old advert

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inflatingclothes's picture
old advert

Hey dose anyone remember the sugar puffs adverts where school kids turn into honey monster?

I'm not sure if it's inflation or not, but buttons did pop.

Did any of you start by it, so you could pop buttons of your school shirt/blouse.

hope to hear from you.

Contact me via Twitter https://twitter.com/wanna585?t=Ge9klnQkvF2HxSR8dF1efA&s=09

mosherballoon's picture

don't remember ever seeing it, but i do remember seeing an advert for meatballs and some kid ate so much he turned into a meatball.


I remember both of these adverts, must mean that I'm getting old... ^_^;

When I was really little I used to be scared of the Sugarpuffs adverts, but as I got a little older I started having strange fantasies about turning into the monster myself. Thinking about it now, I can probably add transformation to my fetish tally. ^_^

The meatballs one was kinda odd, there was expansion as such... but I'm not too keen on the meatball factor. ^_^;

I'll see if I can hunt these adverts down by going through the family's VHS collection of recorded movies and stuff from tv. Doubt anything'll turn up but I'm willing to have a look for you. ^_^



I remember both... I actually taped the meatballs ad as I was fascinated by it... an early form of my fetish but I was too young to be sexually aware, for a start it was a boy becoming a meatball... at the time though I would have rather it wasn't a meatball.


Sorry to say ALL of my old VHS recordings turned up dry...
Sorry. ^_^;

inflatingclothes's picture

Hi I've found a link on dailymotion it's

Contact me via Twitter https://twitter.com/wanna585?t=Ge9klnQkvF2HxSR8dF1efA&s=09