101 Dalmations the Series

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101 Dalmations the Series

Sorry if I've been asking too many questions.. :oops:

Apparently, there's Cruella inflations in several episodes. I heard of these through a "teaser" post from here http://www.planetfur.com/tf/viewtopic.php?pid=826

The episodes are "You Say It's Your Birthday" and "Good Neighbor Cruella." I have the second one-a bicycle pump is put in her mouth, but it's more a growth than an inflation.

I'm still looking for, "You Say It's Your Birthday," I've seen pieces of the episode but not the inflation itself. I notice she's in a clown disguise and uses a cart with an airhose on it (for balloons). She's wearing a full body green outfit- my imagination really hopes that airhose finds a way into it :P But I've never seen the full thing. Sadly the series hasn't had a DVD release neither, so that makes things even harder.

If anyone who's seen it could help me find the episode somewhere-or at least describe the inflation- I'd appreciate it-thanks!


Do you know wich episode it is? In number? Cause I found a torrent file with many episodes but not a name for each episode

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group


I googled and it says the number is 24


Yep number is 24 (thanks Pumpkin).

I've asked for it on a Dalmations fansite-and I've been patiently waiting FOREVER.... :evil:


I recall seeing the suit inflation in the birthday episode a really long time ago so I only vaguely remember it. I remember an air hose of some sort did get put in Cruella's clown suit and it inflated her and she started floating and she said something like "I'm flying!" but thats all I can remember from it, as it was years ago. Hope that helps, sorry I cant recall anything more than that.


Awesome Deven..just awesome :D Now I can't wait to see it even more!

Looks like patience is my best ally as I wait for someone to e-mail the episode...(they said tomorrow......three weeks ago)


Just an update to say I found the scene!

You know, Deven-that's a damn good memory, because that's the EXACT scene, "I'm flying!" and all. :) It gets stuck into her bottom pant leg, and like one big wave of air from the bottom to top PSHWOOOSHHHH her clown suit's a giant green ball before the hose flies out of her pant leg-sending her zipping around while inflating (a fave ending of mines for air).

Suppose I'll get some screencaps up on here. Thanks for all your help guys!

RenegadeKamui's picture

Great! Any chance you could put it up on YouTube or such?


Glad to hear you found the clip. I'm surprised I rememberd the clip almost exactly as how you said it was, considering I probably saw it a good 7-8 years ago.


I usually don't upload to Youtube, so I decided to file host it, but any of you could upload it to Youtube if you want (download link is at bottom of page):


And I'm submitting screencaps to gallery as I speak. Again, thanks :D


There was another where she was wearing a self inflating divesuit that would float her in the air. It was eventually popped by the chicken when they tussled.