just something to see if the rp even suceeded. I don't see how that cluttered things up. And as for things to say, the world is hardly nice, and I just can't go seeing people pretend they're playing a system if they're not. Oh yes and in rps people can still die in fights. I assure you. THe more you talk of the simplification the more it seems perhaps you should look back to the core books, or perhaps the new rules compendium, as other then grappling and choosing spells things ussually take little time.

The system does not have to be followed to the letter in order for it to be a good system. If you don't want to play, you don't have to play, but this debate is pointless and should be dropped.

DeviantART!: http://baphometdisciple.deviantart.com/


Actually I was interested but clearly not anymore. Besides one check can carry a conversation,as a diplomacy check takes ten minutes, so it better be an entire conversation. Bluff checks would only cause massive checks if you lied abaout EVERY lttle thing, and the pcs decided to sense it all, piece by piece. And hacking a system up means yes it's a good system, but it's missing parts to keep it balanced. Heck one route through dnd is to never fight just literealy diplomacy and bluff through it all. As I said it sounds like you should look back at the books.

Aww I'm sure you can hold just a tiny bit more. *Fwhoomp BANG!* Or um not...


Once again, a simplified system is not an inherently worse system. Drop it.

DeviantART!: http://baphometdisciple.deviantart.com/


Tippesy, I have to disagree with you on a lot of points. The reason I prefer older editions of D&D over the current is because I liked the looser, more nebulous rules of the past. I don't like leaving things up to dice rolls unless absolutely nesscary.

Also, I'm sure its not your intent, but you are coming off as kind of pushy right now, it may be best to simply agree to disagree and back off.

Inflate123's picture

Funny, at work, we mentioned D&D recently, and a whole bunch of people who have never played before said "Are you starting a game? I have always wanted to try it." And we mentioned that 4th ed was coming with a simplified, more friendly ruleset, and they all said "Great, let's do it!"

Can't be all that bad, and I don't blame people for simplifying or modifying 3rd ed if it's a stumbling block to fun.



I hate to de-rail the thread, but from what I've heard from 4th, its more of a shift in paradigm then a general simplifying of the rules. It seems to be moving away from swords and sorcery, and something more akin to Avatar, Warcraft or Final Fantasy.

While it sounds like less and less my cup of tea, I know some people will enjoy it. As for me- I've got plenty of 1st and 2nd edition to keep me company, satisfied in knowing a whole new group will have their own version of the game.