Greetings and a Question

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draconder's picture
Greetings and a Question

Hello there

I am a student studying at university in England. I have been living in Southampton for three years now and quite enjoying it. In real life I enjoy designing computer games. With that I enjoy drawing, from the pencil to the tablet. I also like to role-play, both freeform and paper and pencil as well as LARP. Everyday I would try and take some hills with longboarding, I am new but the boarders here say I am quite nuts. Longboards are like skateboards but longer and designed for speed.

I was looking around the internet for people who might know a thing about real life inflation. You see, I did not know such a thing was possible until a month ago when I accidently stumbled upon a YouTube about this teenager inflating his belly.

This both intrigued and frightened me. It frightened me because I have my fair share of exotic fetishes that are too many to count that can deform the body and would be dangerous and I take solace in the knowledge that this couldn't be done in real life. The inflation videos broke that.

I wanted to give it a try but I was afraid of the dangers and after reading many posts on this website about what people do and how long they have been doing it. I gave it a try and it was fun, seeing my belly fill up like a balloon.

However, the aftermath left me thinking about the risks. I am quite slender and I am worried about things that might deform my body as my current relationship loves the way I look, I worry about things like a distended stomach or stretch marks.

Another thing I worry about is my weight. I watched a documentary about how some people eat more because over the years their stomachs were stretched. I feel I am stretching my stomach and will make me hungrier.

I know these should be the least of my worries when I try inflation but those are the two the go through my head the most. I was wondering if you all can tell me about my worries and if they are true.

Thank you all very much for listening and I hope to hear from you soon.


I've never done it, but I'm sure real inflation is risky. I think that your worries are right. We are not build for inflating ourself. I suggest you stop with it or do it once in a long while (like once in 6 months or something). Don't ruïn your body ;)

Welcome by the way. I like drawing too. And I think role-playing is fun too, but never done it :p


There are those who may tell you that real inflation is harmless -- always with that conditional "if done right." Perhaps certain people can do it, while others can't. We all have our differences. It is also possible that some are not aware of injuring themselves -- some people are tougher than others, and some do not listen to subtle cues from their bodies and must be hit over the head to notice something amiss.

Only you can make the "risk assessment" regarding your actions. You've tried real inflation once, perhaps on a small scale. You've read about some of the potential dangers. Is the "pay off" of doing it compelling enough for you to risk the injuries? Would fantasy or costuming suit you as well, or at least sufficiently to avoid the riskier alternative? Good luck with whatever you decide.

Speaking without any clinical credentials, I'd guess that stretching your stomach from something like inflation would not be enough to turn you into a glutton, if you're not already compelled to eat out of boredom or some other condition.

darth_clone19's picture

Don't do it, period. I Still can't understand why people would do something so irresponsible.

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