Yojumbo!: Mostly Failed First Try

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Yojumbo!: Mostly Failed First Try


Well, animator Hector Bustamante is officially off this project because he was to busy with mainstream projects, leaving me to find someone else and start over.

I already found another animator who might fit the bill perfectly, but we're still in discussions.

I hate how this finishes before we got to the gags that would at least partially redeem the kind-of-dumb premise.


Nice ;)

"Do not mistake coincidence for fate." -Mr. Eko

Archangel_Dreadnought's picture

Wow, what shitty animation, I hope the next guy is better. No wonder CattyN didn't like the idea of having that drawing of his animated by guy.

So many inflation drawings lack flow/life, they are just a girl standing around with a hose stuck somewhere and large whatevers.

bostoncowboy's picture

too short and poor plotline


*echo's the last 2 poster*


Yeesh, you guys are negative.

Well, good luck Moore. I hope you can get this off the ground!


While I know not to expect a Hollywood buget for this vid the idea of mixing action with inflation sounds pretty cool, so I hope to see the finish product, I would like see ( or at least know ) why their fighting but that's just me. Now I can't wait to see those gags! :D


Eh, to hell with it. I'm dropping the whole thing.


Damn it... anychance I can takover?

IronHead wrote:
Damn it... anychance I can takover?

Be my guest

Moore wrote:
IronHead wrote:
Damn it... anychance I can takover?

Be my guest

Really? *bows before you* thank you thank you thank you!
I don't know if you still have the script and/or storybroad but if you had that it would help.

AlecDeluxe's picture

I didn't think the animation was bad at all. I have to wonder why videos seem to be held at a different standard than other media highlighted on this site. Maybe I don't frequent this site often enough, but I don't think I've ever seen someone call someone's story or artwork "shitty." Yet people's videos get ripped for their low budgets? Am I the only one who thinks it's nuts to be discouraging these people?

I want to pop so much I could burst!


No, you are not the only one. Animating is 3 times harder and takes a lot more time. I want to say more but I don't know how.

AlecDeluxe wrote:
Maybe I don't frequent this site often enough, but I don't think I've ever seen someone call someone's story or artwork "shitty."

It's a personal thing between Arch and me.

AlecDeluxe wrote:
I didn't think the animation was bad at all. I have to wonder why videos seem to be held at a different standard than other media highlighted on this site. Maybe I don't frequent this site often enough, but I don't think I've ever seen someone call someone's story or artwork "shitty." Yet people's videos get ripped for their low budgets? Am I the only one who thinks it's nuts to be discouraging these people?

The artwork was fine by me. Frankly i'm shocked that their not cheering him on to finish it seeing how we rarely get animeted inflation scenes and when we do it's usully from an anime or a b-rated movie.


1.) I hold all artwork to the same standard. A good deal of stuff that finds it's way on here I do consider shitty, and a waste of time. I agreed the animation of this was pretty shitty, not the artwork.

2.) I'm not seeing any inflation here. BE by air, maybe (and, of course, done before we catch up to action), but not inflation.

3.) Really, I also like a little bit of plot involved to hold my attention, and 2 overly busty girls sword fighting only goes so far, leaving alot left to be desired.

AlecDeluxe's picture
awittyname wrote:
I agreed the animation of this was pretty shitty, not the artwork.

Well, again, that doesn't really answer my question. Why do people feel free to call someone's vids "shitty" when most people have the class and decorum not to criticize someone's stories or art? And even IF someone requests both positive and negative feedback, I don't think "shitty" belongs anywhere in a competent review. If you're close enough friends with the person that you can say that to each other, that's one thing; but keep in mind that when someone's effort is shot down, it may discourage them from making stuff that OTHER people may enjoy, or discourage other artists from attempting new things, so the offense is multiplied.

Granted, this may be a bad example, cuz I have no clue what's going on. But I also understand it's an unfinished work. And I thought the animation was fine, given that it was probably made on a half-a-shoestring budget.

I want to pop so much I could burst!

awittyname wrote:
1.) I hold all artwork to the same standard. A good deal of stuff that finds it's way on here I do consider shitty, and a waste of time.

I think it's really bogus and elitist of you though to consider some art on here a waste of time. No art is a waste of time because in most cases with artists thats how they get better at it. Your pieces of work when you first started drawing anything new were flat out amazing? I agree with Alec on the fact that there is a line between constructive criticism and just being negative. Artists do need to be tough skinned in order to handle negative feedback but shitty isn't exactly feedback.

I'l be honest in saying I wasn't a fan of the video mostly because I am not a fan of BE, but from an animation standpoint it was not bad. Considering I have attempted animation before I can see some amount of effort in it. Nothing mind blowing mind you but a step above most stuff I have seen.


awittyname only posts on these forums just to prove that hes a douche bag. *sigh*

I think it's really bogus and elitist of you though to consider some art on here a waste of time.

Guilty as charged.

No art is a waste of time because in most cases with artists that’s how they get better at it.

Praise mediocrity, in all it's glory!

Your pieces of work when you first started drawing anything new were flat out amazing? I agree with Alec on the fact that there is a line between constructive criticism and just being negative. Artists do need to be tough skinned in order to handle negative feedback but shitty isn't exactly feedback.

A small excerpt from the first link, for those too lazy to actually click:

"Now, I’m going to make something very clear; I was not born producing anything halfway descent in art. If you want to know a true life experience, I was told by my 6th grade art teacher to, and quote: “never pick up a pencil with the intent of drawing again”. Yet, I kept trying. I had no one to hold my hand. None of my art teachers up through high school even batted an eyelash in my direction, they were too busy with the more gifted students.

My guidance counselor laughed at me when I said I wanted to go into college for Graphic Design.

Long nights, endless hours, just sitting and drawing. I have dedicated so much time over that past few years to get to the level that I’m at now, and I still don’t consider myself even close to the high echelon… But I’ve worked hard, and clawed away for every scrap of “talent” that you see and don’t see.

And that’s why I get so annoyed listening to this favor bullshit. I’m not allowed to tell another person the faults of their drawing, because it’s their style, and I may hurt their feelings for telling them that their lopsided anime head isn’t perfect. I’m not allowed to tell someone, whom draws the same pose deviation after deviation, just slightly changing hair and clothing, and doesn’t even get any better with each re-drawing, that they need to try something different; to go study anatomy; to study lights and darks…

I’m not allowed, because it’s “mean”.

No, it’s bullshit."

Well, again, that doesn't really answer my question. Why do people feel free to call someone's vids "shitty" when most people have the class and decorum not to criticize someone's stories or art? And even IF someone requests both positive and negative feedback, I don't think "shitty" belongs anywhere in a competent review.

Nothing works as well as bluntness, especially in this community. Sugar coating may win you friends, but being as low down honest as you can may offend, but gets the point across. If it takes offending the artist to get them to see the flaws in their "great masterpiece" (and believe me, when we all finish a drawing or story, we think it's a masterpiece), then my job is done.

And don't give me any of this "well, you could at least try and help them", because I do help those whom want it. I've never ignored a devart note, IM, chat phrase, etc., of anyone asking for help or advice. I point them to tutorials (sometimes make them myself), point them to resources, so on and so forth.

but keep in mind that when someone's effort is shot down, it may discourage them from making stuff that OTHER people may enjoy, or discourage other artists from attempting new things, so the offense is multiplied.

Cry me a river.

I would love to see these new and original things that people are producing.

Face it, this community is as stale as 400 year old bread BECAUSE we absolutely don't reject anything. Everything and anything is gobbled up, and praised. Anyone who says anything different about the work is normally slammed by 300 inflation crazed zombies slurring "styyyyyyyyyyle".

If an artist is going to be discouraged to not attempt things because of a negative reaction they get, instead of taking said negatives and using them to make positives, then they don't deserve to be artists. Those people are attention whores, doing it for fans and popularity.

awittyname only posts on these forums just to prove that hes a douche bag. *sigh*

Now, now, deven, just because I consider you one of the most obnoxious leeches I've ever come across, and banned you from my devart for throwing a hissy fit because I refused to draw your requests, doesn't mean I'm here just for douchbaggery.


Constructive criticism is hard work. It's easier to call the artist's mother a whore and not invite them to your birthday party. They'll get the idea that the left leg is shorter than the right one, and that the picture doesn't follow a proper line of action.

Trust me. I'm an artist.


Well look at this delicious drama. I've looked at both points through this and I'm gonna have to agree with Witty. He makes true to the point statements concerning with the art section of this fine inflation community. Hell! That can be even applied to the writing section as well. Sometimes being blunt gets your point across. He can be blunt if he wants and as usual he will get retorts such those that have been posted in this thread.

I found the animation not so great. Personally I thought both characters looked the same except with a different color palette. The jiggling of the boobs was ackward at best. Even if they were floating in the air it just doesn't seem to move right. The action...ehh... but all in all, this is my opinion. Am I gonna be told I'm an asshole because I thought it was terrible? Maybe but I don't care.

But so from what I understand is that you can't tell an artist/writer that their current piece is crap (You can be nice and say it needs work) unless you provide some tips for him/her to improve? So you can't say that it sucks because it's being mean? Seriously?

Never let those who dislike what you enjoy get to you. If they won't bother to understand than it's not worth your time. Hold your head up high and be proud for what you like!

MaximillianZetoX wrote:
I found the animation not so great. Personally I thought both characters looked the same except with a different color palette.

Thank you for the advice.

AlecDeluxe's picture
MaximillianZetoX wrote:
But so from what I understand is that you can't tell an artist/writer that their current piece is crap (You can be nice and say it needs work) unless you provide some tips for him/her to improve? So you can't say that it sucks because it's being mean? Seriously?

If you have any kind of class, yes. If you're going to use words like "crap," the burden's on you to back it up. You know the saying about how it takes a carpenter to build a barn but any jackass can kick it down? Applies here.

I want to pop so much I could burst!


There is a A LOT of vitriol in this thread, and I think it needs to be toned down a bit. Witty and everyone else has every right to say whatever they want in this thread- perhaps instead of lashing out at those with critiques you don't agree with, you should press what you feel are good points instead?

While I disagree that harshness is needed to make your point, I imagine it is frustrating for someone to give good, honest critique- and have it shot down by an overly sensitive peer. I'm guessing thats where the bluntness comes from.

Whether I (or anyone else, for that matter) feel that Witty is being nice or polite has no bearing on the fact that he can say exactly what he wants- and thats what someone asks for when they put work up for critique.


Well you can all drop it now because it no longer matters. Got an e-mail from Moore saying to save my money for something else since he's just going to turn around and have it turn into a comic instead.

Inflate123's picture

Shogun nails it. I'd like to propose The Only Rule That Matters:

If you don't want an independent opinion, don't post your work publicly.

Witty's not here to pat anybody on the back, nor is anybody here to kiss Witty's ass. If you want reassurance, your friends can do that privately. If you want an honest and unbiased opinion, then be ready for it.

I've touched on this before, twice.

Improved quality comes from critique. Critique is sometimes sweet and sometimes bitter. Prepare your ego for either or both. The worst that can happen is that your feelings are hurt; the best that can happen is that you become a better artist.

Inflate123 wrote:
If you don't want an independent opinion, don't post your work publicly.

Witty's not here to pat anybody on the back, nor is anybody here to kiss Witty's ass. If you want reassurance, your friends can do that privately. If you want an honest and unbiased opinion, then be ready for it.

And I've taken awittyname's harsh suggestions along with Maximillan's and abandoned the unfeasible animation angle and am changing the outline to give more motive, show the inflation, and trying to find ways to differentiate the characters designs and personalities without overdoing it.

I don't think I really complained at all.

Did the background work, or does it need to be something more lush and full of life.

Inflate123's picture
Moore wrote:
I don't think I really complained at all.

True, and not aimed at you, really -- but it's more advice for Every Creator Out There. When it comes up in specific, it's worth reinforcing in general.